Geo. Geo.
This library provides a comprehensive set of geometric functions based on 2 simple types for point and line manipulation, point array calculations, some vector operations (Borrowed from @ricardosantos ), angle calculations, and basic polygon analysis. It offers tools for creating, transforming, and analyzing geometric shapes and their relationships.
View the source code for detailed documentation on each function and type.
This library enhances TradingView's Pine Script with robust geometric capabilities. It introduces the Point and Line types, along with a suite of functions for various geometric operations. These functionalities empower you to perform advanced calculations, manipulations, and analyses involving points, lines, vectors, angles, and polygons directly within your Pine scripts. The example is at the bottom of the script. ( Commented out )
This library revolves around two fundamental types:
• Point: Represents a point in 2D space with x and y coordinates, along with optional 'a' (angle) and 'v' (value) fields for versatile use. Crucially, for plotting, utilize the `.to_chart_point()` method to convert Points into plottable chart.point objects.
• Line: Defined by a starting Point and a slope , enabling calculations like getting y for a given x, or finding intersection points.
• Point Manipulation: Perform operations like addition, subtraction, scaling, rotation, normalization, calculating distances, dot products, cross products, midpoints, and more with Point objects.
• Line Operations: Create lines, determine their slope, calculate y from x (and vice versa), and find the intersection points of two lines.
• Vector Operations: Perform vector addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, negation, perpendicular vector calculation, floor, fractional part, sine, absolute value, modulus, sign, round, scaling, rescaling, rotation, and ceiling operations.
• Angle Calculations: Compute angles between points in degrees or radians, including signed, unsigned, and 360-degree angles.
• Polygon Analysis: Calculate the area, perimeter, and centroid of polygons. Check if a point is inside a given polygon and determine the convex hull perimeter.
• Chart Plotting: Conveniently convert Point objects to chart.point objects for plotting lines and points on the chart. The library also includes functions for plotting lines between individual and series of points.
• Utility Functions: Includes helper functions such as square root, square, cosine, sine, tangent, arc cosine, arc sine, arc tangent, atan2, absolute distance, golden ratio tolerance check, fractional part, and safe index/check for chart plotting boundaries.
1 — Include the library in your script using:
import kaigouthro/geo/1
2 — Create Point and Line objects:
p1 = geo.Point(bar_index, close)
p2 = geo.Point(bar_index , open)
myLine = geo.Line(p1, geo.slope(p1, p2))
// maybe use that line to detect a crossing for an alert ... hmmm
3 — Utilize the provided functions:
distance = geo.distance(p1, p2)
intersection = geo.intersection(line1, line2)
4 — For plotting labels, lines, convert Point to chart.point :, " Hi "),p2.to_chart_point())
This description provides a concise overview. Consult the library's source code for in-depth documentation, including detailed descriptions, parameter types, and return values for each function and method. The source code is structured with comprehensive comments using the `//@` format for seamless integration with TradingView's auto-documentation features.
█ Possibilities..
Library "geo"
This library provides a comprehensive set of geometric functions and types, including point and line manipulation, vector operations, angle calculations, and polygon analysis. It offers tools for creating, transforming, and analyzing geometric shapes and their relationships.
Square root function
value (float) : (float) - The number to take the square root of
Returns: (float) - The square root of the input value
Square function
x (float) : (float) - The number to square
Returns: (float) - The square of the input value
Cosine function
v (float) : (series float) - The value to find the cosine of
Returns: (series float) - The cosine of the input value
Sine function
v (float) : (series float) - The value to find the sine of
Returns: (series float) - The sine of the input value
Tangent function
v (float) : (series float) - The value to find the tangent of
Returns: (series float) - The tangent of the input value
Arc cosine function
v (float) : (series float) - The value to find the arc cosine of
Returns: (series float) - The arc cosine of the input value
Arc sine function
v (float) : (series float) - The value to find the arc sine of
Returns: (series float) - The arc sine of the input value
Arc tangent function
v (float) : (series float) - The value to find the arc tangent of
Returns: (series float) - The arc tangent of the input value
atan2(dy, dx)
atan2 function
dy (float) : (float) - The y-coordinate
dx (float) : (float) - The x-coordinate
Returns: (float) - The angle in radians
gap(_value1, __value2)
Absolute distance between any two float values
_value1 (float) : First value
__value2 (float)
Returns: Absolute Positive Distance
phi_tol(a, b, tolerance)
Check if the ratio is within the tolerance of the golden ratio
a (float) : (float) The first number
b (float) : (float) The second number
tolerance (float) : (float) The tolerance percennt as 1 = 1 percent
Returns: (bool) True if the ratio is within the tolerance, false otherwise
frad Fractional
x (float) : (float) - The number to convert to fractional
Returns: (float) - The number converted to fractional
safeindex(x, limit)
limiting int to hold the value within the chart range
x (float) : (float) - The number to limit
limit (int)
Returns: (int) - The number limited to the chart range
safecheck(x, limit)
limiting int check if within the chartplottable range
x (float) : (float) - The number to limit
limit (int)
Returns: (int) - The number limited to the chart range
interpolate(a, b, t)
interpolate between two values
a (float) : (float) - The first value
b (float) : (float) - The second value
t (float) : (float) - The interpolation factor (0 to 1)
Returns: (float) - The interpolated value
gcd(_numerator, _denominator)
Greatest common divisor of two integers
_numerator (int)
_denominator (int)
Returns: (int) The greatest common divisor
method set_x(self, value)
Set the x value of the point, and pass point for chaining
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The point to modify
value (float) : (float) The new x-coordinate
method set_y(self, value)
Set the y value of the point, and pass point for chaining
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The point to modify
value (float) : (float) The new y-coordinate
method get_x(self)
Get the x value of the point
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The point to get the x-coordinate from
Returns: (float) The x-coordinate
method get_y(self)
Get the y value of the point
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The point to get the y-coordinate from
Returns: (float) The y-coordinate
method vmin(self)
Lowest element of the point
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (float) The lowest value between x and y
method vmax(self)
Highest element of the point
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (float) The highest value between x and y
method add(p1, p2)
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (Point) - the add of the two points
method sub(p1, p2)
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (Point) - the sub of the two points
method mul(p, scalar)
Multiplication by scalar
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point
scalar (float) : (float) - The scalar to multiply by
Returns: (Point) - the multiplied point of the point and the scalar
method div(p, scalar)
Division by scalar
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point
scalar (float) : (float) - The scalar to divide by
Returns: (Point) - the divided point of the point and the scalar
method rotate(p, angle)
Rotate a point around the origin by an angle (in degrees)
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point to rotate
angle (float) : (float) - The angle to rotate by in degrees
Returns: (Point) - the rotated point
method length(p)
Length of the vector from origin to the point
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point
Returns: (float) - the length of the point
method length_squared(p)
Length squared of the vector
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (float) The squared length of the point
method normalize(p)
Normalize the point to a unit vector
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point to normalize
Returns: (Point) - the normalized point
method dot(p1, p2)
Dot product
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (float) - the dot of the two points
method cross(p1, p2)
Cross product result (in 2D, this is a scalar)
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (float) - the cross of the two points
method distance(p1, p2)
Distance between two points
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (float) - the distance of the two points
method Point(x, y, a, v)
Point Create Convenience
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
x (float)
y (float)
a (float)
v (float)
Returns: (Point) new point
method angle(p1, p2)
Angle between two points in degrees
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (float) - the angle of the first point and the second point
