taLibrary "ta"
This library is a Pine Script™ programmer’s tool containing calcs for my oscillators and some helper functions.
buoyancy(src, targetPeriod, maxLookback)
Calculates buoyancy using a target of `src` summed over `targetPeriod` bars, not searching back farther than `maxLookback` bars. See:
src : (series float) The source value that is summed to constitute the target.
targetPeriod : (series int) The qty of bars to sum `src` for in order to calculate the target.
maxLookback : (simple int) The maximum number of bars back the function will search.
Returns: (series float) Buoyancy: the gap between the avg distance of past up and dn bars added to reach the target, divided by the max distance reached. Returns zero when an error condition occurs.
Calculates Efficient Work on `length` bars. See:
length : (simple int) The length of the ALMA used to calculate the result.
Returns: (series float) A -1 to +1 value representing the efficiency of price travel, bar to bar.
ma(type, src, length)
Returns the `type` MA of the `src` over the `length`.
type : (simple string) The type of MA required (uses constants that must be defined earlier in the script).
src : (series float) The source value used to calculate the MA.
length : (simple int) The length value used to calculate the MA.
Returns: (series float) The MA value.
divergenceChannel(divergence, hiSrc, loSrc, breachHiSrc, breachLoSrc)
Calculates the levels and states of divergence channels, which are created when divergences occur.
divergence : (series bool) `true` on divergences, which can be defined any way. On breached channels it creates a new channel, otherwise, channel levels are expanded.
hiSrc : (series float) The price source used to set the channel's hi level when a divergence occurs.
loSrc : (series float) The price source used to set the channel's lo level when a divergence occurs.
breachHiSrc : (series float) The price source that must breach over the channel's `channelHi` level for a breach to occur.
breachLoSrc : (series float) The price source that must breach under the channel's `channelLo` level for a breach to occur.
Returns: A tuple containing the following values:
Converts the name of a source in the `srcString` to its numerical equivalent.
srcString : (series string) The string representing the name of the source value to be returned.
Returns: (series float) The source's value.
TR_Base_LibLibrary "TR_Base_Lib"
TODO: add library description here
ShowLabel(_Text, _X, _Y, _Style, _Size, _Yloc, _Color)
TODO: Function to display labels
_Text : TODO: text (series string) Label text.
_X : TODO: x (series int) Bar index.
_Y : TODO: y (series int/float) Price of the label position.
_Style : TODO: style (series string) Label style.
_Size : TODO: size (series string) Label size.
_Yloc : TODO: yloc (series string) Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar.
_Color : TODO: color (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: TODO: No return values
TODO: Function to take out 12 colors in order
_Index : TODO: color number.
Returns: TODO: color code
TODO: Table display position function
_Pos : TODO: position.
Returns: TODO: Table position
TODO: テーブル表示位置 日本語表示位置を定数に変換
_Pos : TODO: 日本語表示位置
Returns: TODO: _result:表示位置の定数を返す
TODO: 足変換、TimeFrameを分に変換
_Tf : TODO: TimeFrame文字
Returns: TODO: _result:TimeFrameを分に変換した値、_chartTf:チャートのTimeFrameを分に変換した値
TODO: TimeFrameを日本語足名に変換して返す関数 引数がブランクの時はチャートの日本語足名を返す
_tf : TODO: TimeFrame文字
Returns: TODO: _result:日本語足名
TODO: Delete Line
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
TODO: Delete Label
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
SupportResitanceAndTrendLibrary "SupportResitanceAndTrend"
Contains utilities for finding key levels of support, resistance and direction of trend.
superTrendPlus(multiple, h, l, atr, closeBars)
A more flexible version of SuperTrend that allows for supplying the series used and sensitivity adjustment by confirming close bars.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
h : The high values.
l : The low values.
atr : The average true range values.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
superTrend(multiple, period, mode, closeBars)
superTrendPlus with simplified parameters.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
period : The number of bars to measure.
mode : The type of moving average to use with the true range.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
superTrendCleaned(multiple, period, mode, closeBars, maxDeviation)
superTrendPlus with default compensation for extreme volatility.
multiple : The multiple to apply to the average true range.
period : The number of bars to measure.
mode : The type of moving average to use with the true range.
closeBars : The number of bars to confirm a change in trend.
maxDeviation : The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
Identifies support and resistance levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses.
Identifies anchored VWAP levels by when a stochastic RSI reverses.
MovingAveragesLibrary "MovingAverages"
vawma(len, src, volumeDefault)
VAWMA = VWMA and WMA combined. Simply put, this attempts to determine the average price per share over time weighted heavier for recent values. Uses a triangular algorithm to taper off values in the past (same as WMA does).
len : The number of bars to measure with.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'hlc3'.
volumeDefault : The default value to use when a chart has no (N/A) volume.
Returns: The volume adjusted triangular weighted moving average of the series.
cma(n, D, C, compound)
Coefficient Moving Avereage (CMA) is a variation of a moving average that can simulate SMA or WMA with the advantage of previous data.
n : The number of bars to measure with.
D : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
C : The coefficient to use when averaging. 0 behaves like SMA, 1 behaves like WMA.
compound : When true (default is false) will use a compounding method for weighting the average.
ema(len, src)
Same as ta.ema(src,len) but properly ignores NA values.
len : The number of samples to derive the average from.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
wma(len, src, startingWeight)
Same as ta.wma(src,len) but properly ignores NA values.
len : The number of samples to derive the average from.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
startingWeight : The weight to begin with when calculating the average. Higher numbers will decrease the bias.
vwma(len, src, volumeDefault)
Same as ta.vwma(src,len) but properly ignores NA values.
len : The number of bars to measure with.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'hlc3'.
volumeDefault : The default value to use when a chart has no (N/A) volume.
get(type, len, src)
Generates a moving average based upon a 'type'.
type : The type of moving average to generate. Values allowed are: SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA and VAWMA.
len : The number of bars to measure with.
src : The series to measure from. Default is 'close'.
