
Crypto spam box 7. Thanks for the money.

3 083
"You're going to miss out if you don't stop being a delusional bear". I outperformed 99% of the bulls I bet.
You don't even need to be right or wrong about anything if you trade correctly.

Here's a new idea to follow what's going on in crypto and what I see. Later on I'll join crypto & the rest I mainly watch BTCUSD EURUSD USDJPY and about 20 other tickers but only if they're extremely oversold/bought. But for now and the next months I separate them as we're in a bubble and as such 90% of people are only interested in crypto.

It's possible we go up next week(s). I don't know how far and I'll only short Bitcoin if we go up to 11k.
People keep talking about this reunion of nerds "consensus" and they think they should buy and fill my short orders because they think there's a correlation.
Now, in 2018 since perma bulls think there's a correlation, there is going to be one, self-fulfilling prophecy. So totally possible we go up.
People aren't super positive thought, so I don't have too high hopes. I'll be ready to short Bitcoin and ETH big if they go to 11000/900+

I don't have charts for alts 3-4 years old, but let's look at Bitcoins and try to see if there's indeed a correlation:
The whole picture:
Let's check the AVN awards, an event during which Adult Video News (AVN) presented its annual AVN Awards to honor the best pornographic movies and adult entertainment products of the past year in the United States.
So every time we followed the same pattern exactly:
1/ Go up 2 days.
2/ Down below start point.
3/ Then up for weeks.


Technically, BTC price is much more correlated to AVN awards than to that "compensus" thing, whatever it is.
I could pick any chart and any event and show you a correlation. Wastes 5 min of my life thought, I would only do it to troll someone, at least I get a good giggle "look how microsoft is correlated to crypto confusius".

But screw that, this is much much muuuuch more interesting:

Come to papa, papa knows everything, love him, and he'll love you.
All you have to do to sell at the top and buy at the bottom is: look at support, resistance, and fibo lol. If a support doesn't hold buy more on next one, scale in. Of course don't go big to the point if you lose once you blow your account.

I didn't know there was separated types of analysis technical fundamental and sentiment.

So I have been doing a bit of sentiment analysis with my trolling on reddit twitter and TV chat? Nice. I'm not a troll I'm an analyst!
Objectively, when in march at 10000$ I trolled and told people not to buy because we'll never see 10k again and were going down or when I said i don't fall for this bull trap because I'm not a peasant and got banned for it, people called me a big clowny troll, but if they had listened...
Got banned on twitter too now... I'll drink their tears when they lose their money.
A tip: A crowd of mildly intelligent people will be insanely stupid.
Don't be part of the herd.

There's some books about this Bonco Hansen.pdf?sequence=1

90 meg download here:
This is why you don't trade shitcoins
A possibility
This army of tens of millions of people that think they are in crypto early (LOOOOL) and it will grow exponentially...

A group of delusional nerds dressed up and made a fake march as "bankers against Bitcoin" because it's "taking their job and money away".
How do bankers lose?
80% of banks money comes from loans 20% from trading.
They'll have slightly less money to trade with?
What about when 95% of the "crypto enthusiasts" lose their private key or get it stolen and become slaves to the banks just to survive? Will the banks lose then? XD

I work in a bank, in IT, and in the intranet / private web they make jokes about crypto lol. They're sooooo scared :'D.

These Bitcoin shillers, day and night endlessly spamming propaganda, just hammering people with these propaganda messages, are they evil and should be locked up, or just really stupid?
Ah been a while since I posted baghodler quotes from Tesla, these people are magical :D
So May the 4rth, Elon Musk said we were heading for the short burn of the century, did it happen?


Guess not! :D

Source for the tweets:

They're blaming the news now...

Same BS as usual "Ooooh short sellers better be very very careful" *gloomy music runs* "bad very bad things are about to happen wuuuuuuh you better be very very careful shorty I am warning you, <Insert random name here> is a revolution and big money will pour in and you will all feel sorry" :D

By now millions of trillions of dollars of "big money" should have poured in in thousands of revolutions. Where would all that "big money" come from?
"Oh but <insert random name here> is different, it is the future of humankind and we can't live without it".
People will always need houses, people will always want pets ( success story google it), people will need clean cars if humanity is to survive, people will need magical virtual coins, people will need better cures for all the epidemies, people will always need food... bla bla bla.

Crypto isn't at that stage yet. Will they ever get there? These people are beyond delusional, complete fanatics. I know how that ends... Anyone played Gothic? :D
Best game ever.
Yeah the fanatics are going to lose their mind lose all their money...
The higher they feel they are, the harder they'll fall.

Get ready for the suicide stories they can't say they weren't warned.
If crypto doesn't get a bull run in the next 3 weeks it will have been the 3rd time in row it's pathetic and disapoint least 3 yea.

I wanted it to explode up, with ETH at least at 900$ and BTC at 11k, and I wanted every one to cheer celebrate and talk about how rich they will be, I wanted bulls to come to my comment section and tell me how wrong and bad I am, make fun of me, "humiliate me", ask me how much money I lost and if I will be looking for a job at macdonald.
The dream... This would have been the signal to short all in with leverage.
But nooo, bulls are pathetic, and once again we get a lame slow move up and that's it.

Why is crypto still so popular on trading view?
There's no money to be made. It's pointless. Such a waste.
A quote
"Bitcoin has peaked not because whales have crushed the price to "buy on the cheap" (they don't have cash, only crypto - how can they buy more???).
Bitcoin has peaked because the Ponzi ran out of bigger fools' money to pay for mining costs.
BTC can't go up by design at this point."

This guy is calling the crypto culture a clown culture. He's being pretty nice.

I don't do fundamentals too much, but if the price drops below the mining cost, would it mean thing just crashes? Or it scales somehow. I have no idea XD

Can we just get a quick crash in June so I don't feel like I have to leave money in and just go grow somewhere else...?
Actually... Even if we get a 30% bounce idk if that's even worth it...To wait till then.

