You know my narrative? Well think again, DYOR for real this time

PEPE art chart here, ''Again...'' like Forest Gump would say.
I have named this artwork " BDSM and Golden Showers; a Love Story, Just in Time for Valentine" . Please note that my narrative has nothing to do with financial advice.

I repeat, " Le Big Bitcoin and PEPE Short Squeeze in on" .
The "You snooze, you lose!" game to freedom.

PEPE the Meme of memes:

The PEPE meme is Pleb's Web3 mascot for our freedom and human rights.
You must watch "Fells Good Man," a Sundance award-winning documentary of Matt Furie fighting the KeKers, for free on Tubi. This real-life documentary is an alt-right political story that needs to be understood as humanity's collective consciousness moves into Web3 (harmonizing with Mother Earth's consciousness). This information is my birdwatching service to Web3. Learn and share your awakened wisdom.

Pepe is more than a coin, more than a meme, more than Web3's mascot. It's an awakened mindset, and you can't kill Pleb's idea of freedom. A New Earth, as Echart Tolle coins it. This 2024 electoral year in the US is more important than ever to understand this. Be at the service of our unified consciousness in decentralized Web3. Our humanity's survival on this planet depends on it, and time is running out fast as we only have less than six years to change our destructive course of industrialized warfare fed by the Uber Elites' fear economy as THEY party and feast at the grand dinner table.

Are you as perplexed as I am? What can Pleb World do? What can you do about it?
Buy and hold Bitcoin and PEPE at a minimum. Spread the word and share your learnings. First, watch "Feels Good Man" to understand what is behind PEPE's meme, what Pleb is fighting for, and how we, as taxpayers, are manipulated by fake propaganda to fight under God and Country and to support our military as an industry entirely. Understand the status quo and the enemies of self-governance democracy in Web3 g0v, a hybrid governance model having centralized and decentralized attributes. Web3 enables confirmed bottom-up governance, not what we have seen in the last century, thanks to Edward Bernays' elitist view of democracy and the manipulated role Plebs have on maintaining our enslavement. So much unnecessary mass suffering has occurred in the last century, and we are seeing that the cycle of fear, hatred and authoritarian fascism is coming back strong. No more Bankers' Wars, "Give peace a chance" in Web3, I can hear John Lenon in the echo of united consciousness.

[i]Saving PEPE:

I am helping and doing my part in ''Saving Private PEPE''. What, an animated character? Pause, watch, learn and then think again. Do you need the train?

Saving Pepe from the alt-right's usurpation is not a joke. Lawyers and the ADL are still working on this.
DYOR to understand modern fascism and Pleb's current enemies of democracy; the Alt-right politics, the populist manipulated KEKers, the Incel Alpha Male troll haters (some being boys, adolescents and young men, and Andrew Tate's "disciples"). NEETs as nurtured generational snowflakes, infected by Russian interference (in actuality, Tucker's interview with Putin is an excellent example of this), and China's interference FUDing our democracies and being the World's fentanyl chemical precursors manufacturer and the leading exporter to Mexico and Canada. China is the World Drug Lord that makes fentanyl addicts out of the poorest culture of our democracies. The objective is to erode and divide the World, as seen in our current K economy, benefiting the Uber Elites.

All they want is for the human divide and fear to continue. Through Web2, they create societal narratives that create tensions on race, gender equality, human rights, religion, sexual orientation, education, and political areas, to name a few. Art & Culture Culture is never at the forefront. Well, this time, it is.

, through the obstructions from lobbyists "bigly" paid by big petro corps., chem corps, pharma corps and the industrialized war manufacturing corporation). We are even starting to hear that we must defend our air-space sovereignty from any "Alien" intrusion. If present, they are observing us, like anthropologist are observing the few native communities still living without any contact with our modern World. Imagine explaining Matt Furie's garbage World of consumption to these secluded native tribes and explaining the alt-right fascist usurpation of PEPE. You would then need to give them all the Doctoral thesis that is at the cutting edge of our understanding of Self and our perceived Universe (i.e. our history, our physics and astrophysics, our studies of economics, politics, philosophy, psychology, our stories in widespread beliefs of reasonable, fear and evil. And in all that dividing hatred, in the hardening of the alt-right movement under Mr. Donald J. Trump's governance, these KEKers will do anything to give back the stolen Presidency to their beloved YAPer KEKEer in Chief by re-electing him into Office. And that con madman is explaining to his base why he needs complete immunity. You would have to explain to these native tribes what an autocratic dictator is all about and how the last century of propaganda has shaped our modern World.

PEPE's message and mindset. DYOR for real this time:

PEPE represents freedom and human rights, maintaining Taiwan's freedom to govern under Web3 digital open source governance (g0v).Web3 is at war against Web2's scamming, surveillance and data trafficking to feed the Uber Elites's machine.

