
You wont regret accumulating NEOGAS

This serves as a supplement to:


Hording NEOGAS, speculative asset with towering reward:risk

I would like to hear your thoughts. If you are intrigued by the argument below give us a like/follow!


Just a follow up on one of my favourite assets NEOGAS.

(CREDIT to Darky999)

A few of us in this sub have been discussing / arguing / debating about the NEO vs GAS price.

It's been a great set of discussions, and I've been deliberately antagonistic to others in order to really get a passionate debate flowing. And we certainly did that! It meant I was able to hear so many different opinions, and also to test ideas and theories.

This culminated in me building a fairly large Excel model to tackle this question I reproduced the 'schedule' of NEO generating GAS - it matches the White Paper's exactly, and I modelled all sorts of scenarios over the next 20-30 years (see below for why).


I want to share some insights from that exercise, as the model itself is not the point here, it's what you learn from building it, and the dependencies that you observe that you simply cannot observe by just using words alone. You really cannot just say things and begin to understand the subtleties of the NEO/GAS dynamics, believe me, it's much more nuanced that you think.

There is no way to model the NEO vs GAS price - lets just be clear on this, right now 99.9% of it is simply speculation. Just like ETH is speculation, hey Crypto is ALL speculation right now.

However, if GAS is worth significantly less than NEO then NEO starts to be worth less and less itself, simply because it generates GAS - and it has actual value due to this GAS.

The thread goes on. I recommend you have a read.

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