Returns: The moving average series requested.
DataCleanerLibrary "DataCleaner"
outlierLevel(src, len, level)
Gets the (standard deviation) outlier level for a given series.
src : The series to average and add a multiple of the standard deviation to.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
level : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: The average of the series plus the multiple of the standard deviation.
naOutliers(src, len, maxDeviation)
Returns only values that are within the maximum deviation.
src : The series to filter results from.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
maxDeviation : The maximum deviation before considered an outlier.
normalize(src, len, maxDeviation, baseline)
Returns the source value adjusted by its standard deviation.
src : The series to measure.
len : The number of bars to measure the standard deviation.
maxDeviation : The maximum deviation before considered an outlier.
baseline : The value considered to be at center. Typically zero.
cleanUsing(src, result, len, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the result series with (outliers provided by the source) removed.
src : The source series to read from.
result : The result series.
len : The maximum size of the resultant array.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
clean(src, len, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the source series with outliers removed.
src : The source series to read from.
len : The maximum size of the resultant array.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
cleanArray(src, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the source array with outliers removed.
src : The source series to read from.
maxDeviation : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
Returns: An array containing the cleaned series.
naArrayOutliers(src, maxDeviation)
Returns an array representing the source array with outliers removed.
src : The array to set outliers to N/A.
maxDeviation : The maximum deviation before considered an outlier.
Returns: True if there were any outliers; otherwise false.
outlierLevelAdjusted(src, len, level, maxDeviation)
Gets the (standard deviation) outlier level for a given series after a single pass of removing any outliers.
src : The series to average and add a multiple of the standard deviation to.
len : The The number of bars to measure.
level : The positive or negative multiple of the standard deviation to apply to the average. A positive number will be the upper boundary and a negative number will be the lower boundary.
maxDeviation : The optional standard deviation level to use when cleaning the series. The default is the value of the provided level.
Returns: The average of the series plus the multiple of the standard deviation.
obvFilterThis library comes with everything you need to add an On Balance Volume (OBV) filter to your strategy.
getOnBalanceVolumeFilter(source, maType, fastMaLength, fastMaLength)
Get the fast and slow moving average for on balance volume
source : hook this up to an 'input.source' input
maType : Choose from EMA, SMA, RMA, or WMA
fastMaLength : int smoothing length for fast moving average
fastMaLength : int smoothing length for fast moving average int smoothing length for slow moving average
Returns: Tuple with fast obv moving average and slow obv moving average
Add this to your strategy
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import jordanfray/obvFilter/1 as obv
obvSource = input.source(defval=close, title="OBV Source", group="On Balance Volume Filter")
obvMaType = input.string(defval="EMA", title="OBV Smoothing Type", options = , group="On Balance Volume Filter")
fastMaLength = input.int(title = "Fast OBV MA Length", defval = 9, minval = 2, maxval = 200, group="On Balance Volume Filter")
slowMaLength = input.int(title = "Slow OBV MA Length", defval = 21, minval = 1, maxval = 200, group="On Balance Volume Filter")
= obv.getOnBalanceVolumeFilter(obvSource, obvMaType, fastMaLength, slowMaLength)
Moving Averages ProxyLibrary "MovingAveragesProxy"
Moving Averages Proxy - Library of all moving averages spread out in different libraries
rvwap(_src, fixedTfInput, minsInput, hoursInput, daysInput, minBarsInput)
Calculates the Rolling VWAP (customized VWAP developed by the team of TradingView)
_src : (float) Source. Default: close
fixedTfInput : (bool) Use a fixed time period. Default: false
minsInput : (int) Minutes. Default: 0
hoursInput : (int) Hours. Default: 0
daysInput : (int) Days. Default: 1
minBarsInput : (int) Bars. Default: 10
Returns: (float) Rolling VWAP
correlationMa(src, len, factor)
Correlation Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
len : (int) Length
factor : (float) Factor. Default: 1.7
Returns: (float) Correlation Moving Average
regma(src, len, lambda)
Regularized Exponential Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
len : (int) Length
lambda : (float) Lambda. Default: 0.5
Returns: (float) Regularized Exponential Moving Average
repma(src, len)
Repulsion Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
len : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Repulsion Moving Average
epma(src, length, offset)
End Point Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
offset : (float) Offset. Default: 4
Returns: (float) End Point Moving Average
lc_lsma(src, length)
1LC-LSMA (1 line code lsma with 3 functions)
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) 1LC-LSMA Moving Average
aarma(src, length)
Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
alsma(src, length)
Adaptive Least Squares
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Adaptive Least Squares
ahma(src, length)
Ahrens Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Ahrens Moving Average
Ahrens Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
Returns: (float) Moving Average
autol(src, lenDev)
src : (float) Source. Default: close
lenDev : (int) Length for standard deviation
Returns: (float) Auto-Line
fibowma(src, length)
Fibonacci Weighted Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
fisherlsma(src, length)
Fisher Least Squares Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
leoma(src, length)
Leo Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
linwma(src, period, weight)
Linear Weighted Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
period : (int) Length
weight : (int) Weight
Returns: (float) Moving Average
mcma(src, length)
McNicholl Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
srwma(src, length)
Square Root Weighted Moving Average
src : (float) Source. Default: close
length : (int) Length
Returns: (float) Moving Average
EDSMA(src, len)
Ehlers Dynamic Smoothed Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: EDSMA smoothing.
dema(x, t)
Double Exponential Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: DEMA smoothing.
tema(src, len)
Triple Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: TEMA smoothing.
smma(src, len)
Smoothed Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: SMMA smoothing.
hullma(src, len)
Hull Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Hull smoothing.
frama(x, t)
Fractal Reactive Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: FRAMA smoothing.
kama(x, t)
Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average.
x : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
t : Lookback length to use.