100 billion dollars markets are ripe for the rekking, why every one wasting time in magical coins?
I'm seing plenty of bagholders compaining about VIPS.
This thing went up 6000% up in 3 years (Bitcoin style), and when it dipped to "only" 3000% up people rushed to buy rather than wait "quick quick don't want to miss out"


A few bagholder quotes:
“All the joy and happiness drained from my body in a matter of minutes. Worst feeling ever.”
“Worst part of VIPS crash. Going home to your daughter knowing you are failing to give her life she deserves. Gotta keep hope alive.”
“No choice, have to recover the funds, need to break even. Never should have sold TCEHY for this painful lesson.” (This is why resistances work so well, bagholders that want to break even all sell).
“Just feel stupid for following my gut, turns out my gut is all fat and should not be trusted.”
I'm done with chinese companies these are going to be my last trades with chinese they just manipulation a lot and fake pump.”
“But 20% drop. I mean this is not TSLA, this company is not bleeding money or hoping to sell you some clothes via 3 year pre-order.”
“MMs already buying. Hold Tight. Bears have to cover soon.”
“I'm very sorry with those weak hands and traders that are new sold off with very strong positive earning. I feel sorry for them.”
“Weak Hands already out. Patience will pay off for Long Term holders.”
“Until this recovers, sleepless nights, weight gain, unhealthy reflection on life decision making.”
“Hopefully my margin call will leave me with a few cents to rub together.” :'D
“Margin sucks...”
Thanks to this guy for compiling those.

Just HODL!
The ones selling and making a fortune are weak hands and we should feel sorry for them.
(I'm not the one that drew that)
Human psychology does not stop in investing.
Any league of legends players out there?
Some saturday's I would just go play on a new account 10 games in a row.
This is how it looked like:

Game 1.
"Nooooo noob don't pick Shaco I am stuck in gold 4 because of trolls like this omg ok I go troll DIE DIE DIE I HATE YOU"
"Ooooh you act tought now, enjoy your early game because soon you will be useless. Idc about your winrate you just got lucky against bad players"
"Aha you can do nothing against our tanks in late game, Garen and Volibear are unkillable very useful champions unlike Shaco"
"HAHAHAHA It's the comeback told you BAAARRON oh yeah! Good thing we didn't surrender! NEVER GIVE UP! Why aren't you talking Shaco are you worried yet? ;) You learned an important lesson today"
"Where are our inhibs? WTF IS THIS NOOB ADC no this doesn't count we were supposed to win! Just these noobs ruining games!"
"Report our adc please." "Report mid" "Report top it's his fault" "Report Wall street they shorted this game"
"Hey buddy I'm sorry I got angry earlier want to duoQ?"

Game 2.
"Nooooo noob don't pick Shaco I am stuck in gold 4 because of trolls like this omg ok I go troll DIE DIE DIE I HATE YOU"
"Ooooh you act tought now, enjoy your early game because soon you will be useless. Idc about your winrate you just got lucky against bad players"
"Aha you can do nothing against our tanks in late game, Garen and Volibear are unkillable very useful champions unlike Shaco"
"HAHAHAHA It's the comeback told you BAAARRON oh yeah! Good thing we didn't surrender! NEVER GIVE UP! Why aren't you talking Shaco are you worried yet? ;) You learned an important lesson today"
"Where are our inhibs? WTF IS THIS NOOB ADC no this doesn't count we were supposed to win! Just these noobs ruining games!"
"Report our adc please." "Report mid" "Report top it's his fault" "Report Wall street they shorted this game"
"Hey buddy I'm sorry I got angry earlier want to duoQ?"

Game 3.
"Nooooo noob don't pick Shaco I am stuck in gold 4 because of trolls like this omg ok I go troll DIE DIE DIE I HATE YOU"
"Ooooh you act tought now, enjoy your early game because soon you will be useless. Idc about your winrate you just got lucky against bad players"
"Aha you can do nothing against our tanks in late game, Garen and Volibear are unkillable very useful champions unlike Shaco"
"HAHAHAHA It's the comeback told you BAAARRON oh yeah! Good thing we didn't surrender! NEVER GIVE UP! Why aren't you talking Shaco are you worried yet? ;) You learned an important lesson today"
"Where are our inhibs? WTF IS THIS NOOB ADC no this doesn't count we were supposed to win! Just these noobs ruining games!"
"Report our adc please." "Report mid" "Report top it's his fault" "Report Wall street they shorted this game"
"Hey buddy I'm sorry I got angry earlier want to duoQ?"

etc... every single game... I played thousands of games... Not a single exception on how they act...maybe a very very few silent games at night...
Every time its different thought...
So many games that could have been ended at 20 minutes the terrible players stuck in low elo for 4 years would "never surrender" and game lasts 50 minutes instead... Why don't they put all this wasted time into actually learning?

I hate waiting so much XD Is there one activity on this planet where I don't have to wait for plebs??? XD
I thought trading eurodollar I outperformed Bill Gate for a second here, but on one of his best years he made 20.000$ every minute. I did not outperform him.
11 billion in 1 year. I feel like a poor scraper/ scavenger picking tiny bits...

Still better than the people wasting their time on Bitcoinect.

They say when the people that fell for Bitcoin focus hard on their hearing they can hear the voice of Carlos Matos in the distance.
Heard about Howey coins? I heard its an amazing project and has huge potential.
The ICO is liiive!
Howeycoins is the first crypto currency to offer tokens to the 1.5 trillion dollar a year travel industry.
And they are promising 225% increase in token price after the ICO ends.
This is huge you don't want to miss out!

Oh, by the way howeycoins is the crypto created by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to troll ICO crooks and pump chasers :'D

Tfw the troll site is better than 99% of all "legit" ICO's.
Oh their whitepaper is better than that of any ICO ever.
The crooks operating one of the major sekf-proclamed exchange for the ponzi have a "downtime".
We are going down fast soon.

"Downtime in Progress
BitMEX is currently down for maintenance.
Please view the BitMEX Status Page for more details.

If you believe you are seeing this message in error, please contact BitMEX Support."
Type that previous message as fast as I could as soon as I saw bmex was down.
Ayyyye sold at the top again XD As indicated in this idea when I posted it no one knew it was the top - except me. Bitcoi nnnneeect!


Bitmex trading resumes in 4 minutes. leeet me just cancel that buy on 8050 XDDDDD
Closed part of my short hedge, but I wouldn't call that going long.
System overloaded ofc.
I cancelled some orders to have margin requirement to try and cheat, didn't work out and now I can't set my orders back xd
Ok so I get it, they purposedly do this "system overloaded" lie so the liquidation machine decides the price as all the casino gamblers get their losing positions closed, but really can't they let me modify an order 300$ away? What is it going to change?

