INDOAMIN Showing Volume Strength near ALL TIME HIGH Zone



Established market position: IAL was promoted by Mr Vijay B Palkar in 1979, as Techno Chemical Industries, and converted to IAL in 1992. Over the years, the promoters have developed strong expertise in the chemical industry. The company now manufactures oleo, specialty and performance chemicals, used across various industries, such as pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, fertilizers, petrochemicals, pesticides and perfumeries. Benefits from the longstanding presence of the promoters in the chemical industry and their established relationships with customers and suppliers will continue over medium term.

Above average financial risk profile: The financial risk profile is above average with a robust net worth of around Rs. 213.86 crore as on March 31, 2023. This supports the financial flexibility of the group. Supported by a robust net worth the capital structure is moderate with total outside liabilities to adjusted networth (TOLANW) of 1.72 time as on March 31, 2023. This is expected to remain comfortable going forward. Capital structure is expected to improve over medium term on the back of healthy accruals, absence of large debt funded capex and scheduled repayments. Overall financial risk profile is expected to further improve over medium term.
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