Returns: KAMA smoothing.
vama(src, len)
Volatility Adjusted Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: VAMA smoothing.
Donchian Calculation.
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: Average of the highest price and the lowest price for the specified look-back period.
Jurik(src, len)
Jurik Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: JMA smoothing.
xema(src, len)
Optimized Exponential Moving Average.
src : Series to use ('close' is used if no argument is supplied).
len : Lookback length to use.
Returns: XEMA smoothing.
ehma(src, len)
EHMA - Exponential Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Hull Moving Average (EHMA)
covwema(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Exponential Moving Average (COVWEMA)
covwma(src, len)
Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Coefficient of Variation Weighted Moving Average (COVWMA)
eframa(src, len, FC, SC)
Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
src : Source
len : Period
FC : Lower Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
SC : Upper Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
Returns: Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average (EFRAMA)
etma(src, len)
Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponential Triangular Moving Average (ETMA)
rma(src, len)
RMA - RSI Moving average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: RSI Moving average (RMA)
thma(src, len)
THMA - Triple Hull Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Triple Hull Moving Average (THMA)
vidya(src, len)
Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
zsma(src, len)
Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Simple Moving Average (ZSMA)
zema(src, len)
Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Zero-Lag Exponential Moving Average (ZEMA)
evwma(src, len)
EVWMA - Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Elastic Volume Weighted Moving Average (EVWMA)
tt3(src, len, a1_t3)
Tillson T3
src : Source
len : Period
a1_t3 : Tillson T3 Volume Factor
Returns: Tillson T3
gma(src, len)
GMA - Geometric Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Geometric Moving Average (GMA)
wwma(src, len)
WWMA - Welles Wilder Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Welles Wilder Moving Average (WWMA)
cma(src, len)
Corrective Moving average (CMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Corrective Moving average (CMA)
edma(src, len)
Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Exponentially Deviating Moving Average (MZ EDMA)
rema(src, len)
Range EMA (REMA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Range EMA (REMA)
sw_ma(src, len)
Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Sine-Weighted Moving Average (SW-MA)
mama(src, len)
MAMA - MESA Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: MESA Adaptive Moving Average (MAMA)
fama(src, len)
FAMA - Following Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Following Adaptive Moving Average (FAMA)
hkama(src, len)
HKAMA - Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average
src : Source
len : Period
Returns: Hilbert based Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (HKAMA)
getMovingAverage(type, src, len, lsmaOffset, inputAlmaOffset, inputAlmaSigma, FC, SC, a1_t3, fixedTfInput, daysInput, hoursInput, minsInput, minBarsInput, lambda, volumeWeighted, gamma_aarma, smooth, linweight, volatility_lookback, jurik_phase, jurik_power)
Abstract proxy function that invokes the calculation of a moving average according to type
type : (string) Type of moving average
src : (float) Source of series (close, high, low, etc.)
len : (int) Period of loopback to calculate the average
lsmaOffset : (int) Offset for Least Squares MA
inputAlmaOffset : (float) Offset for ALMA
inputAlmaSigma : (float) Sigma for ALMA
FC : (int) Lower Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
SC : (int) Upper Shift Limit for Ehlrs Modified Fractal Adaptive Moving Average
a1_t3 : (float) Tillson T3 Volume Factor
fixedTfInput : (bool) Use a fixed time period in Rolling VWAP
daysInput : (int) Days in Rolling VWAP
hoursInput : (int) Hours in Rolling VWAP
minsInput : (int) Minutrs in Rolling VWAP
minBarsInput : (int) Bars in Rolling VWAP
lambda : (float) Regularization Constant in Regularized EMA
volumeWeighted : (bool) Apply volume weighted calculation in selected moving average
gamma_aarma : (float) Gamma for Adaptive Autonomous Recursive Moving Average
smooth : (float) Smooth for Adaptive Least Squares
linweight : (float) Weight for Volume Weighted Moving Average
volatility_lookback : (int) Loopback for Volatility Adjusted Moving Average
jurik_phase : (int) Phase for Jurik Moving Average
jurik_power : (int) Power for Jurik Moving Average
Returns: (float) Moving average
TALibrary "TA"
General technical analysis functions
div_bull(pS, iS, cp_length_after, cp_length_before, pivot_length, lookback, no_broken, pW, iW, hidW, regW)
Test for bullish divergence
pS : Price series (float)
iS : Indicator series (float)
cp_length_after : Bars after current (divergent) pivot low to be considered a valid pivot (optional int)
cp_length_before : Bars before current (divergent) pivot low to be considered a valid pivot (optional int)
pivot_length : Bars before and after prior pivot low to be considered valid pivot (optional int)
lookback : Bars back to search for prior pivot low (optional int)
no_broken : Flag to only consider divergence valid if the pivot-to-pivot trendline is unbroken (optional bool)
pW : Weight of change in price, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
iW : Weight of change in indicator, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
hidW : Weight of hidden divergence, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
regW : Weight of regular divergence, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
flag = true if divergence exists (bool)
degree = degree (strength) of divergence (float)
type = 1 = regular, 2 = hidden (int)
lx1 = x coordinate 1 (int)
ly1 = y coordinate 1 (float)
lx2 = x coordinate 2 (int)
ly2 = y coordinate 2 (float)
div_bear(pS, iS, cp_length_after, cp_length_before, pivot_length, lookback, no_broken, pW, iW, hidW, regW)
Test for bearish divergence
pS : Price series (float)
iS : Indicator series (float)
cp_length_after : Bars after current (divergent) pivot high to be considered a valid pivot (optional int)
cp_length_before : Bars before current (divergent) pivot highto be considered a valid pivot (optional int)
pivot_length : Bars before and after prior pivot high to be considered valid pivot (optional int)
lookback : Bars back to search for prior pivot high (optional int)
no_broken : Flag to only consider divergence valid if the pivot-to-pivot trendline is unbroken (optional bool)
pW : Weight of change in price, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
iW : Weight of change in indicator, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
hidW : Weight of hidden divergence, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
regW : Weight of regular divergence, used in degree of divergence calculation (optional float)
flag = true if divergence exists (bool)
degree = degree (strength) of divergence (float)
type = 1 = regular, 2 = hidden (int)
lx1 = x coordinate 1 (int)
ly1 = y coordinate 1 (float)
lx2 = x coordinate 2 (int)
ly2 = y coordinate 2 (float)
KlintLibraryLibrary "KlintLibrary"
this is my library, for my own use
thanks for reading
Tosch Stacked EMAs (Fibonacci)Library "Tosch_Stacked_EMAs (Fibonacci)"
Returns true if all EMAs are stacked, either way.
