
Are bears actually bulls in disguise?

I'm posting a chart with absolutely no trend-lines, pennants, or any other sort of TA attached for one simple reason; I want to turn down the noise and just reflect on what's happening. Imagine a spring. When you compress or pull the spring and release, it moves back and forth until it finds equilibrium again. The market also acts as such except the spring itself is constantly changing. When we see a series of trend-lines that have the up and down motion inside it, that is the motion of the spring after release. The breaks in trend line is when the market has created a new spring right before release. This is when TA can tell us whether or not the spring will continue it's back and forth motion or if there is a change to the structure.

In the last part of 2017 we saw the spring structure change, pulled, and then released. If there was a constant like in physics, we saw the spring bottom out at about 5,9k as we have not seen it drop below that in almost 4 months. So why would we bounce out of this structure. One: people will intentionally weaken the structure or people will intentionally build the structure, the structure being the spring.

To the question I pose, it seems like an overwhelming number of bears sell coins knowing or with the intent of buying cheaper as to accumulate more of almost any crypto-currency. Essentially you shock or weaken the structure but understand that it can probably rebuild and put you in a better position. However, after reading their ideas it truly feels that most still expect exponential increase in the long run. So perhaps instead of saying that some one is a perma-bear maybe we should shift perspective and realize that most are just simply smart enough to trade the trend.

I think most people are missing a huge point by panicking or not backing up and looking at factors outside of normal trading. Yes there are plenty of whales out there and market makers that are probably consistently manipulating the market, but even whales can't buy countries or compete with most countries GDPs. There are entire countries that are building on blockchain and crypto-currencies as we speak. The big institutions all over the world are prepping trading desks and getting their plans locked down. Major front desk persons have left some of these bigger players to work on their own projects so from the inside they know what is coming. So now ask yourself this. Can all the whales in the world compete with the rest of the world. On the macro level I would have to say it is an extreme and overwhelming "no." They can hinder and slow down or speed up a process, but in the end if we see these currencies come to fruition, not just used as a store of value, then what is a billionaire compared to trillions of dollars of flow of products.

The fact that people are more worried about smaller whales and manipulators than global controllers is definitely missing the forest for the trees.
Something else to consider. It has been a long time since we have seen a huge drop and volume is extremely low. While I don't know which way it will go when we reach the end of this triangle formation coming up, if I were a psychiatrist I would say that people have dug their claws into hold their positions hence the stalemate in the short run.

I don't wish any one to lose what they have worked so hard to obtain, but if you are too bearish or too bullish, now might be the time to consider that bigger picture. Are you going to keep looking for hopes and dreams, or try better to understand the original why of crypto-currencies?

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