WOW. What a day. Profitable? Yes. As profitable as it could have been had I stuck to my original plan? No, not even close. Still, this was a great experience. I certainly never expected such a sudden and rapid descent. Anyone reading this: the trend now is down, very, very down. Longing price is currently a counter-trend trade (higher risk) so please use caution.
At this point, I'm thinking price will head much lower over time. We just had a drop from 12500 to 10000 WITHOUT the bubble markets collapsing. When the other markets succumb to their own weight, we should expect lows equivalent to the "black swan event" in March. In fact, I would not be surprised to see a lower low, a close of the _tiny_ CME gap around 3500 and then, perhaps, a sub 2000 BTC. However briefly. The ultimate shakeout.
Hopefully, from the ashes of a wrecked, over leveraged debt system, BTC can rise and The Great Bull Run will begin in late 2021 and gallop through 2023 to the mythical $100,000 and beyond.
Good luck.
Good luck.