method angle_between(p, pivot, other)
Angle between two points in degrees from a pivot point
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point to calculate the angle from
pivot (Point) : (Point) - The pivot point
other (Point) : (Point) - The other point
Returns: (float) - the angle between the two points
method translate(p, from_origin, to_origin)
Translate a point from one origin to another
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point to translate
from_origin (Point) : (Point) - The origin to translate from
to_origin (Point) : (Point) - The origin to translate to
Returns: (Point) - the translated point
method midpoint(p1, p2)
Midpoint of two points
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (Point) - The midpoint of the two points
method rotate_around(p, angle, pivot)
Rotate a point around a pivot point by an angle (in degrees)
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point to rotate
angle (float) : (float) - The angle to rotate by in degrees
pivot (Point) : (Point) - The pivot point to rotate around
Returns: (Point) - the rotated point
method multiply(_a, _b)
Multiply vector _a with _b
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (Point) The result of the multiplication
method divide(_a, _b)
Divide vector _a by _b
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (Point) The result of the division
method negate(_a)
Negative of vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to negate
Returns: (Point) The negated point
method perp(_a)
Perpendicular Vector of _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The perpendicular point
method vfloor(_a)
Compute the floor of argument vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The floor of the point
method fractional(_a)
Compute the fractional part of the elements from vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The fractional part of the point
method vsin(_a)
Compute the sine of argument vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The sine of the point
lcm(a, b)
Least common multiple of two integers
a (int) : (int) The first integer
b (int) : (int) The second integer
Returns: (int) The least common multiple
method vabs(_a)
Compute the absolute of argument vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The absolute of the point
method vmod(_a, _b)
Compute the mod of argument vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
_b (float) : (float) The mod
Returns: (Point) The mod of the point
method vsign(_a)
Compute the sign of argument vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The sign of the point
method vround(_a)
Compute the round of argument vector _a
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (Point) The round of the point
method normalize_y(p, height)
normalizes the y value of a point to an input height
Namespace types: Point
p (Point) : (Point) - The point to normalize
height (float) : (float) - The height to normalize to
Returns: (Point) - the normalized point
Calculate the centroid of multiple points
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (Point) The centroid point
random_point(_height, _width, _origin, _centered)
Random Point in a given height and width
_height (float) : (float) The height of the area to generate the point in
_width (float) : (float) The width of the area to generate the point in
_origin (Point) : (Point) The origin of the area to generate the point in (default: na, will create a Point(0, 0))
_centered (bool) : (bool) Center the origin point in the area, otherwise, positive h/w (default: false)
Returns: (Point) The random point in the given area
random_point_array(_origin, _height, _width, _centered, _count)
Random Point Array in a given height and width
_origin (Point) : (Point) The origin of the area to generate the array (default: na, will create a Point(0, 0))
_height (float) : (float) The height of the area to generate the array
_width (float) : (float) The width of the area to generate the array
_centered (bool) : (bool) Center the origin point in the area, otherwise, positive h/w (default: false)
_count (int) : (int) The number of points to generate (default: 50)
Returns: (array) The random point array in the given area
method sort_points(points, by_x)
Sorts an array of points by x or y coordinate
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points to sort
by_x (bool) : (bool) Whether to sort by x-coordinate (true) or y-coordinate (false)
Returns: (array) The sorted array of points
method equals(_a, _b)
Compares two points for equality
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (bool) True if the points are equal, false otherwise
method max(origin, _a, _b)
Maximum of two points from origin, using dot product
Namespace types: Point
origin (Point)
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (Point) The maximum point
method min(origin, _a, _b)
Minimum of two points from origin, using dot product
Namespace types: Point
origin (Point)
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (Point) The minimum point
method avg_x(points)
Average x of point array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (float) The average x-coordinate
method avg_y(points)
Average y of point array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (float) The average y-coordinate
method range_x(points)
Range of x values in point array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (float) The range of x-coordinates
method range_y(points)
Range of y values in point array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (float) The range of y-coordinates
method max_x(points)
max of x values in point array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (float) The max of x-coordinates
method min_y(points)
min of x values in point array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (float) The min of x-coordinates
method scale(_a, _scalar)
Scale a point by a scalar
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to scale
_scalar (float) : (float) The scalar value
Returns: (Point) The scaled point
method rescale(_a, _length)
Rescale a point to a new magnitude
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to rescale
_length (float) : (float) The new magnitude
Returns: (Point) The rescaled point
method rotate_rad(_a, _radians)
Rotate a point by an angle in radians
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to rotate
_radians (float) : (float) The angle in radians
Returns: (Point) The rotated point
method rotate_degree(_a, _degree)
Rotate a point by an angle in degrees
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to rotate
_degree (float) : (float) The angle in degrees
Returns: (Point) The rotated point
method vceil(_a, _digits)
Ceil a point to a certain number of digits
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to ceil
_digits (int) : (int) The number of digits to ceil to
Returns: (Point) The ceiled point
method vpow(_a, _exponent)
Raise both point elements to a power
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
_exponent (float) : (float) The exponent
Returns: (Point) The point with elements raised to the power
method perpendicular_distance(_a, _b, _c)
Distance from point _a to line between _b and _c
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
_b (Point) : (Point) The start point of the line
_c (Point) : (Point) The end point of the line
Returns: (float) The perpendicular distance
method project(_a, _axis)
Project a point onto another
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to project
_axis (Point) : (Point) The point to project onto
Returns: (Point) The projected point
method projectN(_a, _axis)
Project a point onto a point of unit length
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to project
_axis (Point) : (Point) The unit length point to project onto
Returns: (Point) The projected point
method reflect(_a, _axis)
Reflect a point on another
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to reflect
_axis (Point) : (Point) The point to reflect on
Returns: (Point) The reflected point
method reflectN(_a, _axis)
Reflect a point to an arbitrary axis
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to reflect
_axis (Point) : (Point) The axis to reflect to
Returns: (Point) The reflected point
method angle_rad(_a)
Angle in radians of a point
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point
Returns: (float) The angle in radians
method angle_unsigned(_a, _b)
Unsigned degree angle between 0 and +180 by given two points
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (float) The unsigned angle in degrees
method angle_signed(_a, _b)
Signed degree angle between -180 and +180 by given two points
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (float) The signed angle in degrees
method angle_360(_a, _b)
Degree angle between 0 and 360 by given two points
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The first point
_b (Point) : (Point) The second point
Returns: (float) The angle in degrees (0-360)
method clamp(_a, _vmin, _vmax)
Restricts a point between a min and max value
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The point to restrict
_vmin (Point) : (Point) The minimum point
_vmax (Point) : (Point) The maximum point
Returns: (Point) The restricted point
method lerp(_a, _b, _rate_of_move)
Linearly interpolates between points a and b by _rate_of_move
Namespace types: Point
_a (Point) : (Point) The starting point
_b (Point) : (Point) The ending point
