
ICO's should be illegal. All cryptos too probably.

37 205
I wanted to keep this for a little later, but earlier today US congressman Brad Sherman has announced he was looking for colleagues to join him in introducing a bill to outlaw cryptocurrency purchases by Americans. Which forces me to post this as early as now.

First it was China (where the trading of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies remains stricly banned), then a few other countries including India (where crypto's are "semi" banned), but now as I expected (I think I only mentionned this in a comment) it is the USA turn. They are a pretty big player if you did not know. Their influence is quite interesting. China bans crypto trading the price drops 45%. Can you imagine with the USA? And Europe will probably just follow the US... GAME OVER.

This is what he had to say
"Whether it is to dis-empower our foreign policy, our tax collection enforcement, or our traditional law enforcement, the purposes of cryptocurrency – the advantage it has over sovereign currency – is solely to aid in the dis-empowerment of the United States and of the rule of law."

Yesterday a bill was introduced to To Ban Loot Boxes And Pay-To-Win Microtransactions. So it is the current mood.
Ban all scams. And crypto is the biggest one.

It is still early, crypto won't be banned immediately.


Do you know that most of the modern world has laws prevented people from selling anything tagged "-50%" on release and even "legit" reductions are strictly regulated. Why? Because these disgusting practices give people a sense of urgency. Just like... ICOs, and cryptos in general. "Buy now quick the price is going to be way higher if you wait". It is the exact same principle.
Governments and regulations have took a while to catch up with these disgusting criminals, but as you might know by now they have started cracking down, and when they start it all goes VERY VERY fast. The hard part is just getting them started. Now they know what cryptos are, now they know what they are dealing with, now they WILL all shut it down.

Crypto is dying by itself anyway. People are completely euphoric and price is peaking when we are at a much lower high.
20k->12k-6/7k these are lower highs. 6k -> 3k -> 1k these are lower lows.


US politicians would rather not take an unpopular decision that would get them not re-elected. This is the only thing that prevented Bitcoin from dying till now. Who knows what would happen during Trump last term? :)

You think Jihan Wu will stop them from storming his farm? Oh btw 2 months ago "the future is very bright we are investing in new equipment" in the last 30 days his hashrate has dropped by 90 percent and he has published devastating losses in Q1. Lmao yet another lier.

It is a complete crackdown. Alot of bears were expecting some FUD around Tether but the battle of good versus Bitcoin is going absolutely parabolic. Exchanges are getting closed, people are being sentenced, investigations everywhere, laws are being discussed.
COMPLETE DESTRUCTION. There won't be anything left.
You have to be in extreme denial not to take this seriously.

And it is so ridiculous that people think a bull market has started. 100% of bull markets start in disbelief.
Slowly chugging prices. Not strong rallies with no pullbacks and 90% retail traders bullish. NEVER HAPPENS.



Bitcoin went throught the phases of innovations, like all other ones. Those that are successful and those that are not, and it has not been adopted yet so it is rather in the second camp objectively.
And the big powers are threatening to shut it down if it has a chance of being successful.
Good luck with that one.

The bear market has barely started. Bitcoin is never going to be 5 digits again. The target is 0 and it is going to accelerate.
Its path to zero has been strongly slowed down by Tether & cie and this is coming to an end. Criminals are going to exit scam (trans fee exchanges). Bitcoins are getting "hacked". Ifinex are making their last stand last desperate attempt just like the ponzi BCC tried making a Bitconnect X ICO.

When the secret services put a gun to your head and threaten to pull the trigger if you do not surrender all crypto assets immediatly will you laugh at them and call it FUD? You know how this usually ends?

The emperor is naked.
עסקה פעילה
Execute order 66.

Time to reveal my true form and bring back the palpatine avatar & persona.
Some people might remember the last time this happened, Bitcoin went from 9000 to 3000.

Scaling in and waiting for a doji to go even bigger in.
If crypto bulls ignore the problem by burrying their heads in the sand then Bitcoin has already lost:

- Bitcoin as a store of value = It has 0 value lol. Let's be real. ZERO. Can't work. No discussion.

- Bitcoin as a currency = powers will shut it down and you won't stop them with your little laptop hashrate.