United Retail We Stand, Divided We Fall!
Welcome to the machine (Pink Floyd's message). You are awakening from the Bankers' Wars World of manipulation. Welcome to the Machine.

To expand your understanding of my narrative, read the comments on my previous posts and watch the following documentaries:

- ''Feels Good Man'', free to watch on Tubi
- "New Rule: A Democracy, If You Can Keep It", on YouTube
- The "God and Country" documentary, from Katherine Stewart's book, is coming out soon.
You can watch an insightful interview on YouTube. Just search the following as I can post links here: GOD & COUNTRY: Dictators, Democracy, and the New Documentary on Christian Nationalism.

On Web2 (GAFAM giants), Wall Street and the Uber Elites' manipulations of our democracies:
- ''The Creepy Line''... what you need to know about Web2 manipulations on democracy
- ''The Power Principal'', on YouTube
- "Pornocracy" is Wall Street's money at work to get 35%+ of the World's data trafficking on the internet, feeding into THEIR surveillance and consumer analytics in which you are the product.

On the environmental front, on melting permafrost and the scientific fact that global warming will soon be going rogue (1.5-degree Celsius threshold coming in less than six years (i.e. five years, 170 days is the countdown to be precise):
- "Climate Clock," just Google it; it's a website
- ''Eating Our Way to Extinction'', narrated by Kate Winslet, free on YouTube
- ''Day Zero'', on Amazon Prime
- ''Stink!'' free on YouTube

On our current Bankers' Wars debt-based "fiat standard system" and Pleb's enslavement to a diminishing purchasing power to hyperinflation:
- ''Hot Money''... free on YouTube
- "Are all Wars Bankers' Wars?" free on YouTube
- Now for this amazing documentary, "The Collapse of the American Dream Explained," also free on YouTube, I have the following comments: (extra read to understand the context and to zoom out with your neuroplasticity).

It can make you leap from KEKer to Illuminati!

The Federal Reserve (the Fed) is, in fact, a unique public/private hybrid that operates within the government but is still relatively independent of government to isolate the Fed from day-to-day political pressures. In the past, Central Banks, for only private corporations and democracy, could have a hybrid public-private Central Bank at most negligible.

* The Fed's role is to protect the Bankers' fiat standard money printing machines: period, end of quote. To do so, they must cook CPI fugazi numbers to align with their manipulated economic narrative. Simply put, they are not considering the actual cost of Earth's environmental spoilage and expenses. The Re and the Re of Re know the cost of insuring at the catastrophic loss level of risks and that the incoming hidden hyperinflation to which their greed willfully blinds them. As the "system" (also called "The Machine," in which AI is now present), they are desperately trying to maintain the Uber Elites' standard way of living (theme and other insiders included). This war machine now needs a big war to prolong our unsustainable standard of living in fear that favours the few.

*But their money printers can't print fast enough, and brrrrrrr they go! Don't be fooled by how this "private" etiquette emphasis tries to manipulate your beliefs. In this animated documentary, the angle (the lens it's taking to feed its narrative) is to provide populist anger, and likely used to have a populist alt-right agenda harder core fascists. The KEKer narrator should have better explained that it's a unique "hybrid public & private" governance of the Fed. This emphasis on lying about the Fed being only a "private corporation" and presenting it as being "evil" is pure propaganda to make them mad, true patriots under God and Country. It only changes a little in understanding the current fiat standard system and why that ship is sinking fast. So focus on what is essential to be in full consciousness in Web3. A united team effort is needed here. That's what you need to understand. There is a KEKer angle to this animated tail. Zoom out of it and see the big picture.

*The Uber Elites don't want you to know how we got here, our human history since the creation of the bearer bonds, which financed all sides of wars on the back of Pleb's debt enslavement without us having a say in history on that. Pleb is now Crypro Retail, and the Uber Elites want Web3 to fail. In this animated documentary, "The Collapse of the American Dream Explained', the populist politicians, KeKers, and fascism feed from this "anger" and into the populist ideology. The Uber Elites are on all sides of politics and are using mainstream media and Web2's social media to divide and conquer Pleb. It's always the same anger that closes your eyes to THEIR manipulations and separates us from our interconnectedness and Earth harmony.

Pleb through Web3 and birdwatching is waking up fast to this already broken "fiat standard" dystopian World. Web3 and Pleb birdwatching can balance things out. Bitcoin becomes the new absolute reference of value vs. the Bankers' Wars "fiat standard" system that keeps the fear economy rolling and the drums of wars drumming.

