BankNifty - Holi week expiry view

BN after a 2000point rally may go into some sideways consolidation and this being a short weekly expiry as well, possibility of premium eater coming back into the market is high.
41400 straddle is trading at around 400Rs premium and depending upon opening on Wednesday and how much decay it would already have - for now it is giving a good R:R in terms of making an iron fly with this strike as a short position and one can add wings/hedges around breakeven points to start with or can plan to take SL or adjustments around the same level.

This isn't a trade recommendation but just a post for learning purpose.

41400 Straddle chart
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
so far given more than 100 points intraday decay at onepoint ...
Still in the same range, one can lock profits/book out to avoid any gamma behaviour in the second half
עסקה סגורה: היעד הושג
Overall good expiry. Stayed with in this range ...gave more than 3%
BANKNIFTYBeyond Technical Analysis

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