Your solutions are - I only see 3:

1) Have Bitcoin very small so the powers ignore it
2) Try finessing and call it a "collector piece of art" or some troll thing like this
3) A mass suicide. Like any other cult does when authorities get interested in them.

BTW, the Fincen has "kindly reminded" every one of a few rules.
Going to quote someone here:
"If you keep saying Bitcoin is a currency or is a substitute for currency, you may be removing a line of defense against FinCEN, etc.

Maybe we stick with 'Bitcoin is a collectible & an emerging long-term store of value. Like art work.'"

Wow, financial regulators, attorney generals, congressmen...
Looks like every one is getting interested in crypto these past 2 months.
Who is next?

"They are scared" says the dumb crypto bull.
They were scared of Bin Laden too. Know what happened to him? (:
This is what I am seeing. Hundreds of times. These messages are everywhere.
Some people add a personal touch "if it goes beyond 6600 and holds for a day then the bear market is officially over".


Waiting for the pump to end. And then I short it. TO ZERO!

People got excited again. Going to take months for the price to go down.
My main broker has positive interest for shorts but I am certainly not touching bitcoin with this.
Can't even buy when the price goes down because no crypto cultist wants to buy a pullback, they want to buy "the bottom" and "not miss out when it goes up fast".

Buying pullbacks is my favorite. Oh well. Maybe I'll short pullbacks when the price starts going down.
Update in 2 parts

Lots of whining from lying laggards...



Free money, Bitcoin likely direction

"Crypto isn't predictable"

Bitcoin next move

No Fill:
Bitcoin, safe trade good reward low risk.

Bitcoin kindly offering us discounts on alts - NEO

BTC could give us a new entry on Lisk. Maybe? Please?

Market enthusiasm back already? (Short term idea)

Bitcoin getting ready to explode and provide 20% gains fast?

Bitcoin - Less than 2 days left till it blows. Tic tac.

Win (idea is tagged long but it's a short idea where I say ETH will rally before LTC & BTC at next dip):
ETH will shine again

--- 10 ---

Part 1/2
Continued part 2

Win (called the top again):
This was fun, back down we go now :D

NA / I said Bitcoin volatility would drop for several months - which it did, and the price would then go up, which it did not but since I spend March - November saying Bitcoin would go to 3000 ... y a know... I'll pat myself on the back here:
Bitcoin - What's going to happen in the next couple of months

No Fill (but if you check the updates it was a fill and a win easy bought at 9350 & ultimate bottom was 9280) EASY:
Bitcoin. Target 13000.

"Once we get to 0.618 the probability the correction is over will be very high, but right now it is not confirmed." (Learn to read). Did we go to 0.618 (14600$)? NO.
Bitcoin - Is the correction over?

Bears argument "duh it looks like 2014" was stupid and I mentionned it. NO ONE COMPLAINED. I presented arguments for both sides. But when I say to the bulls "duh we bottom it looky like 2015 bottome" is idiotic, then all of a sudden it's a storm of rage. Pathetic.
Destroying bears main argument

No Fill. Tron buy at 0.25 cents that's as much as it could be worth, Tron sill didn't go that low. Idea cancelled tbh:
Tron. Waiting on the sideline.

No Fill. Price rejected resistance line:
Bitcoin. 16800 in March. Is that even possible? TA says yes.

Putting A BIT - A BIT - do the flat earthers comprehend? A. BIT. into crypto isn't totally crazy - this does not mean "GO ALL IN WHOLE LIFESAVINGS I CAN GUARENTEE WE GO TO 1 MILLION":
Top 3 reasons why investing a bit into crypto isn't that crazy

We broke resistance line & I drew an arrow pointing way up with a moon icon, apparently I am an idiot that got trapped (they didn't check my updates or other ideas or are just mentally dishonest):
Bitcoin - This is it! WE CLOSED ABOVE DOWNTREND.

A feedback/review idea where I go back on my crypto calls like this, and was right almost all the time:
WAS I WRONG? :D Bitcoin: Range to keep an eye on today.

--- 20 ---

Duh. Wow. That's alot of wins gee. I hope this isn't too much facts for the flat earthers.