Returns true if the EMAs are stacked bullish, false otherwise
Returns the EMA values for lengths 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89
Chaikin Money Flow - LibraryLibrary "Chaikin Money Flow"
Developed by Marc Chaikin, Chaikin Money Flow measures the amount of Money Flow Volume over a specific period.
Money Flow Volume forms the basis for the Accumulation Distribution Line. Instead of a cumulative total of
Money Flow Volume, Chaikin Money Flow simply sums Money Flow Volume for a specific look-back period, typically
20 or 21 days. The resulting indicator fluctuates above/below the zero line just like an oscillator. Chartists
weigh the balance of buying or selling pressure with the absolute level of Chaikin Money Flow. Chartists can
also look for crosses above or below the zero line to identify changes on money flow.
The Accumulation Distribution Line was developed by Marc Chaikin to measure the cumulative flow of money into and
out of an index or security. The Accumulation/Distribution Line can be compared to the OBV (On Balance Volume),
which adds or subtracts volume depending on the closing price. Marc Chaikin chose a different approach, instead
of relying on the closing price, he used CLV (Close Location Value).
Demand IndexLibrary "DemandIndex"
The Demand Index is a complex technical indicator that uses price and volume to assess buying and selling pressure affecting a security.
James Sibbet established six rules for using Demand Index when the technical indicator was originally published. While traders may use variations of these rules, they serve as a great baseline for using the indicator in practice.
The six rules are as follows:
A divergence between the Demand Index and price is a bearish indication.
Prices often rally to new highs following an extreme peak in the Demand Index.
Higher prices with a low Demand Index often indicate a top in the market.
The Demand Index moving through the zero line suggests a change in trend.
The Demand Index remaining near the zero line indicates weak price movement that won’t last long.
A long-term divergence between the Demand Index and price predicts a major top or bottom.
Traders should use the Demand Index in conjunction with other technical indicators and chart patterns to maximize their odds of success.
L_Index_4khansoloLibrary "L_Index_4khansolo"
BoxLine_LibLibrary "BoxLine_Lib"
personal Library for line and box built in functions
get x1,y1,x2,y2 in a tuple
x : TODO: line
Returns: tuple of x1,y1,x2,y2
Create line with only the y1 value(when line == na) or all
when line != na set x1,y1,x2,y2 individually just 1 or all
- use just the line value to set the x2 to current bar or time will set to time
- will auto pick xloc.bar_index or xloc.bar_time if not used
x : (line line,int x1,float y1,int x2,float y2,
string xloc,string extend,color color,string style,int width)
Returns: Line
get left,top,right,bottom in a tuple
x : box
Returns: tuple of left,top,right,bottom
Create line with only the top,bottom value(when line == na) or all
when box != na set left,top,right,bottom individually just 1 or all
- use just the box value to set the right to current bar or time will set to time
- if right is above a number that a bar_index wouldnt be
x : box box,int left,float top,int right,
float bottom,color border_color, int border_width,
string border_style,string extend,string xloc,
color bgcolor,string text,string text_size, color text_color,
string text_halign,string text_valign,string text_wrap)
Returns: TODO: Box
DegreeALineLibrary "DegreeALine"
TODO: add library description here
Degree(x1, y1, x2, y2)
TODO: add function description here
x1 : First X coordinate of a line, index of the bar where the line starts.
y1 : First Y coordinate of a line, price on the price scale.
x2 : Second X coordinate of a line, index of the bar where the line ends.
y2 : Second Y coordinate of a line, price on the price scale.
Returns: Degree Of Line
lib_hlmLibrary "lib_hlm"
Ichimoku trend line and plotting tools.
Optionless Ichimoku/Donchian trend line calculation.
Period : The period for the trend line calculation.
Returns: The midpoint of the highest high and the lowest low.
HLM_Offset(offset, currentIsZero, intoPast)
Standardized language for plotting offsets.
offset : The offset number to use.
currentIsZero : `true` for ichimoku counting. `false` for natural language
intoPast : `true` if projecting backwards. `false` if projecting forwards.
Returns: The offset adjusted by counting style and direction.
Calculates the Ichimoku Tenkan and Kijun lines.
Returns: {tenkan, kijun}
SenkouSpans(period_1, period_2, period_3)
Calculates the Ichimoku Senkou Span A and Senkou Span B values.
period_1 : default=9
period_2 : default=26
period_3 : default=52
Returns: {senkou_a, senkou_b}
Ichimoku_Cloud(period_1, period_2, period_3)
Calculate the Ichimoku cloud value and offsets.
period_1 : default=9
period_2 : default=26
period_3 : default=52
Returns: {senkou_a, senkou_b, cloud_offset}
Gets the chikou span and offsets.
Returns: {chikou, chikou_offset}
Get the values for the full, default Ichimoku system, including plotting offsets. Common toggle for all values.
enabled : `true` will return plottable values. `false` will return only na's (turns off plotting).
