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๐Ÿ”ฅ EUR/USD - First Long , Then SHORT ! (READ THE CAPTION)

By checking the Euro/Dollar chart, we can see that the price closed at 1.08971 on the last trading day of last week, and according to the correction of the dollar index (DXY) , I expect the price to experience an upward movement in the coming week, and then By entering the range of 1.09330 to 1.096, we can look for a trigger for the SELL position! So, in short, first BUY and then SELL!

Please support me with your likes and comments to motivate me to share more analysis with you and share your opinion about the possible trend of this chart with me !

Best Regards , Arman Shaban
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Bearish Target Reached , +90 Pips ! Cheers

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