Oh ye if you hadn't figured how their liquidation bot works.
Banks: Regulated. Have to keep some money in a central bank. All working together to avoid systemic risk. Clients get interest on their deposited money. They cannot refuse to give you your money.

StableCoins: Hidding abroad. Unregulated. Unaudited. Operated by crooks.
Tether contract clearly states they don't HAVE to give usd in exchange for magical coins. Making money off interest rates, their "clients" get ZERO.

"Crypto will brong power bak too the pople and free us of the tiranny of banks!"
"No one can take my magical coins away from me"
I highly recommend going long on rice, tap water as they are going to be on high demand, as well as macdonals as they'll get a boom in cheap labor soon as well as
new clients looking for an economic place to eat.
Something's wrong when you can't tell if something is a scam or not...
Looks veeeery fake but they all do...
Ok I can tell: they're scams. All of them.
Aaaand I started looking into how to make my own ICO.
But nah I have high hopes in the nrj & metal futures and forex market I don't need to.
Well... if it would only take one day to create a project I would do it, but it would probably take more, and how much can I hope for? 5000 ETH is even possible if I scrap some BS site in a couple of days?
The time for making ICO's was probably 6 months ago. Too late now...
All these full of shit big mouth losers are the same lol.
Talk and talk and talk and show off and criticize others and only show their wins, and when you point out their BS they get mad and ask you to worry about your own performance :)

And the herd, 3 weeks ago you were a delusional retard if you said we're not starting a new bull market, and now anywhere you look or ask "no one thought that".
When we hit the ground "no one" will have thought we go up to 1 million.
They keep celebrating they group up and hate on reasonable people that aren't brain damaged, they insult me and ban me, and yeah when they lose all of their money "why are you talking man some good people lost alot of money fk off do you like it when people suffer they don't deserve this" "Nah I knew we wouldn't go up" "You should worry about yourself" etc etc.

Gosh when this thing goes down I will personally humiliate every 2017-2018 bull I see. Hit them when they're down.

If we keep going down at that rate it will only be 2 weeks till 6500 is reached.
From Trolly McTrollface@Tr0llyTr0llFace

"Have you read the heart-warming story of a Goldman lemming who left his statistical arbitrage job (TLDR: zero connection to, or benefit for, the real world) to run his own 15M ICO scam?
When a mysterious revolution starts attracting dung beetles, it's most probably full of shit."
Love that one :'D

Crypto enthusiasts are probably hyped because wall street (dung beetles) are leaving wall street and coming into their space "we're winning we're owning wall street" "the revolution has begun" "we must be doing something right if wall street traders are leaving it to come join crypto, something very right".

This is just beyond...Maybe I should just create my sect get a bunch of braindead brainwashed followers, and live like a god. All that stupidity feels wasted.
*Alert* 250 million Tether just got printed. Pump incoming? or dump?

Last Grant Property Tokens was the 20 march around same hour.
Before that, the 23 jan.

Before that 14 to 20 january kept printing. And before.
And before

I don't know if there's a correlation, maybe a little pump straight after but that's all. Has been going up after, has been going down after too.
So I closed my hedge short at the absolute bottom again...

Where's going to be a good area to open a short next?
Probably in the blue area. We can easilly go higher thought.
I'm not paying that much attention to crypto anymore can't tell how good it would be to short there.

Tfw you spend the week end making calculations.
I won't quit crypto after all, that money won't make a huge difference if I send it elsewhere.

What good countries where I don't have to pay gigantic taxes?
How does someone go from zero to hero if their criminal government takes everything? Might as well just be poor and get free stuff.

Switzerland/Monaco accept people easilly?
Ukraine doesn't need a visa to go to and 18% that's kinda fair.
Can buy a whole town there too.
But... this Russia thing...

So many obstacles...
Why did Russia have to take crimea.
Ah screw it one day I'll take a plane to Odessa best place XD
One day I'll just pack and say "cya UK cya France wish I never cya"

Just trade till you just don't care and go wherever the fk you want to go.
iirc TV didn't have yearly charts a few weeks ago.
Rofl Bitcoin chart looks so weird.

Institutions look at this.
If they're interested in Bitcoin they'll buy big in the 150-1200$ region.
Prepare your limit orders in a few months! :D
If not many real investors believe in Bitcoin it's going to be 0 then. Whatever.

Member how when we go up we go down just as fast? Oooh I member.

We bounced so close to 7800 ( :< ) that now it's probably not interesting anymore to go long there, missed it!

If we go lower than that, it should fall down rapidely ( a day or two) to somewhere between 6000 and 7000, it could bounce on 7500 7200 a little but eeeh nah not for me, why should I chase every little move that is risky.

I would close my short on 6900 probably (will have to check all kinds of MA and trendlines if we go down see where they at), and go long start scaling in 6850 small & bigger and 6650 & if we go below 6600 I still scale till 5800.


Member this idea? All this lines every where, it's not even trolling XD
Alot of them aren't relevant anymore, but for exemple between 5700 & 5400 we can see there is a gap and blue lines aren't as importnat so the gap goes from 5700 to 4600 meaning if we go there we go down as fast as we went up a couple of months ago :)
Bitcoin. Support levels you have to know about. Yes all of them.
I wonder how many people realise how broke it is to short on mex.
It is just so stupid.

Say you have 1 Bitcoin there and the price is $10000. We went up and you're expecting a retrace.

You use 4% of your account to short with 15 leverage so you're short for 6000$
liquidation price will be around 10700.
price goes up 5%, to 10500, your 96% left are worth 10500*0.96 = 10080.
You short with 5% of your account, so add 7560$.
You still have 0.9 BTC left, price goes to 11000$ you got 11000*0.9 = 9900$ left.
You short for 0.1 BTC here so 16500$

You can just keep going forever. The higher it goes the more it will retrace as it always has. Would have to go straight up 100% to lose! IMPOSSIBLE (unless you short at the bottom - won't work great with this method).

AND you get funding usually when the trend goes against you like 0.5% a day. Bonus money to have more purchasing power.

That's just a simple example.
Going long on mex thought... meh. Maybe best to go long on a site where you hold cash. Maybe buy btc and send to mex when you want to go long, OR like me always have a short hedge.

This is a simple example, but right now for bitcoin this is my main strategy.
ETH LTC I will just trade on Kraken. Shitcoins on binance, but I am not interested in shitcoins anymore.

