Hello, I thought after a conversation with a friend the other day about chart scales I would post a 1:1 view. I usually experiment around with other custom scaling ratios, but I thought for future posterity I would post a correct 1:1 scaled chart. You might find other scale ratios work better with some instruments, while some don't. I have learned in the crypto world price sometimes does not go by traditional rules. I mean we are not trading a commodity or stock here, or even a regulated market for that matter. This 1:1 view does give a new and slightly different perspective on potential long term movement. Obviously the gann fan/momentum indicator from my last chart is positioned different, so keep that in mind. Also, I did draw in some potential support/resistance areas that might be worth observing in the future. The blue lines on the right after price breaks out is in my opinion what price is most likely to follow. Long term views are helpful, but as always new data might come in, something new might have to be analyzed, so keep an open mind. Also, one last thing this particular chart is charted out to 2025 if anyone might have that question. Happy trading all, cheers!
Beyond Technical AnalysisbeyondtechnicalanalysisGanntrendalanalysisTrend Analysis

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