_rate_of_move (float) : (float) The rate of movement (0-1)
Returns: (Point) The interpolated point
method slope(p1, p2)
Slope of a line between two points
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
Returns: (float) - The slope of the line
method gety(self, x)
Get y-coordinate of a point on the line given its x-coordinate
Namespace types: Line
self (Line) : (Line) - The line
x (float) : (float) - The x-coordinate
Returns: (float) - The y-coordinate
method getx(self, y)
Get x-coordinate of a point on the line given its y-coordinate
Namespace types: Line
self (Line) : (Line) - The line
y (float) : (float) - The y-coordinate
Returns: (float) - The x-coordinate
method intersection(self, other)
Intersection point of two lines
Namespace types: Line
self (Line) : (Line) - The first line
other (Line) : (Line) - The second line
Returns: (Point) - The intersection point
method calculate_arc_point(self, b, p3)
Calculate a point on the arc defined by three points
Namespace types: Point
self (Point) : (Point) The starting point of the arc
b (Point) : (Point) The middle point of the arc
p3 (Point) : (Point) The end point of the arc
Returns: (Point) A point on the arc
approximate_center(point1, point2, point3)
Approximate the center of a spiral using three points
point1 (Point) : (Point) The first point
point2 (Point) : (Point) The second point
point3 (Point) : (Point) The third point
Returns: (Point) The approximate center point
createEdge(center, radius, angle)
Get coordinate from center by radius and angle
center (Point) : (Point) - The center point
radius (float) : (float) - The radius of the circle
angle (float) : (float) - The angle in degrees
Returns: (Point) - The coordinate on the circle
getGrowthFactor(p1, p2, p3)
Get growth factor of spiral point
p1 (Point) : (Point) - The first point
p2 (Point) : (Point) - The second point
p3 (Point) : (Point) - The third point
Returns: (float) - The growth factor
method to_chart_point(point)
Convert Point to chart.point using chart.point.from_index(safeindex(point.x), point.y)
Namespace types: Point
point (Point) : (Point) - The point to convert
Returns: (chart.point) - The chart.point representation of the input point
method plotline(p1, p2, col, width)
Draw a line from p1 to p2
Namespace types: Point
p1 (Point) : (Point) First point
p2 (Point) : (Point) Second point
col (color)
width (int)
Returns: (line) Line object
method drawlines(points, col, ignore_boundary)
Draw lines between points in an array
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
col (color) : (color) The color of the lines
ignore_boundary (bool) : (bool) The color of the lines
method to_chart_points(points)
Draw an array of points as chart points on the chart with, chartpoint2, color=linecolor)
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) - The points to draw
Returns: (array) The array of chart points
Calculate the area of a polygon defined by an array of points
points (array) : (array) The array of points representing the polygon vertices
Returns: (float) The area of the polygon
Calculate the perimeter of a polygon
points (array) : (array) Array of points defining the polygon
Returns: (float) Perimeter of the polygon
is_point_in_polygon(point, _polygon)
Check if a point is inside a polygon
point (Point) : (Point) The point to check
_polygon (array)
Returns: (bool) True if the point is inside the polygon, false otherwise
method perimeter(points)
Calculates the convex hull perimeter of a set of points
Namespace types: array
points (array) : (array) The array of points
Returns: (array) The array of points forming the convex hull perimeter
A Point, can be used for vector, floating calcs, etc. Use the cp method for plots
x (series float) : (float) The x-coordinate
y (series float) : (float) The y-coordinate
a (series float) : (float) An Angle storage spot
v (series float) : (float) A Value
point (Point) : (Point) The starting point of the line
slope (series float) : (float) The slope of the line
אינדיקטורים ואסטרטגיות
HTFCandlesLibLibrary "HTFCandlesLib"
Library to get detailed higher timeframe candle information
method tostring(this, delimeter)
Returns OHLC values, BarIndex of higher and lower timeframe candles in string format
Namespace types: Candle
this (Candle) : Current Candle object
delimeter (string) : delimeter to join the string components of the candle
Returns: String representation of the Candle
method draw(this, bullishColor, bearishColor, printDescription)
Draws the current candle using boxes and lines for body and wicks
Namespace types: Candle
this (Candle) : Current Candle object
bullishColor (color) : color for bullish representation
bearishColor (color) : color for bearish representation
printDescription (bool) : if set to true prints the description
Returns: Current candle object
Gets the current candle along with reassigned ltf components. To be used with to capture higher timeframe candle data
ltfCandles (array) : Lower timeframe Candles array
Returns: Candle object with embedded lower timeframe key candles in them
Candle represents the data related to a candle
o (series float) : Open price of the candle
h (series float) : High price of the candle
l (series float) : Low price of the candle
c (series float) : Close price of the candle
lo (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the open price of the current candle.
lh (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the high price of the current candle.
ll (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the low price of the current candle.
lc (Candle) : Lower timeframe candle that records the close price of the current candle.
barindex (series int) : Bar Index of the candle
bartime (series int) : Bar time of the candle
last (Candle) : Link to last candle of the series if any
chartpatternsLibrary "chartpatterns"
Library having complete chart pattern implementation
method draw(this)
draws pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be drawn
Returns: Current Pattern object
method erase(this)
erase the given pattern on the chart
Namespace types: Pattern
this (Pattern) : Pattern object that needs to be erased
Returns: Current Pattern object
method findPattern(this, properties, patterns)
Find patterns based on the currect zigzag object and store them in the patterns array
Namespace types: zg.Zigzag
this (Zigzag type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2) : Zigzag object containing pivots
properties (PatternProperties) : PatternProperties object
patterns (Pattern ) : Array of Pattern objects
Returns: Current Pattern object
Object containing properties for pattern scanning
offset (series int) : Zigzag pivot offset. Set it to 1 for non repainting scan.
numberOfPivots (series int) : Number of pivots to be used in pattern search. Can be either 5 or 6
errorRatio (series float) : Error Threshold to be considered for comparing the slope of lines
flatRatio (series float) : Retracement ratio threshold used to determine if the lines are flat
checkBarRatio (series bool) : Also check bar ratio are within the limits while scanning the patterns
barRatioLimit (series float) : Bar ratio limit used for checking the bars. Used only when checkBarRatio is set to true
avoidOverlap (series bool)
patternLineWidth (series int) : Line width of the pattern trend lines
showZigzag (series bool) : show zigzag associated with pattern
zigzagLineWidth (series int) : line width of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
zigzagLineColor (series color) : color of the zigzag lines. Used only when showZigzag is set to true
showPatternLabel (series bool) : display pattern label containing the name
patternLabelSize (series string) : size of the pattern label. Used only when showPatternLabel is set to true
showPivotLabels (series bool) : Display pivot labels of the patterns marking 1-6
pivotLabelSize (series string) : size of the pivot label. Used only when showPivotLabels is set to true
pivotLabelColor (series color) : color of the pivot label outline. chart.bg_color or chart.fg_color are the appropriate values.
allowedPatterns (bool ) : array of bool encoding the allowed pattern types.
themeColors (color ) : color array of themes to be used.
Object containing Individual Pattern data
pivots (Pivot type from Trendoscope/ZigzagLite/2) : array of Zigzag Pivot points
trendLine1 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : First trend line joining pivots 1, 3, 5
trendLine2 (Line type from Trendoscope/LineWrapper/1) : Second trend line joining pivots 2, 4 (, 6)
properties (PatternProperties) : PatternProperties Object carrying common properties
patternColor (series color) : Individual pattern color. Lines and labels will be using this color.
ratioDiff (series float) : Difference between trendLine1 and trendLine2 ratios
zigzagLine (series polyline) : Internal zigzag line drawing Object
pivotLabels (label ) : array containning Pivot labels
patternLabel (series label) : pattern label Object
patternType (series int) : integer representing the pattern type
patternName (series string) : Type of pattern in string
GuageLibrary "Gauge"
The gauge library utilizes a gaugeParams object, encapsulating crucial parameters for gauge creation. Essential attributes include num (the measured value) , min (the minimum value equating to 100% on the gauge's minimum scale) , and max (the maximum value equating to 100% on the gauge's maximum scale) . The size attribute (defaulting to 10) splits the scale into increments, each representing 100% divided by the specified size.