Right now Bitcoin might go to 9500 where I'll more than on 8500 where I started, but I don't think it's likely, even if it goes past 9500 there will be plenty of reversal areas, I'll keep shorting. Of course, as soon as there's a retrace even small one I start taking profit.


If I had a time machine & the power to choose what shitcoin goes somewhere when 99% dies without changing anything about the fundamentals or giving any info to anyone I can 100% guarentee this would happen:

- Choose coin 1 explodes becomes the next big thing. All of the other ones die.
People invested in that coin "Oh ye I did my research this one was clearly different I knew it and I got rewarded for #HODLing the greatest of them all"
People in other coins "I knew it was risky and a scam" / "It's wall street fault"

- Choose coin 2 explodes becomes the next big thing. All of the other ones die.
People invested in that coin "Oh ye I did my research this one was clealry different I knew it and I got rewarded for #HODLing the greatest of them all"
People in other coins "I knew it was risky and a scam" / "It's wall street fault"

etc :D

"My worthless magical is the real deal it's different".

When this all goes down and never recovers, and in the Ashes all that is left is FREAKING DOGECOIN I won't be able to stop laughing for days, I WILL shed tears.
Damn whenever I meet someone so beat up crying and seeing some troll coin is the only one left and start saying "mmmaaaan this can't be real" I will lose my mind. Oh ye I'll cry.

Patience, going to be at the very least 1 year until we know...
Very probably more than that... 5-10 years ...
Every crypto enthusiast guru will have disappeared without a trace, serving macfries like Lord Ashdrake, I won't even be able to tell them how wrong they were.

Waiting is boring...

I realize now... there's actually people that think the hundreds of crypto currencies have a future? All these pumped ponzi's? LOL.
This is so unreal. How anyone can take this seriously I do not know...
Long blockchain ice tea too? It's going to be the next big thing?

I can just imagine a world where people have thousands of different currencies to choose from to pay for stuff XD It's unbelievable how stupid some people are "Oooh yeah we'll use Dentacoin to pay the dentist" Then go buy food "foodacoin" then "for MJ Metal" etc the list goes on "Oh ye remember to remember your password and store safely your passphrase and be very organised FOR YOU 350 DIFFERENT WALLETS " <=== PEOPLE CANNOT EVEN REMEMBER A 4 DIGIT PIN NUMBER SO THEY WRITE IT DOWN AND AAAA IS THE MOST COMMON PASSWORD.

Let's go back to prehistoric time and carry corn wheat salt and bricks at all time to trade goods, actually much simpler than having all these crypto's. Oh and remember to keep a couple hundred $ on each one of your 350 wallets, you never know when you might need it.
A few weeks ago the internet was drowning in messages about how unbelievable it was that people were stupid enough not to buy as cheap when it was sooo obvious a bull run started.

I just unfollowed every one on my now banned twitter account and just wanted to stay away from internet, every where, just more hammering about "awesome" crypto "awesomness" I got a headache!
Today thought, I don't see any such message, they all disappeared...

One I remember is crypto Yoda because he's pretty big.
Not a word he just vanished since May 7. He kept spamming in April when we were going up. He joined in April 2017, so if he has been putting a part of his salary in BTC since then his average price would be at 50WMA-60WMA.
That area we testing now. Again.


Maybe all these ghosts that suddenly went silent are praying a miracle buyer comes now? Like before, the miracle "big money" buyer that has been pumping the price and then dumping on the idiots the "crypto enthusiasts" managed to convince to buy at the top after a 40% pump. The kind that told me personally I was delusional and couldn't admit I was wrong and how I missed out.

Hey maybe a magical buyer comes again, and what? We get the 3rd bounce on weekly 50 MA, once again weaker?
Or the magical buyer waits for a lower low 5800$ so people think that was low enough to be the bottom, and they get all excited ONCE AGAIN same story as 12 April, same story as 11 March, they just keep falling for it.
But these fools have less and less money to give the the manipulator, so the bounce will be weaker again + the people that realized they just keep getting scammed.
Even if Mr manipulator waits for 5800 we should bounce on 6600$.

When we lose 5800$ all these complete morons will capitulate and we will fall straight to 4600$. More or less of course can't call the exact $.
Oversold bounce will happen on 4600$ I'll long BTC and probably also Litecoin that will be so weak.
Sell quickly before it drops again, 3500$ next. Long term trendline and the top of monthly guppy's will be there.
On 3500$ I expect a bigger bounce.
After that, maybe a battle with the long term hodlers, people that bought since 2015, even 2013, will begin. That one could last a really long time.
If that is lost thought... road to 160-1170$ area. Probably bounce hard on $1000 but it won't mean it is over.

Maybe I'll be able to go to reddit twitter trading view without getting flooded by bull messages and without getting banned. It will be much nicer places when all these fools are gone and back to flipping burgers :)
In 40 days we will have set a 6 month inside candle.
Nice so taxes went to my bank account and took everything I had, they left nothing.
What if I didn't have cash with me and money spread in different places?
Should I starve to death?
Diversify your money, if you don't want to end up begging for food after these criminals take what they want.

Going to be so awesome when I quit my job and go to a sunny beautiful place to evade taxes like a baws.

They never helped me never gave anything even what they were supposed to when I had nothing, but they sure don't mind grabbing whatever they feel like grabbing.

I should have wiped my bank account clean. When I get a salary next month I better move it quick, how much will they take? I didn't get any notice.

All that money they steal and then waste...
I'm getting robbed so lazy fat losers can sit at home watch tv all day?
So kids can like me be forced to waste years at school?
So losers can go see the doctor to say hi 3 times a week for free?

And these criminals are trying to regulate crypto to be able to rob money there too :D

This is the USA but it's the same:

Half of it goes to medical nonsense.
I NEVER go to the doctor, I don't need to. 90% of what is being used is a waste.
I'm paying so smokers and fat asses can have operations.
Why ME? Their problem. Smoking or getting fat isn't an accident.
They weren't born that way.
These people should die, natural selection at its finest, why do we fucking help them, is this a giant joke?

Tax evade. Let them die.
Weather was bad in USA & east asia, super sunny in europe so they were the last bulls left slowing down the fall. Now weather good USA & China, storm hit France, west of europe, and will reach the rest of it next. Weather bad every where this week end.
BTC probably going to go down fast end of week or this week end or start of next week :)
Dumb weather trading XD
Just sit and watch how stupid this market is.
In the baghodler series, found the latest pearl.
Savour it slowly, with an extra serving of rage.

