I had a mutual fund, and watched its value plummet during the 08 housing collapse... couldn't believe the fund managers didn't have stop losses to protect us...
So... can there be a massive wealth transfer from Old money (mutual funds) into BTC, unprotected, and then the biggest dump in history, as all the old crypto players start taking profits, and the price starts falling. it would then cascade through support levels, without even filling all of the stop loss sells (cause there aren't any buyers left)... as all of the money it took to get to ATH before black rock starts to exit. and then BTC is just a relic... another S&P Ponzi scheme market full of government and blackjack manipulation.
Could you imagine if all of the pre-eTF BTC investors left? It would be like GameStop times a BAZILION!
Dogecoind just completed a nice pull back and is looking like a run beyond $.20 to mid $.40's is eminent. mean while BTC is way over extended on this bull run flat and needs to correct.
The DOGE:BTC chart is favorite not eh bottom here. it shows how explosive doge can be, even compared to the famed bull runs of the king of crypto.
The harmonics of the market are unfettered but the trade volume. it still has to pull back!
Good Luck, God Speed, Love and Light to all!