The num value dynamically shifts within the gauge based on its percentage move from the mathematical average between min and max . When num is below the average, the minimum portion of the scale activates, displaying the appropriate percentage based on the distance from the average to the minimum. The same principle applies when num exceeds the average. The 100% scale is reached at either end when num equals min or max .
The library offers full customization, allowing users to configure color schemes, labels, and titles. The gauge can be displayed either vertically (default) or horizontally. The colors employ a gradient, adapting based on the number's movement. Overall, the gauge library provides a flexible and comprehensive tool for visualizing and interpreting numerical values within a specified range.
MarketHolidaysLibrary "MarketHolidays"
The MarketHolidays library compiles market holidays (including historical special market closures) into arrays, which can then be utilized in TradingView indicators and strategies to account for non-trading days. The datasets were split into different libraries to overcome compiling limitations, streamline the process of removing specific time frames if not needed, and to enhance code execution speed. The timestamps are generated using a custom Python script that employs the 'pandas_market_calendars' library. To build your own set of arrays, you can find the script and instructions at
The getHolidays function aggregates holiday data from different time periods to create a single array with market holidays for a specified country.
_country (string) : The country code for which to retrieve market holidays. Accepts or pre-set country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
Returns: An array of timestamps of market holidays \ non-trading days for the given country.
SimilarityMeasuresLibrary "SimilarityMeasures"
Similarity measures are statistical methods used to quantify the distance between different data sets
or strings. There are various types of similarity measures, including those that compare:
- data points (SSD, Euclidean, Manhattan, Minkowski, Chebyshev, Correlation, Cosine, Camberra, MAE, MSE, Lorentzian, Intersection, Penrose Shape, Meehl),
- strings (Edit(Levenshtein), Lee, Hamming, Jaro),
- probability distributions (Mahalanobis, Fidelity, Bhattacharyya, Hellinger),
- sets (Kumar Hassebrook, Jaccard, Sorensen, Chi Square).
These measures are used in various fields such as data analysis, machine learning, and pattern recognition. They
help to compare and analyze similarities and differences between different data sets or strings, which
can be useful for making predictions, classifications, and decisions.
Encyclopedia of Distances,
ssd(p, q)
Sum of squared difference for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Measure of distance that calculates the squared euclidean distance.
euclidean(p, q)
Euclidean distance for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Measure of distance that calculates the straight-line (or Euclidean).
manhattan(p, q)
Manhattan distance for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Measure of absolute differences between both points.
minkowski(p, q, p_value)
Minkowsky Distance for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
p_value (float) : `float` P value, default=1.0(1: manhatan, 2: euclidean), does not support chebychev.
Returns: Measure of similarity in the normed vector space.
chebyshev(p, q)
Chebyshev distance for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Measure of maximum absolute difference.
correlation(p, q)
Correlation distance for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Measure of maximum absolute difference.
cosine(p, q)
Cosine distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The Cosine distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
camberra(p, q)
Camberra distance for N dimensions.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Weighted measure of absolute differences between both points.
mae(p, q)
Mean absolute error is a normalized version of the sum of absolute difference (manhattan).
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Mean absolute error of vectors `p` and `q`.
mse(p, q)
Mean squared error is a normalized version of the sum of squared difference.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Mean squared error of vectors `p` and `q`.
lorentzian(p, q)
Lorentzian distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Lorentzian distance of vectors `p` and `q`.
intersection(p, q)
Intersection distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Intersection distance of vectors `p` and `q`.
penrose(p, q)
Penrose Shape distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Penrose shape distance of vectors `p` and `q`.
meehl(p, q)
Meehl distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` Vector with first numeric distribution.
q (float ) : `array` Vector with second numeric distribution.
Returns: Meehl distance of vectors `p` and `q`.
edit(x, y)
Edit (aka Levenshtein) distance for indexed strings.
x (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
y (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
Returns: Number of deletions, insertions, or substitutions required to transform source string into target string.
generated description:
The Edit distance is a measure of similarity used to compare two strings. It is defined as the minimum number of
operations (insertions, deletions, or substitutions) required to transform one string into another. The operations
are performed on the characters of the strings, and the cost of each operation depends on the specific algorithm
The Edit distance is widely used in various applications such as spell checking, text similarity, and machine
translation. It can also be used for other purposes like finding the closest match between two strings or
identifying the common prefixes or suffixes between them.
lee(x, y, dsize)
Distance between two indexed strings of equal length.
x (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
y (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
dsize (int) : `int` Dictionary size.
Returns: Distance between two strings by accounting for dictionary size.
hamming(x, y)
Distance between two indexed strings of equal length.
x (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
y (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
Returns: Length of different components on both sequences.
jaro(x, y)
Distance between two indexed strings.
x (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
y (int ) : `array` Indexed array.
Returns: Measure of two strings' similarity: the higher the value, the more similar the strings are.
The score is normalized such that `0` equates to no similarities and `1` is an exact match.
mahalanobis(p, q, VI)
Mahalanobis distance between two vectors with population inverse covariance matrix.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
VI (matrix) : `matrix` Inverse of the covariance matrix.
Returns: The mahalanobis distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
fidelity(p, q)
Fidelity distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The Bhattacharyya Coefficient between vectors `p` and `q`.
bhattacharyya(p, q)
Bhattacharyya distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The Bhattacharyya distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
hellinger(p, q)
Hellinger distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The hellinger distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
kumar_hassebrook(p, q)
Kumar Hassebrook distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The Kumar Hassebrook distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
jaccard(p, q)
Jaccard distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The Jaccard distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
sorensen(p, q)
Sorensen distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
Returns: The Sorensen distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
chi_square(p, q, eps)
Chi Square distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
eps (float)
Returns: The Chi Square distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
kulczynsky(p, q, eps)
Kulczynsky distance between provided vectors.
p (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
q (float ) : `array` 1D Vector.
eps (float)
Returns: The Kulczynsky distance between vectors `p` and `q`.
imlibLibrary "imlib"
The library allows you to display images in your scripts utilising the objects. You can change the image size and screen aspect ratio (the ratio of width to height which you can change if the image is too wide / tall). The library has "example()" function which you can use to see how it works. It also has a handy "logo()" function which you can use to quickly display an image by passing the "Image data string", table position, image size and aspect ratio. And of course you can use it in your own custom way by taking the "logo()" function as an example and modifying the code to your needs.
Since tables in Pinescript are limited to 100 by 100 cells, the limit for image's size is also 100x100 px. All the necessary data to display an image is passed as a string variable, and since Pinescript has a limit of 4096 characters for variables of type, that string can have a maximum length of 4096 characters, which is enough to display a 64x64px image (but can be enough to display a 100x100 image, depending on the image itself).
Below you can find the definitions of functions for this library.
: Decompresses string with data image
data (string)
Returns: : Array of with decompressed data
: Splits the string with image data into components and builds an object
data (string)
Returns: : An object
show(imgdata, table_id, image_size, screen_ratio)
: Displays an image in a table
imgdata (ImgData)
table_id (table)
image_size (float)
screen_ratio (string)
Returns: : nothing
: Use it as an example of how this library works and how to use it in your own scripts
Returns: : nothing
logo(imgdata, position, image_size, screen_ratio)
: Displays logo using image data string
imgdata (string)
position (string)
image_size (float)
screen_ratio (string)
Returns: : nothing
w (series__integer)
h (series__integer)
s (series__string)
pal (series__string)
data (array__string)
TradingToolsLibraryLibrary "TradingToolsLibrary"
Easily create advanced entries, exits, filters and qualifiers to simulate strategies. Supports DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) Lines, Stop Losses, Take Profits (with trailing or without) & ATR.
method deepCopy(this)
This creates a deep copy instead of a shallow copy of an entry_position. This does NOT deep copy the self_pyramiding_positions array reference, since only the master entry_position needs this to track the rest of its copies for efficiency reasons. This is to prevent a feedback loop.