Quotes are in dark blue and in quotes.

Oooh but the best is when they try quoting famous investors.
We all know Warren Buffet said "Buy total garbage when there is blood on the street" right? Very wise words.
That guy saying he lost half his life savings, since we dropped 50%, he clealry bought at the top fomo style "I'm a genius" and put ALL his money in, and then rode his loser XD
Guy that lost every thing ==> Buy at the top *2 leverage.
HMNY what's up with this company? Bagholders are still buying more.
This thing is worth somethign or?
I know they cheated and used a trick to make it appear as they made profit.
Wtf that pump...? Still less than TRON thought XD
The company is worth something thought or just going to 0?
Poor hedge fund manager never stopped looking at markets and needed 10 screens because of so many assets 10 years ago.
Now with crypto he's going to need at least 1 more screen. :p

So the magical coin price went below the previous low, and it's getting oversold on smaller TF but I don't care, nothing is holding it, the probability of a bounce isn't very high. 7000$ is a good start. That's where I'll close my short.
lol wtf

Next thing people will protest against tornadoes and heat waves.
Oh no... don't tell me that's already the case...

Protest against Bitcoin is coming soon.

Remember to diversify. Stock markets work like crypto, so if you enjoy robbing bronze noobs, considering opening a stock account :)
This guy explaining clearly point by point why EVERYTHING but the us dollar is going down:

Everything...but the us dollar...
I'm 95% in the usd at the moment it so happens. It better go up!
By the time the stock market hits rock bottom maybe I'll have some money to invest.

When that happens if magical imaginary useless money stays above 3500$ ... wow.
% rofl)You can only be a successful trader (and maybe investor too) if you think highly of yourself. People that think "wall street big money is playing with us they're unbeatable I am so small what can I do" or whatever all lose.
Makes no sense as nearly all these hedge fund managers are pure garbage.
They're more emotional than retail (which saves them as they panic sell at -10% rather than -95%) and they keep making piss poor decisions.

I used Bitcon as an example, this is what is happening:

Side by side...
6600 will be a higher low right? Clearly it means we go up right?
Haha this is going to dump so hard in a few days or weeks 99.9% guarentee.
Who gonna buy? Weekly is done. Monthly guys are much below that they won't buy big so much above their average price. Daily guys got burned, they're going to come back for some magical reason so baggies can break even?

These pro's have rules and they always do the same, just so predictable.
Nothing can beat a guy like me just chilling at home doing whatever the fk he wants no rules holding me back.

30% drop in a week is very realistic. You better be ready.
This works for Crypto Stock Gold as these spaces are dominated by noobs.

Forex doesn't have the same rules (or not exactly at least) as it is not full of noobs.

Other metals, energy, agriculture futures... That I do not know, but if I'm correct it's mostly people in these fields producing for real hedging in case a catastrophy hits and they have no goods to sell, and lots of speculators trading. I do not think there's investors (plus futures expire lol) and the rules aren't the same, but i'm not 100% sure, I need to study this sector more.
Testing weekly MA50 now. Waterfall to expect if it does not hold.
Could get to sub 7000 in the next 24 hours.
I think it consolidated on WMA50 before dropping (or even bounce who knows).
I have time to go out come back and set some orders on mex :p
Probably... Emotional market anything can happen.
Cya down there :D
Some people must really be enjoying their ramadan.
It's hot, the air pressure is up, they didn't drink or eat all day, and their portfolio is catapulting down.
Fun <3 <3 <3

The 11 March pump worked out, the 12 April pump worked out (idk what was the previous one), why wouldn't a pump on 6600$ work out?

They always fall for it...
All we need is a higher low I guess? Every one must be anxious, I don't even know how that works, does giving people hope when they are desperate make them euphoric?

Come on give me some volatility, FINALLY! No more sleeping.

May the 2014 copy pasta unfold!
Bitcoin. Scenario 2: very slow and very painful.
My opinion (not sure enough for me to add to my short): babybounce as RSI's recover 3-5% maybe, then drop fast below WMA50, to anywhere in the 5500-7000 region, I'll start closing my short as we get to 7000 and below, and go long mostly around 6600 but scale even if we drop to 6000, after that IMO we go up to test WMA50 as resistance, soon after, or can be long after thought...

15% bounce easy on BTC, more on alts, is pretty likely. But don't count on it 100%
Dropping 15% below also possible... since it's at 7600 that means dropping to 6460...
Remember to be careful thought, even if BTC goes down it can pump randomly because someone with 100 MM to risk decided to manipulate the price.
As has happened before.
And this is the most irrational market in a while or even ever...
A sect of complete fanatics...The biggest bagholders the world has ever known...

Price gets obviously manipulated and every one cheers and all buy.
Even traders.
Sure 30% is nice, but you don't know when "someone" decides to dump.

===> Yo this is why Warren wants to bet on the downside but would never short it.

Play it safe and get rich quick anyway. I made almost 10% these past 10 days in the Forex market safely, all wins, and I missed some opportunities, could have made MOAR.
Damn when I go to stocks I'll be hunting trades all day long or what? XD
Nah maybe I'll just look at a couple dozen stocks real quick, my favorite ones, and mlearn everything about them. I think this + getting alerts on very extreme conditions works best.
I'm looking at 3*4 tickers at the moment Bitcoin + 7 dollar pairs + 2 indices + Gold & Oil. I can triple this easy, I just look at the charts quick draw where sup & res are, and when they get close I look at them more closely. UNLIMITED POWER!!!
How I view the market versus how a Bitcoiner views the market :)
Today I learned the US government in 1933 decided to ban gold.
The punishment for having gold if they found out was $10000 fine (big sum back then) AND a sweet 10 years in jail.
The government doesn't give a fuck. if anything threatens their paper printing they'll jail you for life they'll make you go brankrupt, they'll torture you they'll kill you and rape your children.

US already made it hard for US citizens to buy and trade crypto's.
And China...

The day China or the US decides to take real action that would be a fun day.

Hey, when the recession hits, and let's say some fools might want to put their money into crypto "genius" since there's not much other places to put it, like they put theoir money into gold in 1930's, I wonder what would happen? :)

Wish TV had the Buffet indicator wanted to check it out.