BUT, the CHERRY ON THE TOP is this. Absolutely beautiful. Check these 2 ideas:
Bitcoin - This is it! WE CLOSED ABOVE DOWNTREND.

Bitcoin: the bear market is over get used to it

Huh, that looks pretty similar.


Dirty liers. I can't stand criminals like I can't stand liers. Regardless of your beliefs you should be ashamed to lie like this on ramadan. Show some respect.
I often get called an idiot.


I guess the crime crew won't have to tether bitcoin to 50 million to hit these stop losses / liquidations. Tether club probably full insane now, could pump it to hundreds of millions would not even be surprised.

Still going to ignore my own advice of not shorting this ponzi, and go short the moment I see a red candle. Glad I waited. If it drops too much too fast I won't short it (but I won't lose anything because my Bitcoin on mex is shorted = no exposure - unless they run away with it of course).

10% of the planet invested in this scam. That's so huge lol. Greatest bubble in history. It's just so popular, nearly as much as lottery tickets. I guess once we reach the point where as many small fish are gambling in crypto as in lottery & casino's we'll be at the top.

"A great transfer of wealth" could not agree more. The top 1000 HODLER whales BTC net worths have been dropping big in the past 2 years, their $ £ net worth has been going up up up, and small fish around 10% of the planet have been ponzie'd.

1 in 7 chinese a few months ago, so there it is even more than 10%, nearly 15%. Insane. Last time they all bought in ponzi IPO's that went up 2/3 digits in a day I heard. They like to do this often. Wealth has been transfered.
All this small fish transfering their wealth to whales... Can't they use their money for something useful?

Really getting tempted to make my own legal gambling ponzi... I have to find a good idea.

No one has said a word about what they think of my soybean trade. What's wrong?
Bitcoin is still small and not mainstream, I should get more comments for Soybean futures than ponzicoin.

It's a shame Bitcoin sleeps so long before moving. Can't use leverage on mex they'll kill me with funding if I am not lucky 50% chance which is never the case, and have to have my capital frozen 6 months on a trade.
Otherwise its just super easy. Buy 6000 buy 3000 buy 1800 buy 1000 buy what was it 600? And no easy way to short even thought all of 2018 it was plain obvious the price would drop...

Would you rather:

- Have yours & people's money managed by law abiding officials a central bank made for this purpose a democratically elected government in a fair just manner

- Join a club of barking dogs with tribal mentality, possible 51% attacks, in a pyramid scheme bound to fail.

I give Bitcoin 2 more weeks. Then the bull correction will be over and the bear trend will resume.
So the governments won't have to destroy it and it can return to being a small no impact internet currency that few people care about and not this gigantic ponzi where 10% of the entire human population is involved.

All the bulls are looking at 2019 only, ultra zoomed in. I do not care about the noise. I am in for the long run.

What a surprise! A higher low has been lost and Binance at the same time has halted trading for "security updates".
You know, the months, the 95% of the time where Bitcoin price is flat is not the right time to do this. Nah, just after we go parabolic is when you halt trading.
My surprise if Binance runs away with suckers money will be, on a scale from 0 to 10, in the negatives.


ponzi ponzi ponzi ponzi ponzi
Oooh ponzi ponzo
I cannot tell the difference whithout looking at the price or without thinking about it for a few seconds. Can you?

I started looking at the numbers a little bit.

Every year, around 500 billion usd are lost by stupid people gambling.

There are over 1.5 billion gamblers in the world. So 20%. And around 10% of people in the world invested in crypto. Sure they can buy more, but we can estimate that the exponential growth does not have much ressources to grow.

USA + China = 45% of worldwide gambling losses, with USA 50% bigger than China.

Ah also, if the USA/China ban crypto gambling it will fall much faster.

I am not going to explain everything, the pattern of exponential growth it is very well documented.

The PLANET is running out of gamblers. Crypto literally cannot go much further.
Mathematically IMPOSSIBLE. Only way for the price to go up is a fake price. Just exchanges deciding "ok this is the price now". Maybe with lots of Tether?