Returns: {tenkan, kijun, senkou_a, senkou_b, cloud_offset, chikou, chikou_offset}
Get a set of colors with a common transparency for Ichimoku.
Returns: {tenkan_color, kijun_color, senkou_a_color, senkou_b_color, chikou_color}
Determines the cloud color and applies transparency (Ichimoku).
Returns: the dominant lines color with applied transparency
Gets a full set of default ichimoku colors with cloud color based on the input senkou values.
Returns: {tenkan_color, kijun_color, senkou_a_color, senkou_b_color, chikou_color, cloud_color}
TODO: This library regroups indicator's functions and functions i use a lot
getRENKOLEVELS(upColor1, dnColor1, HIGH, LOW, ATR)
TODO: RenkoLevels indicator by Mongolor function
upColor1 : TODO: (Type: color) renko up color
dnColor1 : TODO: (Type: color) renko down color
HIGH : TODO: (Type: float)
LOW : TODO: (Type: float)
ATR : TODO: (Type: float)
Returns: TODO: Renkolevels
TR_HighLow_LibLibrary "TR_HighLow_Lib"
TODO: add library description here
ShowLabel(_Text, _X, _Y, _Style, _Size, _Yloc, _Color)
TODO: Function to display labels
_Text : TODO: text (series string) Label text.
_X : TODO: x (series int) Bar index.
_Y : TODO: y (series int/float) Price of the label position.
_Style : TODO: style (series string) Label style.
_Size : TODO: size (series string) Label size.
_Yloc : TODO: yloc (series string) Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar.
_Color : TODO: color (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: TODO: No return values
TODO: Function to take out 12 colors in order
_Index : TODO: color number.
Returns: TODO: color code
TODO: Table display position function
_Pos : TODO: position.
Returns: TODO: Table position
TODO: Delete Line
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
TODO: Delete Label
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
ZigZag(_a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _a_FHiLo, _a_DHiLo, _Histories, _Provisional_PHiLo, _Provisional_IHiLo, _Color1, _Width1, _Color2, _Width2, _ShowLabel, _ShowHighLowBar, _HighLowBarWidth, _HighLow_LabelSize)
TODO: Draw a zig-zag line.
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_a_FHiLo : TODO: High-Low flag array sequence 1:High 2:Low
_a_DHiLo : TODO: High-Low Price Differential Array
_Histories : TODO: Array size (High-Low length)
_Provisional_PHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low Price
_Provisional_IHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low INDEX
_Color1 : TODO: Normal High-Low color
_Width1 : TODO: Normal High-Low width
_Color2 : TODO: Provisional High-Low color
_Width2 : TODO: Provisional High-Low width
_ShowLabel : TODO: Label display flag True: Displayed False: Not displayed
_ShowHighLowBar : TODO: High-Low bar display flag True:Show False:Hide
_HighLowBarWidth : TODO: High-Low bar width
_HighLow_LabelSize : TODO: Label Size
Returns: TODO: No return value
TrendLine(_a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _Histories, _MultiLine, _StartWidth, _EndWidth, _IncreWidth, _StartTrans, _EndTrans, _IncreTrans, _ColorMode, _Color1_1, _Color1_2, _Color2_1, _Color2_2, _Top_High, _Top_Low, _Bottom_High, _Bottom_Low)
TODO: Draw a Trend Line
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_Histories : TODO: Array size (High-Low length)
_MultiLine : TODO: Draw a multiple Line.
_StartWidth : TODO: Line width start value
_EndWidth : TODO: Line width end value
_IncreWidth : TODO: Line width increment value
_StartTrans : TODO: Transparent rate start value
_EndTrans : TODO: Transparent rate finally
_IncreTrans : TODO: Transparent rate increase value
_ColorMode : TODO: 0:Nomal 1:Gradation
_Color1_1 : TODO: Gradation Color 1_1
_Color1_2 : TODO: Gradation Color 1_2
_Color2_1 : TODO: Gradation Color 2_1
_Color2_2 : TODO: Gradation Color 2_2
_Top_High : TODO: _Top_High Value for Gradation
_Top_Low : TODO: _Top_Low Value for Gradation
_Bottom_High : TODO: _Bottom_High Value for Gradation
_Bottom_Low : TODO: _Bottom_Low Value for Gradation
Returns: TODO: No return value
Fibonacci(_a_Fibonacci, _a_PHiLo, _Provisional_PHiLo, _Index, _FrontMargin, _BackMargin)
TODO: Draw a Fibonacci line
_a_Fibonacci : TODO: Fibonacci Percentage Array
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_Provisional_PHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low price (when _Index is 0)
_Index : TODO: Where to draw the Fibonacci line
_FrontMargin : TODO: Fibonacci line front-margin
_BackMargin : TODO: Fibonacci line back-margin
Returns: TODO: No return value
Fibonacci(_a_Fibonacci, _a_PHiLo, _Provisional_PHiLo, _Index1, _FrontMargin1, _BackMargin1, _Transparent1, _Index2, _FrontMargin2, _BackMargin2, _Transparent2)
TODO: Draw a Fibonacci line
_a_Fibonacci : TODO: Fibonacci Percentage Array
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_Provisional_PHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low price (when _Index is 0)
_Index1 : TODO: Where to draw the Fibonacci line 1
_FrontMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci line front-margin 1
_BackMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci line back-margin 1
_Transparent1 : TODO: Transparent rate 1
_Index2 : TODO: Where to draw the Fibonacci line 2
_FrontMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci line front-margin 2
_BackMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci line back-margin 2
_Transparent2 : TODO: Transparent rate 2
Returns: TODO: No return value