If crypto goes down it will go down, if crypto goes up it will go down, if crypto does not move it will go down. No issue for it.
Too hard to figure how to scale.
Brb maths. I'm expecting a bounce around 10% so I'll scale based on that.
Try to make sure you don't miss out, but you don't lose either.
Good luck.
Could bounce on 7200...
Whatever if it does I miss out.
I have no idea where it would bounce...
I hate crypto don't even want to trade it anymore.
Probably I'll go small and scale and not make much.
Because there's nothing... No bottom.
I just want to cash out.
To be clear, nothing is stopping BTC till 3500$ now.
I just want to short and ignore it.
Have to go small... Hate it.
This stupid asset problem: everything correlated.
Everyone is taking bad trades because there's nothing else to do.
I'm going to feel good when I'm out entirely, I might still trade Bitcoin futures I think that's about it.

GBPUSD has no support, well simple I ignore it I got 10 other tickers I'm watching and trades to take every day.

Just go small till 3500$ ...

Ye I'm just going to look vaguely for supports as bad as they are and fibo convergences.
At worse I guess the correction trendline should support now?
I'm just going to scale really slowly... If I only make a couple hundreds well it's better than going long when the damn investors go dump.
Note: Think it would be best to stay short on mex, maybe close and hedge it.
And long on Kraken where account is in usd and won't drop 40% if the price drops 40%.
On mex going long = progressively closing short, then reopen it on bounce.

But well in 2014 it kept bouncing on the way down...

Anyone that scales, shorting better on mex longing better on an usd one.
Been a long time I didn't rob anyone on Kraken. Miss it ^^

Let us catch falling knifes together bro's.
Longs going up. Shorts going down. Great job 10/10 traders.
Whatever. Shorting it if it dares to go up there.
There has to be a support or trendline we lost and now might go test it as resistance. Too lazy to check.
I wonder if Trump is the kind of guy to outlaw Bitcoin when the US start a recession and he wants to make America great again.
Nah he doesn't seem like the kind :}
Bullish divergence means we might get a shot at building a bigger short position insurance.

Daily MA50 is at 8400$ but seriously... don't think we go that high.
Seems reasonable to start shorting abit on 8000 if we manage to go that high.

Ok what happened last time, not that it means anything...nevermind

Dis a joke rite?
This guy whose videos I've been watching since yesterday he's a author os books on investing and apparently a hedge fund manager (how many of them are there?)
Here's what he has to say about investing, he only really likes stocks, no hate.

How to Invest: Commodities, Real Estate, or Bonds?

Should You Invest in Cryptocurrency?
Bearish divergence on magical coins?
I'm watching 4 indices + 8 currency pairs + 3 commodities + Bitcoin and none of them except BTC (in a day or more) seems they're going to give me a good trade opportunity.
So I'm going to do what's best for getting amazing returns and what Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger have been doing to get where they are.
On a smaller time fram thought :D

"Oh no but you're going to miss out". Haha.

In this video, this dude talk about the power of waiting, and why most pro fund managers don't outperform the market & just follow it (Crypto included rofl, it's even worse). Except Jim Cramer that fucks up then manipulates the market to make his money back.

Very good stuff.
Remind me to make a list of crypto clowns.
A good start with this list, about half of it qualify (don't worry not Vitalik)
The US justice department looking to lock up crypto crooks also include the ponzi exchanges, that didn't actively stop the manipulation.
Make sure this doesn't happen:
How to invest long term the simple way:

Problem with Bitcoin is there is no value, or if there is one they say it's the electricity cost for producing 1 which is $1000 is that it?
Then investors long term should only buy below $1000.

If I wanted to invest I certainly wouldn't invest in crypto thought.
Or maybe a little... idk. Nah I make way more trading.
Remember what works in crypto won't work in other markets & vice versa...

few examples
FX: MA's don't do much
Crypto: H&S are troll
Video about penny stocks pump and pumps, for anyone interested in crypto's that aren't Bitcoin (or LTC or ETH I suppose), works exactly the same:

Saw a video of a fund manager that tried buying penny stocks, and the price moved up he thought "wow great 300% return!" then when he wanted to sell ===> doooown, and then he realized HE was the one moving the price XD

Btw, this is the reason why big money won't ever be interested in shitcoins.
You really think they care buying some of the riskiest bigger fool speculative buys there is to make 2000% on 0.001% of the money they manage? XD
No one cares that Kevin, 2 digit IQ, got lucky and made 5000% return with the 500 bucks he invested and is now a millionaire, oh nevermind he isn't anymore price went down ^^

Tbh when the price crashes 10% in a minute, I don't even think it's manipulation, just someone moderatly big wants to cash out so he looks at the order book and check how much he can cash out before anyone has time to react (and sell before he does).
In 2007, Warren Buffett bet a million dollars that an index fund would outperform a collection of hedge funds (of the choosing of his adversary) over the course of 10 years.
Over the course of the bet the S&P 500 index fund returned 7.1% compounded annually, significantly more than the basket of funds selected by an asset manager at Protégé Partners. That basket only returned an average of 2.2%.

"Big scary money" ROFLOL
Just HODL weak hands just panic sell, it always bounces back.
"Buy when there is blood in the streets".
How to turn 750.000$ into ONE buck. JUST HODL.
That one killed me.

This chart is magical btw, each tile you zoom in you see a new crash XD
It's infinite.

If you didn't already you should watch Bitcoin replay since 2010. Pretty awesome.
Going to do the same the opposite way btw.

Hello, my name is <what should my name be?> and I am a bagholder.

I can't take Oil anymore. Too volatile.
Why would anyone trade magical coins when there's this that has 20 times the liquidity and 20 times the volatility? People use that for hedging only?
Oil is right above so many supports, I'm realy not worried, and if they break I know what to do :p

I feel the only point of trading magical coins right now is to be diversified and to get opportunities when there is nothing elsewhere.

I'm hoping imaginary money goes and hits the ground and people lose interest so I feel it is time to not make separate ideas for it.

Bitcoin has now been consolidated in a 12HR inside candle for 34 hours, gosh it has to break soon right? We can't just spend all the week end there?

