When we start trading stocks in the beginning we all run around indicators thinking that it is the holy grail of trading and after that losing hell tons of money and 90% of people who lose their 90% of trading capital in 90days leave the markets and say it's gambling but the rest 10% stay and staring learning about markets But unfortunately almost 99% information out there is wrong so rest 9% also stay in markets but they make profit sometimes then losses sometimes and just stay around the market or quit it after some time. Only the remaining rest 1% with correct knowledge master the markets and actually make profits from the market and sometimes make a living out of it.
So from this, we can conclude that trading is not easy money. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication and most importantly the right knowledge.
So It's very important to learn the right concepts that actually work that are PRICE ACTION, MARKET STRUCTURE, AND SMART MONEY TRADING CONCEPTS.
So here's a Trade Analysis of Hindustan Unilever which is based on the above concepts and the smart money concept used here is known as ORIGIN also known as OB or Order Block Trading.
A lot of things can be understood by looking at the charts.
Hope you enjoy and learn something new from it👍
I will bring more trade ideas related to all the above-mentioned concepts SO HELP AND SUPPORT LIKE SHARE AND FOLLOW FOR MORE SUCH CONTENT.
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