Retail is to buy, drip buy, DCA, accumulate and hold Bitcoin and the 200 best quality Alts (97%+ of Crypto Total's market cap!). Le Big Short Squeeze on Bitcoin & PEPE is pumping as Crypto's total market cap is on a 30x trajectory in a five-year window. Buckle up; we are going places!

So again, as I have said many times, your first homework is to watch "Feels Good Man" for free on Tubi. We are saving PEPE from the alt-rights group's usurpation and working with the ADL to remove all the antisemite, hatred, racism, and fascism labelling PEPE. Matt Furie's PEPE is about unconditional love for Mother Earth, friendship, sharing, and helping each other. The PEPE meme is all about living in united communities and friendship. Saying that PEPE is alt-right is like saying that Santa Clause is a pedophile. This PEPE FUD is rekt. The Uber Elites, lobbyist insiders, and mainstream and social media FUD on Crypto are oblivious that PEPE is the poor's Bitcoin.

Once FOMO (soon when BTC breaks ATH) and TOMO starts (when Spot BTC is well over 100K), PEPE will be correlated to Bitcoin and rank up in the 50 best Alts by market cap. PEPE is not even under Wall Street's radar, as they're saying, "Ya Crypto Retail dumb money rekt again buying this PEPE shitcoin crap and on top of that, it's an alt-right Keker's meme that helped us win Trums' election, thanks to the 4chan suckers".... yep, that's Wall Street's mighty mindset.

Few Boomers know the real story of PEPE. For Pleb living in the 57 dictatorship countries, you can buy Bitcoin (Spot BTC only is the real asset) through VPN and P2P services such as Bisq, HodlHodl, RoboSats, and Peach. You then store it in your mobile wallet, and nobody will know you own any Bitcoin. Make sure to use a VPN. Hold no matter what by remembering ourselves that United in Web3, We Stand, Divided We Fall.

Savvy Retail is buying everything they can fast.
Yep, Walls Street's dumb money at work.

Institutions only own 11% of Bitcoin, and Pleb Retail is in control of holding their 19%+ share of Bitcoin and buying more. This retail segment's buying and holding of Bitcoin significantly impacts Web3.

The Uber Elites Bankers' Wars since the creation of the bearer bonds must end.
The fiat standard is based on plebs' debt enslavement as this K economy only favours the wealthy. Please realize that we are at the early stage of a multi-year Crypto Bull market where Web3 will lead innovation in all ecosystems from DeFi, Smart Cities, supply chain management, healthcare, quality news accessibility through credible birdwatching oversight, and open source governance. Do you remember the 1997-2000 dot-com bubble? Well, that bubble valuation only represents 10% of the value of the Internet of Things today. Web3 will be the same with crypto science quality protocols to make everything ''AI smart'' and eliminate corruption and the current Web2 divide.

Web2 Giants, with AYLO (name changed from MindGeek, formerly ManWin, or modern Octopussy in Pornocracy, are all data traffickers. Web2 is manipulating the information and its availability, having the effect of dividing and confusing the masses. The Uber Elites are making sure that we live in an economy driven by competition and fear in which the military and security surveillance industries prevail. Populist nationalism and fascism are flourishing again in this divided environment. You are the product of their bad dreams of wars.

The debt-based fiat standard system is a broken one. The Bankers' Wars are keeping plebs in a debt spiral enslavement to perpetuity. Please read my other published ideas to understand my narrative.

On inflation, the numbers have been cooking for a while. Central banks are not accounting for the cost of the spoilage done to the planet and the costs of the dying ecosystems that keep us alive. They are kicking the can towards the precipice. The rogue climate change pivot point from melting permafrost (i.e. methane) is less than six years away (i.e. busting the 1.5-degree threshold).

The cycle of fascism and the 57 dictatorships are rekt.
It is time for "Women, Life, Freedom" for all.

We are in the age of Aquarius and just starting the year of the Dragon.
The World is ready for Web3 governance, like Taiwan. DYOR on keeping Taiwan free and Andrey Tang's Web3 approach to politics and g0v governance.

Dare to dream better.
In Web3, love and harmony to all

Peace on Earth,


P.S. KEKers will try to convince you that it is all propaganda.
On that, please DYOR on Edward Bernays' work and his influence on the last century, including Hitler's fascist autocracy.
My last recommendation is to watch "the Century of Self" on YouTube (hard to find if you don't know about it as Google algorithm doesn't want Pleb to watch this "subversive" documentary that can bring "chaos" in the Uber Elites fairytale.

Rock on!

כתב ויתור

המידע והפרסומים אינם אמורים להיות, ואינם מהווים, עצות פיננסיות, השקעות, מסחר או סוגים אחרים של עצות או המלצות שסופקו או מאושרים על ידי TradingView. קרא עוד בתנאים וההגבלות.