High_Low_Judgment(_Length, _Extension, _Difference)
TODO: Judges High-Low
_Length : TODO: High-Low Confirmation Length
_Extension : TODO: Length of extension when the difference did not open
_Difference : TODO: Difference size
Returns: TODO: _HiLo=High-Low flag 0:Neither high nor low、1:High、2:Low、3:High-Low
_PHi=high price、_PLo=low price、_IHi=High Price Index、_ILo=Low Price Index、
_Cnt=count、_ECnt=Extension count、
_DiffHi=Difference from Start(High)、_DiffLo=Difference from Start(Low)、
_StartHi=Start value(High)、_StartLo=Start value(Low)
High_Low_Data_AddedAndUpdated(_HiLo, _Histories, _PHi, _PLo, _IHi, _ILo, _DiffHi, _DiffLo, _a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _a_FHiLo, _a_DHiLo)
TODO: Adds and updates High-Low related arrays from given parameters
_HiLo : TODO: High-Low flag
_Histories : TODO: Array size (High-Low length)
_PHi : TODO: Price Hi
_PLo : TODO: Price Lo
_IHi : TODO: Index Hi
_ILo : TODO: Index Lo
_DiffHi : TODO: Difference in High
_DiffLo : TODO: Difference in Low
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_a_FHiLo : TODO: High-Low flag array 1:High 2:Low
_a_DHiLo : TODO: High-Low Price Differential Array
Returns: TODO: _PHiLo price array、_IHiLo indexed array、_FHiLo flag array、_DHiLo price-matching array、
Provisional_PHiLo Provisional price、Provisional_IHiLo 暫定インデックス
High_Low(_a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _a_FHiLo, _a_DHiLo, _a_Fibonacci, _Length, _Extension, _Difference, _Histories, _ShowZigZag, _ZigZagColor1, _ZigZagWidth1, _ZigZagColor2, _ZigZagWidth2, _ShowZigZagLabel, _ShowHighLowBar, _ShowTrendLine, _TrendMultiLine, _TrendStartWidth, _TrendEndWidth, _TrendIncreWidth, _TrendStartTrans, _TrendEndTrans, _TrendIncreTrans, _TrendColorMode, _TrendColor1_1, _TrendColor1_2, _TrendColor2_1, _TrendColor2_2, _ShowFibonacci1, _FibIndex1, _FibFrontMargin1, _FibBackMargin1, _FibTransparent1, _ShowFibonacci2, _FibIndex2, _FibFrontMargin2, _FibBackMargin2, _FibTransparent2, _ShowInfoTable1, _TablePosition1, _ShowInfoTable2, _TablePosition2)
TODO: Draw the contents of the High-Low array.
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_a_FHiLo : TODO: High-Low flag sequence 1:High 2:Low
_a_DHiLo : TODO: High-Low Price Differential Array
_a_Fibonacci : TODO: Fibonacci Gnar Matching
_Length : TODO: Length of confirmation
_Extension : TODO: Extension Length of extension when the difference did not open
_Difference : TODO: Difference size
_Histories : TODO: High-Low Length
_ShowZigZag : TODO: ZigZag Display
_ZigZagColor1 : TODO: Colors of ZigZag1
_ZigZagWidth1 : TODO: Width of ZigZag1
_ZigZagColor2 : TODO: Colors of ZigZag2
_ZigZagWidth2 : TODO: Width of ZigZag2
_ShowZigZagLabel : TODO: ZigZagLabel Display
_ShowHighLowBar : TODO: High-Low Bar Display
_ShowTrendLine : TODO: Trend Line Display
_TrendMultiLine : TODO: Trend Multi Line Display
_TrendStartWidth : TODO: Line width start value
_TrendEndWidth : TODO: Line width end value
_TrendIncreWidth : TODO: Line width increment value
_TrendStartTrans : TODO: Starting transmittance value
_TrendEndTrans : TODO: Transmittance End Value
_TrendIncreTrans : TODO: Increased transmittance value
_TrendColorMode : TODO: color mode
_TrendColor1_1 : TODO: Trend Color 1_1
_TrendColor1_2 : TODO: Trend Color 1_2
_TrendColor2_1 : TODO: Trend Color 2_1
_TrendColor2_2 : TODO: Trend Color 2_2
_ShowFibonacci1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Display
_FibIndex1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Index No.
_FibFrontMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Front margin
_FibBackMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Back Margin
_FibTransparent1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Transmittance
_ShowFibonacci2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Display
_FibIndex2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Index No.
_FibFrontMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Front margin
_FibBackMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Back Margin
_FibTransparent2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Transmittance
_ShowInfoTable1 : TODO: InfoTable1 Display
_TablePosition1 : TODO: InfoTable1 position
_ShowInfoTable2 : TODO: InfoTable2 Display
_TablePosition2 : TODO: InfoTable2 position
Returns: TODO: 無し
TR_HighLowLibrary "TR_HighLow"
TODO: add library description here
ShowLabel(_Text, _X, _Y, _Style, _Size, _Yloc, _Color)
TODO: Function to display labels
_Text : TODO: text (series string) Label text.
_X : TODO: x (series int) Bar index.
_Y : TODO: y (series int/float) Price of the label position.
_Style : TODO: style (series string) Label style.
_Size : TODO: size (series string) Label size.
_Yloc : TODO: yloc (series string) Possible values are yloc.price, yloc.abovebar, yloc.belowbar.
_Color : TODO: color (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: TODO: No return values
TODO: Function to take out 12 colors in order
_Index : TODO: color number.
Returns: TODO: color code
TODO: Table display position function
_Pos : TODO: position.
Returns: TODO: Table position
TODO: Delete Line
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
TODO: Delete Label
: TODO: No parameter
Returns: TODO: No return value
ZigZag(_a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _a_FHiLo, _a_DHiLo, _Histories, _Provisional_PHiLo, _Provisional_IHiLo, _Color1, _Width1, _Color2, _Width2, _ShowLabel, _ShowHighLowBar, _HighLowBarWidth, _HighLow_LabelSize)
TODO: Draw a zig-zag line.
