
NASDAQ US100 Chart Analysis November 11



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I will begin NASDAQ ZeroMarket US100 Chart Analysis for November 11th .

It is a 30 minute chart, a long position strategy.

There is no safe support line at the bottom.

That's why it becomes a dangerous place.

After making the wave once,
In the sky blue finger section
It's a long position / upward sideways strategy.

If the red line deviates, along the green support line
It can be strongly deviated.

Stop loss is required.

Please operate safely.

Thank you.

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666
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