Since it is going down as fast as it went up, and we are now at 7400, what is to expect? How long will it stay there? You know the longer we consolidate, the more powerfuml the move will be when we get out.
Quoted from reddit (post got removed for some reason by the people promoting freedom of speach and freeing ourself from the banks by buying magical money)

It's been almost 3 years since Ethereum was released, over $10 billion raised. So I decided to check top-10 dApps and how they're changing the world... (by little_homie)

Name Category Daily users
ForkDelta EXCHANGE 1680
Bancor EXCHANGE 962
CryptoKitties KITTIES 642
Ether Shrimp Farm MEME PONZI 549
Ether Online: Jackpot edition BAD P2W GAME 428
EtherSpermBank MEME PONZI 286
Moon, Inc. - Idle Game + Pyramids PONZI 256
SnailFarm MEME PONZI 236
Daily inside bar set!
How to recognize a bubble, when there are hundreds of percent moves with barely any retrace.
This is just dumb.
A couple of quotes from bagholder that most of the time bought into euphoria a bubble/pump and dump and are down more than 50%
Very angry at shorts now, it's obviously their fault if their bag went down.
Staying in the world of crypto ponzi's, or in other words, crypto:

How is HMNY going? Can't go down further right? That's what the bagholder said?
Just hold it will bounce back.
Those that bought at 30$ and still holding as it went sub 0.5 are pretty happy I heard.
Daily inside bar bear break. Logically it should go at the very least to 7000$
It's a price at which I will close a short I have for a long time.
It probably goes a bit lower than that, I won't go long unless I see 6800-maybe 6900.
Why miners are going to quit very soon.
I do not know if they quit verifying transactions, I do not know how that works the cost and reward, but they will stop mining Bitcoins.
Only not mining new Bitcoins does not matter. The actual supply is enough, we can live without more.

Pretty hard to find any real, useful info, all the internet is full of is stupid information that average Joe Schmolo is interested in "how fast will I become a millionaire" "How much would you have if you bought $1000 Bitcoin in 2010".

Not taking into account cost of hardware. For recent years only looking at prices for serious mining operations using the best stuff.
Considered 12c/KWh

Year Month Day Number of new BTC mined------------Approx. cost of production based on estimates when available + difficulty End of block ~

2009 01 03------2.625 million.------------------0.0008/BTC NewLiberty standard said (difficulty:1)
2011-01-28------2625000-------------------------????/BTC-------(difficulty 20k)----------------
2011-12-14------2625000-------------------------3/BTC----------(difficulty 1M)-----------------400mhs----ATI 5870 (considering 350Watts full usage)
2012-11-28------1312500-------------------------????/BTC--------(difficulty 3M)-----------------
2013-10-09------1312500-------------------------4/BTC---------(difficulty 190M)----------------10GH/s----Wolfblood ASICrising (30W) - Not 100% sure here
2014-08-11------1312500-------------------------113/BTC--------(difficulty 20G)----------------475 GH/s--AntMiner S3
2015-07-29------1312500-------------------------97.5/BTC-------(difficulty 50G)----------------4.75H/s---Antminer S7
2016-07-09------656250--------------------------275/BTC--------(difficulty 200G)---------------14TH/s----Antminer S9
2017-06-23------656250--------------------------975/BTC--------(difficulty 700G)---------------14TH/s----Antminer S9
Mined now-------656250--------------------------4000/BTC Mar 18(difficulty 3T at that time)----16TH/s----Dragonmint 16T
????------------328125------93.750% mined------------

And the 27 May with a difficulty of 4.7T the price, excluding every other cost than electricity (at 12c/kWh) is at best "tum dum dum!" 5800$
And it keeps getting worse.

Block reward 2012-2015 25 BTC, before that 50, after that 12.5.

Using this chart + newLibertyStandard:

What is left won't be mined as it gets too expensive.
Oversold bounce is probably going to take a couple of hours...
Go to bed, wake up to 7000$ BTC going down.
Don't be surprised if it scams bottom shorters or bounces off long stop losses.
Like last time. Before really going down.
I waste too much time posting about dumb obvious stuff.
Like for example what I posted about consensus not being correlated to BTC during its bull market. It just kept going up with or without.
It is just ridiculous and I don't want to lower myself and waste time posting about things like this.

Better spend time looking at a couple dozen charts find good trade opportunities than post obvious things to pass the time.
I need to find out the price as which a 51% attack is possible...
That would be the limit below which BTC is dead I guess...

IOTA got rekt too.

Hmmmm gosh.

Everything's going to zero. What a joke.
Nothing works they're all jokes.
55 mil to get 1 bil? Count me in!

Hooooly crap I should do fundamental research rather than look at charts.

Everything's going to zero. End of the line for the ponzi lords.
Gosh think the bubble going to pop XD
Just so much of what I've been saying is turning out true.
The price manipulation the wash trading the darn thing being bad an useless and can't ever work...
They're all going to get MtGox'ed.
I'm actually taking a big risk trading this I feel...
Working on a mathematical model + taking some stats.
Tested it successfully on Gold EURUSD and Oil.
Then comes Magical coins...
The math is telling me Bitcoiners are delusional idiots, bagholders, the market is manipulated, and we are in a bubble.
Not even me talking, it is the math.
What a surprise....

Well this blows I can't apply this on BTC to get targets...Too many idiots...
Doesn't work looking at longs & shorts separatly, but if I make the average I think it gives the right numbers lol.
The ultra perma bulls make up for the lack of sellers.
Human mentality doesn't change in global.
Basically the math is about how much we should bounce or retrace.
And the more we move in a direction, the more we will move in the other direction when we correct.
And magical coins, for a whole year (or more?) price just went up without sufficent retrace. Thanks to ignorant noobs joyfully running to buy.

Now the math is saying we have to retrace MORE than 100%
Going to end well...

A BagHODLer story here, kept buying overpriced crap and now bagHODLing worthless bags of Bitcoin + several troll stocks.
Haha now he wants to just put his money in the index fund.
Follow this guy closely, if he buys into the index fund and it goes down IT IS GOING TO BE SO FUNNY.
Today I learned Vitalik, before Ethereum, was trying to rob investors to create magical quantum computers that would be a complete revolution and mine Bitcoin at extreme hashrates, drowning investors in money...

The 1 guy I thought was clean...

Not a single crypto works. They can all get hacked, any promoter is a crook...

Crypto is a future for sure, the future of ponzi's.
How dumb is that?

Just spend a couple months to create a magical coin.
Make sure you look smart or revolutionary, and very excited by your project.
Stop working on it "because it is decentralized and I don't want to influence it".

