Techincal overload here.
This is how i like my technical trades when more than 1 techincal indicator lines up.
The 1.1060-1.070 area has a level + daily trend line + 100 dma + 50% fibo + bottom of the bollinger band (which of course should not be used as resistance but price does expect to slow around here )

Obvioulsy NFP today so start in small

I am setting up a new telegram service where we people can follow me though on trades (partials, adds in to trades etc ) if you are interested please comment
עסקה פעילה
just opened half my trade size here at 1.1080 will add towards 1.1060
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
Trend Analysis
"Losing is the key to trading, winning is easy"

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