What is more likely is like every other exponential growth that runs out of gamblers, this:



If you are unaware of this, look up:

- Exponential growth
- End Behavior for Exponential Functions
- Exponential decay
- Nuclear chain reactions
- Pyramid schemes/Ponzi schemes (for the stock market the ressource is the profit / benefit produced by companies and it never runs out BUT is finite)
- Bacterial growth
- Human population
- Malthusian catastrophe
I always like to think of what would happen if suddenly no one wanted to buy an investment and the price went to 0 (but the value remained the same, simply there are no buyers).
Stocks = I would buy entire companies for free and get my money back very quickly with dividends. I would own huge companies.

Fiat currencies = I can still use it to buy things. Governments force people to accept it. If liquidity disappears on the buying side, well, I would buy as much as I can and buy castles.

Gold = I can use it as jewlery and build really cool things with it, great conductor among other things. I would start a company and my raw materials would be cheap.

Bitcoin = ??? Try to get suckers in? I am just left holding a bag. Sure, I can tell every one how it has value and they are wrong, but WHAT am I going to do with it? No one would be interested, there is absolutely nothing I can do with it. AND I would be left looking like a complete gambler and an idiot with worthless bags I paid a fortune for.

I noticed once again that Bitcoin price is going up on empty order books.
Exchanges are fully invested and want the price to go up.
Retail suckers are financially & emotionally invested and want the price to go up.
Funds & crypto shills (including people with a "blockchain" business) are invested and want the price to go up.

Whale just want to cash out as much as they can.

Let's compare 3 scams:

Madoff ponzi was 65 billion big and it was the biggest ponzi scheme ever.

Now it has been dwarfed, with crypto ath market cap at 832 billion.
Bitcoin at all time high had a market cap of 336 billion usd.
Even inflation adjusted that is 3 times as big as Madoff's.
And remember that less than 1% of "HODLers" own over 90% of the supply.
People that bought at a few cents, a few dollars, and they could not care less at that point if Bitcoin is $1000 $10000 or $100,000 even. They have so much to cash out and they have such immense returns it does not make a difference.

Their only interest is to get as many suckers in. Pumping the price and making it look like bottoms / accumulation / the return of a bull market (the "return of the bull market" has happened about 15 times since ath).

A market buy of 5000 BTC is all they need to start a new world wide hype, that allows them to dump hundreds of thousands of worthless ponzi coins over a few weeks.

The more idiots jump in - and don't sell, that point is highly stressed out, make sure you do not sell "this is what wall street wants" - the more money and power they get. Looks like a classic "do not call you bank or the police they are onto the conspiracy and against you just give me your credit card number".

Bitcoin is the biggest ponzi scheme ever, and it is no surprise it happens now.
I thought Justin Sun was bold and did not respect crypto suckers.
I thought what Tether kept doing was crazy.
I was wrong.



I am just going to say it.

Bitconnect is coming back.
Bitcoin price action is looking alot like the beginning of the previous 2 bear markets.

Last year I expected a bull market - if we can even call it that - of 6 months.
It has been 6 months. Time is up.


Bear market was on 1 year long. Bull market won't be 1 year.
Daily crypto hate: Cyclical market cycles. A bull within a bear?

3 days. In 3 days crypto cultist beloved ETF approval thing happens.
Going to be the same story as 500 times before very probably.
It is now not Bitcoin anymore. But Bitcoin core. And it is a shitcoin. And a ponzi. And going to zero like all other ponzi shitcoins. Sorry team. Rekt.

U.S. Copyright Office recognize Wright as the author – under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto – of both the white paper and code, and grants him US copyright registrations for Bitcoin white paper and code.

I shall no longer refer to this ponzi scheme as Bitcoin, but either Ponzi/Usd Crime Coin BitconnectCoin or Bitcoin Core.

Bitcoin Core OG's in public "Oh ye this is awesome its the future short the banks long bitcoin"
Bitcoin Core OG's in private "Just dump and short some more of this dumb ponzi"

I wonder what they think of Bitcoin? I have seen some interesting developments. They are building while Bitcoin Core is dying going to zero and trying to bait idiots in.

Might buy some more Bitcoin, I am not sure where almost all the exchanges have removed it. Btw Kraken looking for investors (money to burn) again.

When the hype ponzi scheme will go to zero and exchanges will go bankrupt/exit scam Bitcoin might be cheaper I don't think it will go way up but could be wrong.
Let's wait a few more months / years.
Got a feeling the month of June will be fun ^^

On this idea I show the price beign at the top and falling mid July but it is not supposed to be accurate. By July Bitcoin will be way down.