When your imaginary coin goes up sell.
If people ask you wtf claim it is to "avoid conflict of interest".
Make sure to tell every one "They could very well fall to zero" to cover yourself.

This is not the greatest bubble of all times, but for sure it is the greatest ponzi ever.
"Uuuuh but sir price went up you are therefore wrong".
Ye Bitconnect price went up too...
Oh btw Vitalik was 100% clear back then he only cared about one thing and that was MAKING MONEY.

As a general rule, when someone is involved in a project promising fantastic returns, and they benefit from people falling for it THEY ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
Computer security conference BlackHat 2018 will use IOTA as an example of BAD secutiry and what NOT to do.
IOTA founder did not appreciate LOOOOL
Just looked at the volumes... damn.

Also, interesting how of all exchanges the one (Gemini) that is the most interested in being self regulated and legit, has the biggest drop in volume.

Also interesting if I am correct is the fact the volumes dropped 20% after the DOJ said it would prosecute wash trading.

Only Binance has not budged... Funds are safe.

Only BTC and ETH are over a billion. Even LTC is only at 200 MM.
All these obvious billionaires chasing shitcoin pumps... How are they making millions when the total daily volume is 20 MM?

I am still including LTC in the crypto's I watch, but if the volume drops too much I'll avoid it... Hard. Wanted to add a 4rth crypto to my watchlist... Maybe not...
Investing is just like a rocky movie.
Those with the nuts to HOLD strong throught the tide, like true believers, will be rewarded immensly.
Oh wait no they won't. They'll end up broke and be the center of jokes for several generations.
The #HODLers <3 will have accomplished something in their life, as their legacy will be remembered in a thousand years.
They shall be called "the old dirty world greedy idiots that ruined the planet and depleted our ressources".

I won't be there to say "I told you" but mark my words.
If anyone from the future reads this...

Slowly, slooowly getting in dump formation...
"Never give up never surrender" desperate bagHODLers are praying for a miracle buyer that will jump in to give them his money so they can bail out at a better price "never know". They will hold to the last second.
Don't be in a hurry.
Nothing special going on...
Never surrender never give up everyone is interested in this they want to buy cheap and it can't go to zero. Just HOLD and you'll be rich.
Poor troll stock, have to keep zooming in XD

Always amazes me when people call 10.000$ for imaginary money "cheap".
Bottom shorters got stop lossed.
They just keep taking it and they just keep loving it.
I don't understand how anyone can trade this way...
Found the best bagHODLer quote today
"Sometimes you lose, and sometimes the others win".

Before I piss myself thinking of people that bought 10k and now hold 23 cents bags, in the imaginary scenario this would happen to me, how distressed would I be?
I don't see how I can end in this situation by myself, but a magic alternate reality...
I'd feel so bad.


If someone is dumb enough to end up in this situation, his mind is not EVOLVED enough to realise what he did, be self-aware, and truly feel anything.
Just "me hungry" "me like beer" "me sleep".

So no reason to feel sorry, laugh as much as you want :)
Gosh if I was at the point where I wanted to invest I would have to find out somehow their cash flow earning health etc...
Idk that company might be a good investment now it got so low...
Read all their hundreds of page of documents...

That's too much trouble lol.

Good thing the crypto crooks made it simple for bagHODLers!
No result no paper to read nothing, ICO's have some very simple whitepaper, that don't matter at all, as they say "our token is in no way related to our company" :)

Keeping it dumb and veeeeery simple for bagHODLers, so they don't have to worry about complicated problems such as "what is this ponzi business plan"? Or "what is the growth expectation of this ponzi?" or "What is the chance this ponzi goes bankrupt?".

BagHODLers don't have to worry about their "investment" going bankrupt either, as they'll have exit scammed way before that could even happen.

Just funny how ponzi lords put so much focus on making their scams lovable by the public and "simple" and "you'll get rich" all that basic crap that is served each time, AND making sure they are covered, the only important part of their nonsense is where they indicate their token have zero value and they are not responsible for them.

Must just be a coincidence.
HAHAHAHA Crypto twitter poster enthusiast with 99k followers ZeusZissou made it to @BagholderQuotes!

"The BTC bounce will be violent, come when you least expect it and leave a lot of psychologically weak fakeys right where they deserve to be ; reeeeeing in our rear mirror blaming whale manipulation and everyone and everything but themselves.
Let's f*n go baby <revolution whatever cleanched fist emote>"

1.8k likes, 330 retweets.

I got a feeling I heard this before... hmmm let me think when was it...Think I heard it once or twice...
Oh ye I heard it with:

Beanie babies
Tulips???? Idk tbh
Mississipi company???
South sea company???
Mankind corp
HLTH the "ultimate dot-com startup" (the investors got the "ultimate" experience... Should have listened to Warren Buffet fools)
PIXELON (The ponzi lord David Kim Stanley was a convicted white collar criminal)
AOL (AOL can never fail AMIRITE?!)
Platinum (the commodity)
Iron Ore (We'll always need iron!)
Copper (We'll always need copper!)
Aluminium (We'll always need copper!)
VIPS (back to stocks)
Remark holdings (another success story)
Sphere 3D corp
Enron :) (grrr! grrr! let's sue Enron said the ones that got scammed.)
Worldcom (its a bit different with these scams, at least the bagholders aren't holding their bags for 15 years)
ZZZZ Best Inc. (Scam. Even the name... YET, people fought to buy some of it...)
Real estate

But it's ok thought, remember what they said about the 2 or 3 similar companies that went down and then bounced back in ALL OF MANKIND HISTORY?
Right! THey were wrong! Never give up!
This time it's different.

The companies that bounced after falling, such as Apple, Microsoft, they did not fall that hard and for so long...And even Microsoft took years to recover... It is impossible to recover once something goes down? Kinda seeing a pattern here...

Screw investing... Just trade, or do real research and value investing or only buy the biggest when their price goes down.

Official document on how not to be a bagHODLer XD

There's just so many bagholders on the planet...You neighbourh migh be one, YOU might be one... :)
And every time they say the same stuff, crazy.
Not interested in shorting the ponzi if we don't get at least in the red box :p

Getting to 8850 on the 14 Junes (so on the trendline and at 0.618 fib) is insta short for me no questions asked.
30% lower highs and 2% higher lows?
Call for the biggest bull run we ever had.
Tiny bump "this is a great sign of strength".
Ye I heard "triple bottoms" worked great.

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