๐Ÿ›ธ Oscillator Bands ๐Ÿ›ธ

The script creates an indicator that combines several technical oscillators (RSI, MFI, VZO, and CCI) with a kernel regression oscillator to provide trend signals and a heatmap for potential buy and sell opportunities. Here's a breakdown of what the script does:

Indicator Initialization: The script starts by defining the indicator's name, whether it should be overlaid on price charts, and other formatting options.

Imports: It imports two external libraries from QuantraAI and QuantraSystems, which provide functions for dynamic moving averages and other calculations.


Kernel Regression Settings: Allows users to set parameters for the kernel regression, such as the source data, bandwidth, width, standard deviation lookback, and multiplier.
Oscillator Settings: Allows users to set parameters for the RSI, MFI, VZO, and CCI indicators, including their lengths and thresholds for overbought and oversold conditions.
Visual Settings: Users can choose whether to display trend signals and the heatmap.
Kernel Regression Calculations: The script calculates the kernel regression using different kernels (Epanechnikov, Logistic, Wave) and computes the average of these regressions along with the closing price.

Plotting Kernel Regression Outputs: The script plots the signal wave and various bands (upper and lower standard deviation bands) on the chart.

Trend Signals: Although commented out in the provided script, there is logic to identify up and down trends based on changes in the signal wave.

Combined Oscillator Calculation: The script calculates a combined oscillator by averaging the RSI, MFI, VZO, and CCI values, adjusting them to a common scale.

Bands and ChannelsRelative Strength Index (RSI)Stochastic RSI (STOCH RSI)

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