Choo Choo nothing is stopping this train to 3 digits.

10K Never Again.
Just sold some BSV at 600% profit.
Sold a few at 70% profit back in February.

Remind me crypto baggies, who missed the boat again?

Noobs. You'll buy BSV from me when it crossed $1000.
Bcore sub 3000 before christmas.

A discount on B-SV on Kraken...
Anyone heard about Libra?
Facebook cryptocurrency but even bigger reach than Bitcoin.
Big enough to peak the attention of governments...
Politicians all around the globe are speaking against it.
But the big one is G7 is forming a special taskforce to stop it...

And crypto clowns are happy about this? How can anyone be so stupid???
If this was not clear enough.
I said, clearly, that if a crypto was big enough to threaten them, goverments would work hand in hand to destroy them.
Answer ranged from "you are such a moron" to "you will never get big countries to cooperate" without forgetting the oh so ever repetitive "they will never miss the chance to fight each other" and "this is too profitable for them to stop it". And let's not forget the "they can't stop it". The amount of denial is over 9000...

Here are a few crunchy quotes:
"With the recent unveiling of Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency raising regulatory questions, France is forming a task force within the Group of Seven (G7) nations to examine the issues."

"“It is out of question’’ that Libra be allowed “become a sovereign currency,” Le Maire said at the time. “It can’t and it must not happen.”

In today’s comments, Villeroy said France aims to be “open to innovation” but firm on regulation."

"Libra will be a stablecoin pegged to a basket of fiat currencies and government-backed securities, and is initially to be used as a means to transfer money across the globe. Ultimately, an ecosystem of financial services is planned."

So... let's see what happens now, in the next months...
Bitcoin brainwashed fanatic: "The heretics shall be burned in the eternal flames for daring to oppose allmighty BITCOIN that will bring us eternal wealth joy and health. No one can ban it, it will never go to zero, countries such as Iran are too interested in using it to avoid US sanctions and oppose the United States of America"

Iran: "Hold my non alcoholic beverage."

In recent news that have - unsurpringly - remain unnoticed Iran has reminded that the trading of Bitcoin was strictly forbiden, and they have also seized 1000 miners as well as an unspecified amount of "unseizable" Bitcoins.
They also have been working for 10 months on THEIR OWN crypto currency that will be based on a private blockchain with private transactions.

The correct word here is REKT.
I will be the bigger man and admit it. I was wrong. About Donald Trump.
He is the greatest president the United States of America has ever seen.

"I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air. Unregulated Crypto Assets can facilitate unlawful behavior, including drug trade and other illegal activity....

....Similarly, Facebook Libra’s “virtual currency” will have little standing or dependability. If Facebook and other companies want to become a bank, they must seek a new Banking Charter and become subject to all Banking Regulations, just like other Banks, both National...

...and International. We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever, both dependable and reliable. It is by far the most dominant currency anywhere in the World, and it will always stay that way. It is called the United States Dollar!"

Crypto clowns are going to get such a nasty surprise in the next few quarters...
US Government this week: We hate everything about cryptocurrency and anyone participating in it is a criminal and a deviant.

Crypto bulls: We made it!

This made me laugh.
"Innovation is always good they say, the biggest innovation of this century is when Ossama Bin laden had the idea and running 2 planes into twin towers, thought cryptocurrencies can do more harm to america than that".

Can't say I disagree.

As I said, the government does not like cryptoponzis. The president hate them, the congress hate them, the central banks (not the same as commercial & retail banks) hate them.
Told you so...

Watch and see what happens next ;)
Where did all the bulls go?
All I hear are crickets.
The few I hear about are making so much sense...

When the price was going up and I was looking for a top, I was a stupid permabear that got burnt.

Now that the price is going down (the exact same way btw) and I look for a bottom, I am an angry permabear that is sore he missed out.

I'm sorry what? Shouldn't I be a stupid permabull that got burnt?
The situation is the exact same reversed. Why do these champions of logic not repeat what they repeated a few weeks ago.
Could they be... no this can't be... morons?


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