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A year ago i was bullish on the dollar and bearish on equities

I never listen to news and don't think about macro

Apart from Geometry and Time the only other thing that matters is what smart money has planned

Yes the financial system is a ponzi (retail banks create money out of thin air every time they make a loan grant a mortgage)- which has had no checks and balances since Nixon 'temporarily' removed the gold standard in '71

But that tells you something- they've built Industry 3 on the back of a ponzi which they've kept going easily for 50 years. QE has helped them do that but as i say the real money creation goes on in the retail banks. They never loan anything. Only create.

All empires and all fiat currencies end. The main reason i was confident of a stonks correction at the highs was because i knew the dollar was going to moon- from the charts. The geometry is now perfect for a dollar reversal. Also, the geometry vs time for equities is perfect for another bullrun. Same with crypto.

Industry 4 and blockchain is coming. A multipolar world is coming. Combined with the charts what happens next...


Clear reversal when everyone was shilling gbp ded at the lows smh ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
eurusd wants 1.05, dxy will try to bottom next year around 100 imo
Reset underway bulls rejoicing today but dxy daily another poor one ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง

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