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_a_FHiLo : TODO: High-Low flag array sequence 1:High 2:Low
_a_DHiLo : TODO: High-Low Price Differential Array
_Histories : TODO: Array size (High-Low length)
_Provisional_PHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low Price
_Provisional_IHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low INDEX
_Color1 : TODO: Normal High-Low color
_Width1 : TODO: Normal High-Low width
_Color2 : TODO: Provisional High-Low color
_Width2 : TODO: Provisional High-Low width
_ShowLabel : TODO: Label display flag True: Displayed False: Not displayed
_ShowHighLowBar : TODO: High-Low bar display flag True:Show False:Hide
_HighLowBarWidth : TODO: High-Low bar width
_HighLow_LabelSize : TODO: Label Size
Returns: TODO: No return value
TrendLine(_a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _Histories, _MultiLine, _StartWidth, _EndWidth, _IncreWidth, _StartTrans, _EndTrans, _IncreTrans, _ColorMode, _Color1_1, _Color1_2, _Color2_1, _Color2_2, _Top_High, _Top_Low, _Bottom_High, _Bottom_Low)
TODO: Draw a Trend Line
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_Histories : TODO: Array size (High-Low length)
_MultiLine : TODO: Draw a multiple Line.
_StartWidth : TODO: Line width start value
_EndWidth : TODO: Line width end value
_IncreWidth : TODO: Line width increment value
_StartTrans : TODO: Transparent rate start value
_EndTrans : TODO: Transparent rate finally
_IncreTrans : TODO: Transparent rate increase value
_ColorMode : TODO: 0:Nomal 1:Gradation
_Color1_1 : TODO: Gradation Color 1_1
_Color1_2 : TODO: Gradation Color 1_2
_Color2_1 : TODO: Gradation Color 2_1
_Color2_2 : TODO: Gradation Color 2_2
_Top_High : TODO: _Top_High Value for Gradation
_Top_Low : TODO: _Top_Low Value for Gradation
_Bottom_High : TODO: _Bottom_High Value for Gradation
_Bottom_Low : TODO: _Bottom_Low Value for Gradation
Returns: TODO: No return value
Fibonacci(_a_Fibonacci, _a_PHiLo, _Provisional_PHiLo, _Index, _FrontMargin, _BackMargin)
TODO: Draw a Fibonacci line
_a_Fibonacci : TODO: Fibonacci Percentage Array
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_Provisional_PHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low price (when _Index is 0)
_Index : TODO: Where to draw the Fibonacci line
_FrontMargin : TODO: Fibonacci line front-margin
_BackMargin : TODO: Fibonacci line back-margin
Returns: TODO: No return value
Fibonacci(_a_Fibonacci, _a_PHiLo, _Provisional_PHiLo, _Index1, _FrontMargin1, _BackMargin1, _Transparent1, _Index2, _FrontMargin2, _BackMargin2, _Transparent2)
TODO: Draw a Fibonacci line
_a_Fibonacci : TODO: Fibonacci Percentage Array
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_Provisional_PHiLo : TODO: Provisional High-Low price (when _Index is 0)
_Index1 : TODO: Where to draw the Fibonacci line 1
_FrontMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci line front-margin 1
_BackMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci line back-margin 1
_Transparent1 : TODO: Transparent rate 1
_Index2 : TODO: Where to draw the Fibonacci line 2
_FrontMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci line front-margin 2
_BackMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci line back-margin 2
_Transparent2 : TODO: Transparent rate 2
Returns: TODO: No return value
High_Low_Judgment(_Length, _Extension, _Difference)
TODO: Judges High-Low
_Length : TODO: High-Low Confirmation Length
_Extension : TODO: Length of extension when the difference did not open
_Difference : TODO: Difference size
Returns: TODO: _HiLo=High-Low flag 0:Neither high nor low、1:High、2:Low、3:High-Low
_PHi=high price、_PLo=low price、_IHi=High Price Index、_ILo=Low Price Index、
_Cnt=count、_ECnt=Extension count、
_DiffHi=Difference from Start(High)、_DiffLo=Difference from Start(Low)、
_StartHi=Start value(High)、_StartLo=Start value(Low)
High_Low_Data_AddedAndUpdated(_HiLo, _Histories, _PHi, _PLo, _IHi, _ILo, _DiffHi, _DiffLo, _a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _a_FHiLo, _a_DHiLo)
TODO: Adds and updates High-Low related arrays from given parameters
_HiLo : TODO: High-Low flag
_Histories : TODO: Array size (High-Low length)
_PHi : TODO: Price Hi
_PLo : TODO: Price Lo
_IHi : TODO: Index Hi
_ILo : TODO: Index Lo
_DiffHi : TODO: Difference in High
_DiffLo : TODO: Difference in Low
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_a_FHiLo : TODO: High-Low flag array 1:High 2:Low
_a_DHiLo : TODO: High-Low Price Differential Array
Returns: TODO: _PHiLo price array、_IHiLo indexed array、_FHiLo flag array、_DHiLo price-matching array、
Provisional_PHiLo Provisional price、Provisional_IHiLo 暫定インデックス
High_Low(_a_PHiLo, _a_IHiLo, _a_FHiLo, _a_DHiLo, _a_Fibonacci, _Length, _Extension, _Difference, _Histories, _ShowZigZag, _ZigZagColor1, _ZigZagWidth1, _ZigZagColor2, _ZigZagWidth2, _ShowZigZagLabel, _ShowHighLowBar, _ShowTrendLine, _TrendMultiLine, _TrendStartWidth, _TrendEndWidth, _TrendIncreWidth, _TrendStartTrans, _TrendEndTrans, _TrendIncreTrans, _TrendColorMode, _TrendColor1_1, _TrendColor1_2, _TrendColor2_1, _TrendColor2_2, _ShowFibonacci1, _FibIndex1, _FibFrontMargin1, _FibBackMargin1, _FibTransparent1, _ShowFibonacci2, _FibIndex2, _FibFrontMargin2, _FibBackMargin2, _FibTransparent2, _ShowInfoTable1, _TablePosition1, _ShowInfoTable2, _TablePosition2)
TODO: Draw the contents of the High-Low array.