Namespace types: entry_position
this (entry_position)
Returns: entry_position
method precision_fix(this, precision)
Convert a floating point number to a precise floating point number with digit precision to avoid floating point errors in quantity calculations.
Namespace types: series float, simple float, input float, const float
this (float)
precision (int)
Returns: float
xSellBuyMidInterpolation(_x, _high, _low, _sellRange, _buyRange)
Creates an interpolation for a sell range and buy range but with an emphasis on reaching the _low the closer to the middle of the _sell and _buy range you go.
_x (float) : is the value you want to use to control interpolation bewteen the _high and _low value. This will return the lowest percentage at the mid between high and low and highest percentage at the _high and _low.
_high (float)
_low (float)
_sellRange (float)
_buyRange (float)
Returns: an interpolated float between the _high and _low supplied.
xSellBuyInterpolation(_x, _high, _low, _sellRange, _buyRange)
Creates an interpolation a sell range and buy range
_x (float) : is the value you want to use to control interpolation bewteen the _high and _low value.
_high (float)
_low (float)
_sellRange (float)
_buyRange (float)
Returns: an interpolated float between the _high and _low supplied.
activate_entries_and_exits(_entries, _exits, _filters, _qualifiers, _equity)
Determines activation for entries or exits. Does not place the actual orders.
_entries (entry_position )
_exits (exit_position )
_filters (filter )
_qualifiers (qualifier )
_equity (equity_management)
Returns: void
create_entries_and_exits(_entries, _exits, _equity)
Creates actual entry and exit orders if activated
_entries (entry_position )
_exits (exit_position )
_equity (equity_management)
Returns: void
disabled (series__bool)
filter_for_entries_or_exits (series__string)
filter_for_groups (series__string)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
disabled (series__bool)
qualify_for_entries_or_exits (series__string)
qualify_for_groups (series__string)
disqualify (series__bool)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_after_x_bars (series__integer)
use_expire_after_x_bars (series__bool)
use_expire_condition (series__bool)
use_override_expire_condition (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
active (series__bool)
expire_after_bars_bar_index (series__integer)
expire_after_bars_bar_index_prior (series__integer)
expire_bar_count (series__integer)
expire_bar_changed (series__bool)
disabled (series__bool)
activate (series__bool)
active (series__bool)
override_occured (series__bool)
passDebug (array__bool)
initial_activation_price (series__float)
dca_done (series__bool)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
use_cash (series__bool)
use_percent_equity (series__bool)
percent_equity_amount (series__float)
cash_amount (series__float)
position_size (series__float)
total_position_size (series__float)
prior_total_position_size (series__float)
equity_remaining (series__float)
prior_equity_remaining (series__float)
initial_equity (series__float)
use_martingale (series__bool)
martingale_win_ratio (series__float)
martingale_lose_ratio (series__float)
martingale_win_limit (series__integer)
martingale_lose_limit (series__integer)
martingale_limit_reset_mode (series__string)
use_dynamic_percent_equity (series__bool)
dynamic_percent_equity_amount (series__float)
initial_dynamic_percent_equity_amount (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_source (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_min (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_max (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_source_sell_range (series__float)
dynamic_percent_equity_source_buy_range (series__float)
dynamic_equity_interpolation_method (series__string)
total_bars (series__integer)
bar_index_at_activate (series__integer)
bars_since_active (series__integer)
time_at_activate (series__integer)
time_since_active (series__integer)
bar_index_at_activated (series__integer)
bar_index_at_pyramid_change (series__integer)
name (series__string)
id (series__string)
group (series__string)
pyramiding_limit (series__integer)
self_pyramiding_limit (series__integer)
self_pyramiding_positions (array__|entry_position|#OBJ)
new_pyramid_cancels_dca (series__bool)
num_active_long_positions (series__integer)
num_active_short_positions (series__integer)
num_active_positions (series__integer)
position_remaining (series__float)
prior_position_remaining (series__float)
direction (series__string)
allow_flip_position (series__bool)
flip_occurred (series__bool)
ignore_flip (series__bool)
use_dca (series__bool)
dca_use_limit (series__bool)
dca_num_positions (series__integer)
dca_positions (array__float)
dca_deviation_percentage (series__float)
dca_scale (series__float)
dca_percentages (series__string)
dca_close_cancels (series__bool)
dca_active_positions (series__integer)
use_atr_deviation (series__bool)
dca_atr_length (series__integer)
dca_atr_mult (series__float)
dca_atr_updates_dca_positions (series__bool)
close_price_at_order (series__float)
dca_use_deviation_atr_min (series__bool)
dca_position_quantities (array__float)
use_dca_dynamic_percent_equity (series__bool)
dca_in_use (array__bool)
dca_activated (array__bool)
dca_money_used (array__float)
dca_lines (array__line)
dca_color (series__color)
show_dca_lines (series__bool)
atr_value (series__float)
atr_value_at_activation (series__float)
use_cooldown_bars (series__bool)
cooldown_bars (series__integer)
cooldown_bar_changed (series__bool)
cooldown_bar_index (series__integer)
cooldown_bar_index_prior (series__integer)
cooldown_bar_change_count (series__integer)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
disabled (series__bool)
id (series__string)
group (series__string)
exit_for_entries (series__string)
exit_for_groups (series__string)
total_bars (series__integer)
name (series__string)
condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_dynamic_condition (series__bool)
use_override_default_condition (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_operator (series__string)
dynamic_condition_source (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source (series__float)
dynamic_condition_source_prior (series__float)
dynamic_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_dynamic_compare_source (series__bool)
dynamic_condition_activate_value (series__string)
activate (series__bool)
active (series__bool)
reset_equity (series__bool)
use_limit (series__bool)
use_alerts (series__bool)
reset_entry_cooldowns (series__bool)
prevent_new_entries_on_partial_close (series__bool)
show_activation_zone (series__bool)
use_average_position (series__bool)
source_value (series__float)
trigger_x_times (series__integer)
amount_of_times_triggered (series__integer)
quantity_percent (series__float)
trade_qty (series__float)
exit_amount (series__float)
entries_exiting_for (array__|entry_position|#OBJ)
atr_value (series__float)
update_atr (series__bool)
use_activate_after_bars (series__bool)
show_activate_after_bars (series__bool)
activate_after_bars (series__integer)
activate_after_bars_bar_changed (series__bool)
activate_after_bars_bar_index (series__integer)
activate_after_bars_bar_index_prior (series__integer)
activate_after_bars_bar_change_count (series__integer)
all_conditions_pass (series__bool)
use_close_if_profit_only (series__bool)
profit_value (series__float)
exit_type (series__string)
exit_modifier (series__string)
update_atr_with_new_pyramid (series__bool)
percentage (series__float)
activation_percentage (series__float)
atr_multiplier (series__float)
use_cancel_if_percent (series__bool)
cancel_if_percent (series__float)
activation_value (series__float)
activation_value_crossed (series__bool)
exit_value (series__float)
hypo_long_exit_value (series__float)
hypo_short_exit_value (series__float)
close_exit_value (series__float)
debug (series__float)
expire_condition_activate_value (series__string)
expire_condition_source (series__float)
expire_condition_source_prior (series__float)
expire_compare_source (series__float)
expire_compare_source_prior (series__float)
use_expire_compare_source (series__bool)
expire_condition_operator (series__string)
equity (series__float)
prior_equity (series__float)
position_used (series__float)
prior_position_used (series__float)
prevent_future_entries (series__bool)
minimum_order_size (series__float)
decimal_rounding_precision (series__integer)
direction (series__string)
show_order_info_in_comments (series__bool)
show_order_info_in_labels (series__bool)
allow_longs (series__bool)
allow_shorts (series__bool)
override_occured (series__bool)
flip_occured (series__bool)
num_concurrent_wins (series__integer)
num_concurrent_losses (series__integer)
first_entry (|entry_position|#OBJ)
num_win_trades (series__integer)
num_losing_trades (series__integer)
Vector3Library "Vector3"
Representation of 3D vectors and points.
