Crypto Total Market Cap Excluding BTC and ETH, $
ืœื•ื ื’

On Altcoins ๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ



The altcoin market reached its ATH (1,131 T) in November 2021, from that date it entered a descending channel looking for its ATL, by 2025 this market will reach 3 T.
On September 22nd, 4:22 PM 'Dan Held' mocked our method, we love that he does that, it shows us that he is just another bettor in the market like everyone else.
YFII ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
OP ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
CAKE ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
LRC ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
AAVE ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
ATA ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
RUNE ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
INJ ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
DOT ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
MANA ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
TVK ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
SAND ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
MBOX ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
ALICE ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
BTC ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
The downtrend is only rotating, it will take weeks or a few months to start bullish.
๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ Our private crypto wallet, maybe released to the public in Q4 of 2022 or Q1 of 2023, It allows Trading with Bitcoin and Altcoin in multiple blockchains, fully decentralized, does not require KYC or AML, it has military grade encryption. ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Your keys, your coins, your tokens, your money. ๐Ÿฆˆ
OP ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
Hoho, October 1: ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
25 Blockchains supported, 6 swap providers supported, 50% more to have a rainbow of possibilities, loan providers will be added.
October 3, total altcoin market. ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
October 4. ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
On INJ: Much more accurate than what you were taught, we always know where the market is going, it seems that 99% of 'investors' only make losses. ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง
A new clown from the circle of careerists and millionaires has appeared, a word of advice, next time you try to make me feel bad try harder, having a dinner for 12 with 'premium' food and a hooker sucking you off in the bathroom is nothing to brag about, in fact it just shows the kind of ego and false values you have, don't worry the data shows that the 'millionaires' are just losing money, time has proven that we are still right and our policy is right, so bring on more STUPID people so we can keep deducing data to feed the AI.

On Altcoins ๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

On Altcoins ๏ธโ€๐Ÿ”ฅ

"Think I am hearing the anxiety, alienation, and powerlessness of an individual right out of Kafka's yet-to-be published novel" he say.

I find it very funny that this is your argument, when you see a total refusal to share information with you or TradingView users.

We don't care about anyone's arguments, in fact we don't need them, these publications are only made as historical evidence and it is not really to share information to anyone, for there to be winners there must be losers, these are the rules of the market.

'Ogsnos' predicts the market better than his FALSE GURUS and this INACCURATE KNOWLEDGE, hahaha.
I hope it is CLEAR to all, we are not here to do business with people who then stab you in the back or to teach someone something or provide some kind of service, our business is very different, we operate the market to obtain the necessary money build our 'prototypes', in which we do not want investment from anyone external to those who have been in the project from the beginning, our analysis system is for the exclusive use of the company, like almost everything that has been developed in these years, our business is not to sell 'hens that produce golden eggs', it is to sell golden eggs.
Our electric power generators are based on quantum mechanics theory, which physicists have not been able to solve in 50 years, thanks to that, our projects are self-sufficient, we care very little about their FOOLISH and STUPID arguments, we have already sent to review the statistical data to Europe for a PhD and the calculations to a physicist who also said they are correct, I ALREADY KNEW THAT WERE RIGHT, DAMN IDIOT.
Arthur Schopenhauer: Every truth goes through three phases: โ€œfirst it is ridiculed; second, he violently opposes it; and third, it is accepted as self-evident. HAHAHA.
Solving the problem of ('-e' + '+e'), is something that you will not be able to solve, nobody has been able to, nobody has found how to obtain a potential difference from this, no matter how many physicists you hire and no matter how much money you have, many years ago they told me that it was not possible and it is possible, it just takes a long time to solve it.
Solve it if you are 'capable' DAMN TARD.
Solving this for a human is impossible, I only had help from our AI and thousands of hours of calculations and tests.
And PLEASE don't write to me, I'm not interested in helping anyone.
CAKE: Start a new bullish cycle, it will reach 0.0003 - 0.00031 and correct.

ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง

A new 'Kafka Fantasy' HAHAHA.
It's just that I don't care how much money you have (it's devalued), apart from that your economy and currency will collapse and your country with it.
I'm a complete 'son of a bitch' and I expotentiate myself to infinity if I wish, hahaha.
How nice song

Black Veil Brides - Faithless

"Raise up your sirens
Break through the silence
We are united in the search for something more" ...
You know hate, rage are very useful if you learn to focus them, they are infinite energy, everything that everyone runs away from, that's what I feed on, that's why I never stop.
Update (our private wallet free of censorship, sanctions or bans):

47 supported (working) blockchains by web3: Celo, Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, Arbitrum, Fantom, Optimism, Avalanche, Theta, Cronos, HECO, EthereumClassic, BitTorrent, POA, KCC, Harmony, Aurora, DogeChain, OKC, Kava, TomoChain, CoinEx, Nahmii, Boba, Syscoin, Ontology, Oasis, Darwinia, Hoo, IoTeX, Clover, BCH, Metis, Meter, Klaytn, CubeChain, Conflux, Telos, Palm, Moonriver, Moonbeam, Gnosis, Velas, ShibaChain, Shiden, Fusion, Fuse.