_a_PHiLo : TODO: High-Low price array
_a_IHiLo : TODO: High-Low INDEX array
_a_FHiLo : TODO: High-Low flag sequence 1:High 2:Low
_a_DHiLo : TODO: High-Low Price Differential Array
_a_Fibonacci : TODO: Fibonacci Gnar Matching
_Length : TODO: Length of confirmation
_Extension : TODO: Extension Length of extension when the difference did not open
_Difference : TODO: Difference size
_Histories : TODO: High-Low Length
_ShowZigZag : TODO: ZigZag Display
_ZigZagColor1 : TODO: Colors of ZigZag1
_ZigZagWidth1 : TODO: Width of ZigZag1
_ZigZagColor2 : TODO: Colors of ZigZag2
_ZigZagWidth2 : TODO: Width of ZigZag2
_ShowZigZagLabel : TODO: ZigZagLabel Display
_ShowHighLowBar : TODO: High-Low Bar Display
_ShowTrendLine : TODO: Trend Line Display
_TrendMultiLine : TODO: Trend Multi Line Display
_TrendStartWidth : TODO: Line width start value
_TrendEndWidth : TODO: Line width end value
_TrendIncreWidth : TODO: Line width increment value
_TrendStartTrans : TODO: Starting transmittance value
_TrendEndTrans : TODO: Transmittance End Value
_TrendIncreTrans : TODO: Increased transmittance value
_TrendColorMode : TODO: color mode
_TrendColor1_1 : TODO: Trend Color 1_1
_TrendColor1_2 : TODO: Trend Color 1_2
_TrendColor2_1 : TODO: Trend Color 2_1
_TrendColor2_2 : TODO: Trend Color 2_2
_ShowFibonacci1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Display
_FibIndex1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Index No.
_FibFrontMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Front margin
_FibBackMargin1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Back Margin
_FibTransparent1 : TODO: Fibonacci1 Transmittance
_ShowFibonacci2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Display
_FibIndex2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Index No.
_FibFrontMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Front margin
_FibBackMargin2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Back Margin
_FibTransparent2 : TODO: Fibonacci2 Transmittance
_ShowInfoTable1 : TODO: InfoTable1 Display
_TablePosition1 : TODO: InfoTable1 position
_ShowInfoTable2 : TODO: InfoTable2 Display
_TablePosition2 : TODO: InfoTable2 position
Returns: TODO: 無し
SumOfCandlesLibrary "SumOfCandles"
This function returns sum of candlestick's body.
calc(_open, _close, _len, _malen, _usema)
Returns the sum of candlestick body.
_open : Source
_close : Source
_len : Period
_malen : MA Period
_usema : A flag of using MA
Returns: sum
calc(_len, _malen, _usema)
Returns the sum of candlestick body.
_len : Period
_malen : MA period
_usema : A flag of using MA
Returns: sum
PointofControlLibrary "PointofControl"
The genesis of this project was to create a POC library that would be available to deliver volume profile information via pine to other scripts of indicators and strategies.
This is the indicator version of the library function.
A few things that would be unique with the built in
- it allows you to choose the kind of reset of the period, day/week or bars. This is simple enough to expand to other conditions
- it resets on bar count starting from the beginning of the data set (bar index =0) vs bars back from the end of the data set
- A 'period' in this context is the time between resets - the start of the POC until it resets (for example at the beginning of a new day or week)
- it will calculate an increment level rather than the user specifying ticks or price brackets
- it does not allow for setting the # of rows and then calculating the implied price levels
- When a period is complete it is often useful to look back at the POCs of historical periods, or extend them forward.
- This script will find the historical POCs around the current price and display them rather than extend all the historical POC lines to the right
- This script also looks across all the period POCs and identifies the master POC or what I call the Grand POC, and also the next 3 runner up POCs
There is a matching indicator to this library
loxxvarietyrsiLibrary "loxxvarietyrsi"
7 varieties of RSI used in Loxx's indicators and strategies. Default is "rsi_rsi" which is just TV's built int ta.rsi() function.
"rsi_rsi" is regular ta.rsi()
"rsi_slo" is slowed down version of regular RSI
"rsi_rap" is ta.rsi() but uses SMA instead of RMA, this is the same as Cuttlers RSI
"rsi_har" is Michael Harris RSI, but a word of "warning". I left the Harris' rsi in the choices of rsi, but be advised that, due to the way how Harris rsi is calculated, if price filtering is used (ie: some randomness is taken away from price series) Harris RSI tends to produce results that can be "surprising" at the least in some cases. Even though Harris RSI is good when it comes to natural (semi-random) price usage, keep in mind what happens if the prices are filtered and why it happens
"rsi_rsx" is Jurik's RSX
"rsi_cut" is ta.rsi() but uses SMA instead of RMA, this is the same as Rapid RSI
"rsi_ehl" is Ehles' Smoothed RSI
rsiVariety(rsiMode, src, per)
method for returning 1 of 7 different RSI calculation outputs.
rsiMode : string, rsi mode, can be 1 of 7 of the following: "rsi_rsi", "rsi_slo", "rsi_rap", "rsi_har", "rsi_rsx", "rsi_cut", "rsi_ehl"; defaults to "rsi_rsi"
src : float, source, either regular source type or some other caculated value.
per : int, period lookback.
Returns: float RSI.
rsiVariety("rsi_rsi", src, per)