This structure is used to pass 3D positions and directions around. It also contains functions for doing common vector operations.
Besides the functions listed below, other classes can be used to manipulate vectors and points as well.
For example the Quaternion and the Matrix4x4 classes are useful for rotating or transforming vectors and points.
new(x, y, z)
Create a new `Vector3`.
x (float) : `float` Property `x` value, (optional, default=na).
y (float) : `float` Property `y` value, (optional, default=na).
z (float) : `float` Property `z` value, (optional, default=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.new(1.1, 1, 1)
Create a new `Vector3` from a single value.
value (float) : `float` Properties positional value, (optional, default=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
from_Array(values, fill_na)
Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values, only reads up to the third item.
values (float ) : `array` Vector property values.
fill_na (float) : `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
- Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`.
.from_Array(array.from(1.1, fill_na=33))
.from_Array(array.from(1.1, 2, 3))
Create a new `Vector3` from a `Vector2`.
values (Vector2 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector2` Vector property values.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.from:Vector2(, 2.0))
- Type `Vector2` from CommonTypesMath library.
Create a new `Vector3` from a `Quaternion`'s `x, y, z` properties.
values (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Quaternion` Vector property values.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.from_Quaternion(, 2, 3, 4))
- Type `Quaternion` from CommonTypesMath library.
from_String(expression, separator, fill_na)
Create a new `Vector3` from a list of values in a formated string.
expression (string) : `array` String with the list of vector properties.
separator (string) : `string` Separator between entries, (optional, default=`","`).
fill_na (float) : `float` Parameter value to replace missing indexes, (optional, defualt=na).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
- Supports any size of array, fills non available fields with `na`.
- `",,"` Empty fields will be ignored.
.from_String("1.1", fill_na=33))
.from_String("(1.1,, 3)") // 1.1 , 3.0, NaN // empty field will be ignored!!
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, -1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, -1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 1, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(-1, -1, -1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(1, 0, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 1, 0)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(0, 0, 1)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
Create a new `Vector3` object in the form `(na, na, na)`.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
random(max, min)
Generate a vector with random properties.
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties.
min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Minimum defined range of the vector properties.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
.random(.from(math.pi), .from(-math.pi))
Generate a vector with random properties (min set to 0.0).
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum defined range of the vector properties.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
method copy(this)
Copy a existing `Vector3`
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .one().copy()
method i_add(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_add(.up())
method i_add(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by adding a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_add(3.2)
method i_subtract(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(.down())
method i_subtract(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by subtracting a vector to it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_subtract(3)
method i_multiply(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(.left())
method i_multiply(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by multiplying a vector with it.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_multiply(3)
method i_divide(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(.forward())
method i_divide(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by dividing it by another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_divide(3)
method i_mod(this, other)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(.back())
method i_mod(this, value)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_mod(3)
method i_pow(this, exponent)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Exponent Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(.up())
method i_pow(this, exponent)
Modify a instance of a vector by modulo assignment with another vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (float) : `float` Exponent Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Updated source vector.
a = .from(1) , a.i_pow(2)
method length_squared(this)
Squared length of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1)
Returns: `float` The squared length of this vector.
a = .one().length_squared()
method magnitude_squared(this)
Squared magnitude of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The length squared of this vector.
a = .one().magnitude_squared()
method length(this)
Length of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The length of this vector.
a = .one().length()
method magnitude(this)
Magnitude of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` The Length of this vector.
a = .one().magnitude()
method normalize(this, magnitude, eps)
Normalize a vector with a magnitude of 1(optional).
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
magnitude (float) : `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization, (optional, default=1.0).
eps (float)
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize() // (x=0.283, y=0.429, z=0.858)
a = .new(33, 50, 100).normalize(2) // (x=0.142, y=0.214, z=0.429)
method to_String(this, precision)
Converts source vector to a string format, in the form `"(x, y, z)"`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
precision (string) : `string` Precision format to apply to values (optional, default='').
Returns: `string` Formated string in a `"(x, y, z)"` format.
a = .one().to_String("#.###")
method to_Array(this)
Converts source vector to a array format.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `array` List of the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).to_Array()
method to_Vector2(this)
Converts source vector to a Vector2 in the form `x, y`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).to_Vector2()
method to_Quaternion(this, w)
Converts source vector to a Quaternion in the form `x, y, z, w`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Sorce vector.
w (float) : `float` Property of `w` new value.
Returns: `Quaternion` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).to_Quaternion(w=1)
method add(this, other)
Add a vector to source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).add(.unit_z())
method add(this, value)
Add a value to each property of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).add(2.0)
add(value, other)
Add each property of a vector to a base value as a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(2) , b = .add(1.0, a)
method subtract(this, other)
Subtract vector from source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).subtract(.left())
method subtract(this, value)
Subtract a value from each property in source vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).subtract(2.0)
subtract(value, other)
Subtract each property in a vector from a base value and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .subtract(1.0, .right())
method multiply(this, other)
Multiply a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).multiply(.up())
method multiply(this, value)
Multiply each element in source vector with a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).multiply(2.0)
multiply(value, other)
Multiply a value with each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .multiply(1.0, .new(1, 2, 1))
method divide(this, other)
Divide a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).divide(.from(2))
method divide(this, value)
Divide each property in a vector by a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).divide(2.0)
divide(value, other)
Divide a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .divide(1.0, .from(2))
method mod(this, other)
Modulo a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).mod(.from(2))
method mod(this, value)
Modulo each property in a vector by a value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).mod(2.0)
mod(value, other)
Modulo a base value by each property in a vector and create a new vector.
value (float) : `float` Value.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .mod(1.0, .from(2))
method negate(this)
Negate a vector in the form `(zero - this)`.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .one().negate()
method pow(this, other)
Modulo a vector by another.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(2).pow(.from(3))
method pow(this, exponent)
Raise the vector elements by a exponent.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
exponent (float) : `float` The exponent to raise the vector by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).pow(2.0)
pow(value, exponent)
Raise value into a vector raised by the elements in exponent vector.
value (float) : `float` Base value.
exponent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The exponent to raise the vector of base value by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .pow(1.0, .from(2))
method sqrt(this)
Square root of the elements in a vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).sqrt()
method abs(this)
Absolute properties of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).abs()
method max(this)
Highest property of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` Highest value amongst the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).max()
method min(this)
Lowest element of the vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `float` Lowest values amongst the vector properties.
a = .new(1, 2, 3).min()
method floor(this)
Floor of vector a.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).floor()
method ceil(this)
Ceil of vector a.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).ceil()
method round(this)
Round of vector elements.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round()
method round(this, precision)
Round of vector elements to n digits.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
precision (int) : `int` Number of digits to round the vector elements.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .new(1.33, 1.66, 1.99).round(1) // 1.3, 1.7, 2
method fractional(this)
Fractional parts of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1.337).fractional() // 0.337
method dot_product(this, other)
Dot product of two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `float` Dot product.
a = .from(2).dot_product(.left())
method cross_product(this, other)
Cross product of two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).cross_produc(.right())
method scale(this, scalar)
Scale vector by a scalar value.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
scalar (float) : `float` Value to scale the the vector by.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).scale(2)
method rescale(this, magnitude)
Rescale a vector to a new magnitude.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
magnitude (float) : `float` Value to manipulate the magnitude of normalization.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(20).rescale(1)
method equals(this, other)
Compares two vectors.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
other (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Other vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).equals(.one())
method sin(this)
Sine of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).sin()
method cos(this)
Cosine of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).cos()
method tan(this)
Tangent of vector.