7 supported swap providers (working) by web3: QuickSwap, SpookySwap, PancakeSwap, UniSwapV2, UniSwapV3, SushiSwap, KyberSwap.

Tesnet / Maninet chains enabled for all.

Testing: AnySwapV4, AnySwapV6 and 1Inch.

A new 'Kafka Fantasy' HAHAHA.
Attached to our wallet we will launch 'BlackHole Proxy', it is a proxy designed to evade blocks and censorship anywhere in the world including Russia and China, it only requires an internet connection and an android device, the price is very cheap and it is a one-time payment.

A new 'Kafka Fantasy' HAHAHA.
How nice song:

Insomnium: Heart Like a Grave

Sound of the waves
Song of the woeful wind
Beauty of yearning
The tune of my heart
For once there was a time
When I sat by your side
And right before our eyes
The world was open wide.
I listen to music that makes me more angry and hateful, why? very simple (-e) + (+e) = 1Mev, it's how the universe works, full of infinite energy, scientists can't replicate it HAHAHA.
I like to analyze again and again the arguments of the clowns who come up with their silly arguments, reading Arthur Schopenhauer taught me that, I'm a big fan of that man:

Powerlessness derives from a lack of decision-making power, the inability to enact choices and exposure to the disrespectful treatment that results from occupying a marginal status (Young 1990).

It's funny, because I am the one who decides what is done in the company and what is not, everything happens through me, I am the one who takes the exams (my grandfather was a professor of theoretical physics, he taught me how to make 40 students lose the exam, only those who understand pass, not those who memorize), I am the one who knows how to pressure people until they get the truth out of them, humans are an open book, you just have to hurt them enough, everyone opens their mouths without exception.

I am the one who decides where the investments are made and where not, not out of ego like everyone else, it's that I don't like having 'human shit' around, that attitude that so many have, colonial, vassal, of monarchical or neoliberal hierarchies, which are precisely what brought so much misery to the world and so much social inequality, something deeply rooted in the US and Europe.

I am not interested in 'power' or 'wealth' or 'knowledge', I am more oriented to understand, learn, comprehend and not make the same mistakes that all men full of ego make, we are looking for something else, that's why politics of not 'investors', is that they precisely suffer from that evil, too much ego, do what they want away from me and us.
Doing Reverse engineering to Thorchain (direct swaps between Bitcoin and Altcoins).

A new 'Kafka Fantasy' HAHAHA.
public static class LinuxPRNGSecureRandom extends SecureRandomSpi {
private static final File URANDOM_FILE = new File("/dev/urandom");
private static final Object sLock = new Object();
private static DataInputStream sUrandomIn;
private static OutputStream sUrandomOut;

/dev/urandom is insecure, Thorchain (RUNE) for Android is kotlin project, thanks for the 'FREE CODE' hahaha.
What happens when a Senior Android Developer specializing in cyber security becomes something else ? this, hahaha.
We use military grade cryptography, not this nonsense that can be predicted and hacked.
Now to rebuild the project (Thorchain) to debug line by line, hahaha.
Oops, A new 'Kafka Fantasy' HAHAHA.
It is very funny what these 'investors' with the mentality of 'self-imposed kings' believe or argue, a physicist is worth at least 150k-300k USD annually, a robotic arm costs more than 130k USD, add to this all the professionals in multiple disciplines who are they require and the cost of energy that goes up with inflation, for us it is almost free, what I cannot solve is solved by AI, the electromechanical parts are not bought, they are assembled with ridiculously cheap parts, the energy It comes out to us almost at zero cost due to the generator and since the opportunities are offered by the current economic war, we can obtain money in multiple ways, from apps that have not been published, from the wallet or investment in crypto assets, such as I always say, I LOVE ARROGANT TARDS.
If it is true that I spent a lot of time being a minority, thanks to that and not having money, I studied how to manufacture and build everything I couldn't buy, thanks to that, our costs are almost zero, HAHAHA.
How much money is required to build a generator? less than 100k, they produce profits of 100k USD per month, so with those profits with zero tax, we will finish putting together all the other parts of the project, the initial 100K can be obtained from the wallet easily, it is not impossible to get clients who do not want go through a KYC or AML.
That is why we are not interested in having investors here, he always comes with his arrogance and his big ego to give orders, before giving orders first learn to control your ego, it is bad for business, hahaha.
Our mentality is very simple, capture the flag at any cost, 'modesty', 'decency', 'protocol', you can ask bureaucrats who only know how to squash their asses on a chair and give orders, hahaha.
How fun this app is, the libraries it implements are totally saturated with security flaws, how sad these devs are, 'experts' adding libraries full of CVE's in a financial app, always the same story with the devs, hahaha.
For example, the latest stable version of: Play Services Clearcut ยป 17.0.0 has an CVE-2022-2390, good thing we're 'plundering' it, when we're done, build an unofficial library for Thorchain, this app sucks.
All libraries implemented in this package name pattern '*:*' have security flaws.
What is meant by CVE? Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a catalog of known security threats.
DEPRECATED: react-native-randombytes hahaha
I have counted more than 20 security flaws in an app that exchanges digital assets, a favor, HIRE PEOPLE WHO AT LEAST KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING.
It's not worth recompiling this pile of filth (+20 CVE's), we change strategy, we'll dissect it with 'chainsaw', my specialty, hahaha.
I love security systems written by NEWBIES:

