Nifty 50 Index

How to import watchlist in TradingView?

It will be cumbersome to add each and every share symbol again and again into watchlist especially if 100s of symbols are to be added in watchlist. One simple way to do this is import the entire watchlist. I have taken example of importing Nifty100 stocks into watchlist to explain this process.

• Visit NSE site at
• Home> Products> Indices>About Indices>Broad Market Indices> Nifty 100 Index
• Download List of Nifty100 stocks
• This will be a csv file
• Copy the Symbol Column
• Open a new excel sheet
• Paste the symbol column (use paste values)
• In next column use the formula =Concatenate(“NSE”,”:”,Symbol cell reference)
• Copy this formula for all 100 cells
• Select and copy all 100 cells and in next column use paste values
• Now copy all these 100 cells and in a new cell right click and select paste special
• Select the transpose box at the bottom and click OK
• The cells in vertical range are now in horizontal range
• Copy all these cells in horizontal range
• Open Notepad and paste these copied cells. Save file and close.
• Now, In TradingView open a new watchlist
• On top right side you will see “…” symbol; click on it
• Select import list option and open the notepad that you have saved.
• Done! Your watchlist will import all the symbols.
• Shares whose symbol don’t match exactly with TradingViews symbol wont display any data. So delete these symbols and enter the name
manually for these few shares. In Nifty100 there are only 3 such shares.
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