Namespace types: TMath.Vector3
this (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .from(1).tan()
vmax(a, b)
Highest elements of the properties from two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmax(.one(), .from(2))
vmax(a, b, c)
Highest elements of the properties from three vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmax(.new(0.1, 2.5, 3.4), .from(2), .from(3))
vmin(a, b)
Lowest elements of the properties from two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2))
vmin(a, b, c)
Lowest elements of the properties from three vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
c (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .vmin(.one(), .from(2), .new(3.3, 2.2, 0.5))
distance(a, b)
Distance between vector `a` and `b`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = distance(.from(3), .unit_z())
clamp(a, min, max)
Restrict a vector between a min and max vector.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
min (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Minimum boundary vector.
max (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Maximum boundary vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .clamp(, 1.5, 3.9), min=.from(2),, 3.0, 3.5))
clamp_magnitude(a, radius)
Vector with its magnitude clamped to a radius.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.object, vector with properties that should be restricted to a radius.
radius (float) : `float` Maximum radius to restrict magnitude of vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .clamp_magnitude(.from(21), 7)
lerp_unclamped(a, b, rate)
`Unclamped` linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (float) : `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .lerp_unclamped(.from(1), .from(2), 1.2)
lerp(a, b, rate)
Linearly interpolates between provided vectors by a rate.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (float) : `float` Rate of interpolation, range(0 > 1) where 0 == source vector and 1 == target vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = lerp(.one(), .from(2), 0.2)
herp(start, start_tangent, end, end_tangent, rate)
Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors.
start (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Start vector.
start_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Start vector tangent.
end (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` End vector.
end_tangent (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` End vector tangent.
rate (int) : `float` Rate of the movement from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
s = .new(0, 0, 0) , st = .new(0, 1, 1)
e = .new(1, 2, 2) , et = .new(-1, -1, 3)
h = .herp(s, st, e, et, 0.3)
herp_2(a, b, rate)
Hermite curve interpolation between provided vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
rate (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Rate of the movement per component from `start` to `end` to get position, should be range(0 > 1).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
h = .herp_2(.one(), .new(0.1, 3, 2), 0.6)
3D Noise based on Morgan McGuire @morgan3d
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = noise(.one())
rotate(a, axis, angle)
Rotate a vector around a axis.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
axis (string) : `string` The plane to rotate around, `option="x", "y", "z"`.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate(.from(3), 'y', math.toradians(45.0))
rotate_x(a, angle)
Rotate a vector on a fixed `x`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_x(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0))
rotate_y(a, angle)
Rotate a vector on a fixed `y`.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
angle (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_y(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0))
rotate_yaw_pitch(a, yaw, pitch)
Rotate a vector by yaw and pitch values.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
yaw (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
pitch (float) : `float` Angle in radians.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .rotate_yaw_pitch(.from(3), math.toradians(90.0), math.toradians(45.0))
project(a, normal, eps)
Project a vector off a plane defined by a normal.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .project(.one(), .down())
project_on_plane(a, normal, eps)
Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normal orthogonal to the plane.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=0.000001).
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .project_on_plane(.one(), .left())
project_to_2d(a, camera_position, camera_target)
Project a vector onto a two dimensions plane.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
camera_position (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Camera position.
camera_target (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Camera target plane position.
Returns: `Vector2` Generated new vector.
a = .project_to_2d(.one(), .new(2, 2, 3), .zero())
reflect(a, normal)
Reflects a vector off a plane defined by a normal.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
normal (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` The normal of the surface being reflected off.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .reflect(.one(), .right())
angle(a, b, eps)
Angle in degrees between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
eps (float) : `float` Minimum resolution to void division by zero (default=1.0e-15).
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle(.one(), .up())
angle_signed(a, b, axis)
Signed angle in degrees between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
axis (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Axis vector.
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle_signed(.one(), .left(), .down())
- The smaller of the two possible angles between the two vectors is returned, therefore the result will never
be greater than 180 degrees or smaller than -180 degrees.
- If you imagine the from and to vectors as lines on a piece of paper, both originating from the same point,
then the /axis/ vector would point up out of the paper.
- The measured angle between the two vectors would be positive in a clockwise direction and negative in an
anti-clockwise direction.
angle2d(a, b)
2D angle between two vectors.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
b (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Target vector.
Returns: `float` Angle value in degrees.
a = .angle2d(.one(), .left())
transform_Matrix(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (matrix) : `matrix` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
mat =, 0)
mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
b = .transform_Matrix(.one(), mat)
transform_M44(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0))
- Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_normal_Matrix(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (matrix) : `matrix` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
mat =, 0)
mat.add_row(0, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
mat.add_row(1, array.from(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(2, array.from(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
mat.add_row(3, array.from(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
b = .transform_normal_Matrix(.one(), mat)
transform_normal_M44(a, M)
Transforms a vector by the given matrix.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector.
M (M44 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `M44` A 4x4 matrix. The transformation matrix.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_normal_M44(.one(),,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0))
- Type `M44` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
transform_Array(a, rotation)
Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated.
rotation (float ) : `array` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_Array(.one(), array.from(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
transform_Quaternion(a, rotation)
Transforms a vector by the given Quaternion rotation value.
a (Vector3 type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `Vector3` Source vector. The source vector to be rotated.
rotation (Quaternion type from RicardoSantos/CommonTypesMath/1) : `array` A 4 element array. Quaternion. The rotation to apply.
Returns: `Vector3` Generated new vector.
a = .transform_Quaternion(.one(),, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0))
- Type `Quaternion` from `CommonTypesMath` library.
Cleaner Screeners LibraryLibrary "cleanscreens"
Screener Panel.
This indicator displays a panel with a list of symbols and their indications.
It can be used as a screener for multiple timess and symbols
in any timeframe and with any indication in any combination.
#### Features
Multiple timeframes
Multiple symbols
Multiple indications per group
Vertical or horizontal layouts
Acceepts External Inputs
Customizable colors with 170 presets included (dark and light)
Customizable icons
Customizable text size and font
Customizable cell size width and height
Customizable frame width and border width
Customizable position
Customizable strong and weak values
Accepts any indicator as input
Only 4 functions to call, easy to use
#### Usage
Initialize the panel with _paneel = cleanscreens.init()
Add groupd with _screener = cleanscreens.Screener(_paneel, "Group Name")
Add indicators to screeener groups with cleanscreens.Indicator(_screener, "Indicator Name", _source)
Update the panel with cleanscreens.display(_paneel)
Thanks @ PineCoders , and the Group members for setting the bar high.
