Dump Incoming ?

Hi everyone, I had entirely sold all of my long positions in ETH and other cryptocurrencies by late last night. Still, I have a long position in coin.

It appears that betting on the downside of this could be safe based on the SOLUSDT wave structure.

Not financial advice; I might be wrong.

Boost the idea for more trading ideas.

With gratitude
עסקה פעילה
last short added wish me luck
my timing was off i still holding shorts , though it hit my sl many times im still hopefull a sizable dump is happening.
העסקה בוטלה באופן ידני
seems we are going higher, I would like this to go above 64, very likely it will, I have my short orders at 69, if it goes there i will short this with size. for now I expect this to go higher.

my model might be wrong, no body knows
תמונת-בזק this is what my model is telling me atm
עסקה פעילה
im short once again lets see how will it go

הפקודה בוטלה
im out
break even
עסקה פעילה
im short again
entry @ 66.69 I have already put the SL into BE
הפקודה בוטלה
may be we go more upside. its not wise to bet big now . btc, eth, every thing else looks so bullish . I might be early on shorting this but man if this shit drops it can drop 20% in two day.

ps im long XRP and ETH while short SOL. Sol may stop me out in few moments but im willing to take every opportunity to short sol.
עסקה פעילה

there is a good chance this time we might be right.
hopefully .
Beyond Technical AnalysisElliott Wavesolana

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