new X500Principal(String.format("CN=%s, OU=%s", new Object[]{str, context.getPackageName()

Surely that STOP people from 'Red Team' hahaha.
Red team ? A red team or team red are a group that plays the role of an enemy or competitor to provide security feedback from that perspective.
And we're not even playing seriously, hahaha.
Tomorrow i continue hacking 'KeyGenParameterSpec' but from desktop, is not need android to attack it.
6 years ago when I stopped reporting security bugs, I finally understood something, I don't have to feel angry and frustrated that the software industry never gave me a chance to get a position in the cybersecurity area or gave me a ticket to go to defcom like everyone else who reported a simple 'SQLI njection' and made them look like 'gurus', on the contrary, I should feel very thankful that the industry only hires HALFWITTS and AMALPHABETS in the area of cyber security, basically because we have no competition, that's why we are here, to provide customers with military grade cryptographic software.
The industry can continue to have the policy it has always had, show me your certificate and that proves what you know, which is totally false, we stopped our military projects for one reason only, the current show with russia and china, the military projects were closed and the company changed direction, now we use this technology to protect civilians.
That's why I told my old German contact, never to write me again, when I was eating 'shit' none of them cared, no recruiter gave me a job, they didn't even give me a damn test, so all those people lost their ticket forever, now we do other things and have other policies.
Plato: Nobody is more hated than the one who tells the truth. ๐ŸŒŽ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ“š

Take a ticket and line up, you are not the first, you will not be the last. ๐Ÿ’ฅ

I feel very grateful for those who detest or hate me, hatred is only the manifestation of IMPOTENCE. ๐Ÿฅฑ
I spent many years analyzing the problem, the solution was the AI, they don't betray you, they don't let you down, they don't hate their work, they don't get paid, they don't get tired and they don't make excuses, I always speak in terms of 'us' for that we are a team and not in terms of 'me', because that is egomania.
I understand 'Time Series' because they are generated by machines, not by 'traders', I spent many years studying 'machines' and working with them, so I understand how they work and how they 'talk'.
When I say something, I always know that I'm right, because we've been studying it for years, that's why their ridicule and their opinions don't interest me.

INJ: ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง

Again right, hahaha.
I only draw lines so that people 'understand' where they are going, I don't need to draw, I always know what they do, for me it is natural, it is another form of language in my opinion.

ATA: ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง

Again right, hahaha.
I feel very grateful for those who detest or hate me, hatred is only the manifestation of IMPOTENCE. ๐Ÿฅฑ
What argument our dear CLOWN from yesterday?

I am hearing the anxiety, alienation, and powerlessness of an individual right out of Kafka's yet-to-be published novel.

Fixing a little problem 'Hermes JavaScript bytecode, version 84'.
OP: ืชืžื•ื ืช-ื‘ื–ืง

Wrong as always. ๐Ÿฅฑ
Upgrade for Hermes JavaScript bytecode

Supported versions: 59, 62, 74, 76 and 84.

* Disassemble '' to 'test_hasm' path
* Hermes Bytecode [ Source Hash: 483bf6b35c2f74fc756988796f4e2949f7a8ff5f, HBC Version: 84 ]
* Done


A new 'Kafka Fantasy' HAHAHA.

ื›ืชื‘ ื•ื™ืชื•ืจ

ื”ืžื™ื“ืข ื•ื”ืคืจืกื•ืžื™ื ืื™ื ื ืืžื•ืจื™ื ืœื”ื™ื•ืช, ื•ืื™ื ื ืžื”ื•ื•ื™ื, ืขืฆื•ืช ืคื™ื ื ืกื™ื•ืช, ื”ืฉืงืขื•ืช, ืžืกื—ืจ ืื• ืกื•ื’ื™ื ืื—ืจื™ื ืฉืœ ืขืฆื•ืช ืื• ื”ืžืœืฆื•ืช ืฉืกื•ืคืงื• ืื• ืžืื•ืฉืจื™ื ืขืœ ื™ื“ื™ TradingView. ืงืจื ืขื•ื“ ื‘ืชื ืื™ื ื•ื”ื”ื’ื‘ืœื•ืช.