# local setup for methods on our script
import kaigouthro/cleanscreen/1
method Screener ( panel p, string _name) => cleanscreens.Screener ( p, _name)
method Indicator ( screener s , string _tf, string name, float val) => cleanscreens.Indicator ( s , _tf, name, val)
method display ( panel p ) => cleanscreens.display ( p )
init(_themein, loc)
# Panel init
> init a panel for all the screens
_themein (string) : string: Theme Preset Name
loc (int) : int :
1 = left top,
2 = middle top,
3 = right top,
4 = left middle,
5 = middle middle,
6 = right middle,
7 = left bottom,
8 = middle bottom,
9 = right bottom
Returns: panel
method Screener(p, _name)
# Screener - Create a new screener
### Example:, 'Crpyto Screeners')
Namespace types: panel
p (panel)
_name (string)
method Indicator(s, _tf, name, val)
# Indicator - Create a new Indicator
### Example:
cleanscreens.Inidcator('1h', 'RSI', ta.rsi(close, 14))
Namespace types: screener
s (screener)
_tf (string)
name (string)
val (float)
method display(p)
# Display - Display the Panel
### Example:
Namespace types: panel
p (panel)
single indication for a symbol screener
name (series string)
icon (series string)
rating (series string)
value (series float)
col (series color)
tf (series string)
tooltip (series string)
normalized (series float)
init (series bool)
single symbol screener
ticker (series string)
icon (series string)
rating (series string)
value (series float)
bg (series color)
fg (series color)
items (indication )
init (series bool)
screener configuration
strong (series float)
weak (series float)
theme (series string)
vert (series bool)
cellwidth (series float)
cellheight (series float)
textsize (series string)
font (series int)
framewidth (series int)
borders (series int)
position (series string)
screener Icons
buy (series string)
sell (series string)
strong (series string)
screener panel object
items (screener )
table (series table)
config (config)
theme (theme type from kaigouthro/theme_engine/1)
icons (icons)
Simple Trendlines📈 Trendlines, made easy.
Simple Trendlines is a carefully made library that provides an easy and accessible way to draw trendlines on the chart.
Containing only 10 properties and 2 methods, the implementation is designed to be understandable through an object-oriented structure and provides developers the opportunity to expand without having to deal with slope calculation while also ensuring that there's no leakage between the trendlines before they're drawn.
Developers only need to provide 5 expressions to get everything up in running. This includes the following but is not limited to
The x-axis
Point A (Y1 Value)
Point B (Y2 Value)
A condition to draw the line
A condition to keep the trendline under continuation
Automatic x-axis calculation is not a built-in feature due to the inconsistency it could bring.
📕 Quick Example
import HoanGhetti/SimpleTrendlines/1 as tl
input_len = = 10)
pivotLow = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(input_len, input_len))
xAxis = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pivotLow), bar_index, 0) - ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pivotLow), bar_index, 1)
prevPivot = ta.valuewhen(ta.change(pivotLow), pivotLow, 1)
pivotCondition = ta.change(pivotLow) and pivotLow > prevPivot
plData = = xAxis, offset = input_len)
plData.drawLine(pivotCondition, prevPivot, pivotLow)
plData.drawTrendline(close > 0)
Excluding the styling at the bottom, that was only 8 lines of code which yields the following result.
⏳ Before continuing
The library does not support block-scoped execution. Conditions must be declared before and integrated as a parameter. This doesn't limit any capabilities and only involves thinking logically about precedence. It was made this way for code readability and to keep things organized.
The offset value inside the TrendlineSettings object can potentially affect performance (although very minimal) if you're using strict mode. When using strict mode, it loops through historical values to then do backend calculations.
🔽 Getting Started 🔽
Creating trendlines without a library isn't a hard task. However, the library features a built-in system called strict mode. We'll dive further into this below.
Creating an Instance
You can create an instance of the library by calling the new() function. Passing an identifier is conventionally mandatory in this case so you can reference properties and methods.
import HoanGhetti/SimpleTrendlines/2 as tl
lineData = x_axis, int offset, bool strictMode, int strictType)
int x_axis (Required) The distance between point A and point B provided by the user.
int offset (Optional) The offset from x2 and the current bar_index. Used in situations where conditions execute ahead of where the x2 location is such as pivót events.
bool strictMode (Optional) Strict mode works in the backend of things to ensure that the price hasn't closed below the trendline before the trendline is drawn.
int strictType (Optional) Only accepts 0 and 1, 0 ensures that the price during slope calculation is above the line, and 1 ensures that the price during slope calculation is below the line.
The Initial Line
After instantiating the library, we can go ahead use the identifer we made above and create an instance of our initial line by calling the drawLine() method.
lineData.drawLine(bool condition, float y1, float y2, float src)
bool condition (Required) The condition in order to draw a new line.
float y1 (Required) The y-value of point A.
float y2 (Required) The y-value of point B.
float src (Optional) Determines which value strict mode will actively check for leakage before a trendline is drawn.
Typically used if you're not referencing OHLC values for your y-values, or you want to check for another value to exceed the line besides using the close value.
The Trendline
The trendline that gets drawn solely uses the values of the initial line and can be called using the drawTrendline() method. The library enforces a condition as a parameter in order to maintain simplicity.
lineData.drawTrendline(bool condition)
bool condition (Required) The condition in order to maintain and continue drawing the trendline.
⚙️ Features
🔹 Automatic Slope Calculation
In the background, the library calculates the next Y2 and X2 values on every tick for the trendline. Preventing the developer from having to do such a process themself.
🔹 Object-Oriented
Each object contains manipulative properties that allow the developer to debug and have the freedom they want.
🔹 Enforced Error Checking
Runtime errors have been put in place to ensure you're doing things correctly.
🔹 Strict Mode & Offset
Strict mode can only be used when the offset value is over 0. It's a feature that's only meant to function under scenarios where a condition executes further than where the X2 is relative to the current bar_index value.
Let's think about pivot systems. As you're aware, pivot events are detected based on historical factors. If a swing low occurred nth bars ago, then the pivot condition will execute at the current bar_index instead of executing nth bars back.
Now because of this, what if you wanted to draw a trendline when the pivot event is executed? The offset value takes care of this just as you would when developing your other scripts, basically how we always do bar_index - n. However, what does this mean for strict mode?
The photo below represents the logic behind the execution.
When looking at this image, imagine this just happened, the event just executed and the trendline is now drawn. Pay attention to all the values inside the surrounding box. As you can see there are some candles that closed below the trendline before the trendline was drawn.
From what I can see 5-6 candles closed below the trendline during slope calculation. The goal of strict mode is to be a provisional system that prevents such occurrences from happening.
Here's a photo with strict mode on.
🔹 Strict Type
A parameter used in the new() function that acts as a representation of what strict mode should calculate for. It accepts only two values, 0 and 1.
0 - Ensures that all candles have closed above the trendline before the trendline is drawn.
1 - Ensures that all candles have closed below the trendline before the trendline is drawn.
In the most recent photo above, I used 0 for strict type, since I was wanting to have a clean trendline and ensure that not a single candlestick closed below.
If you want to reference something else besides the close value during strict mode calculation, you can change it in the drawLine() method.
If it's still difficult to understand, think 0 for pivot lows, and 1 for pivot highs.
📕 Methods and Property Inheritance
The library isn't crazy, but hopefully, it helps.
That is all.👍
DataChartLibrary "DataChart"
Library to plot scatterplot or heatmaps for your own set of data samples
draw contents of the chart object
this : Chart object
Returns: current chart object
Initialize Chart object.
this : Chart object to be initialized
Returns: current chart object
addSample(this, sample, trigger)
Add sample data to chart using Sample object
this : Chart object
sample : Sample object containing sample x and y values to be plotted
trigger : Samples are added to chart only if trigger is set to true. Default value is true
Returns: current chart object
addSample(this, x, y, trigger)
Add sample data to chart using x and y values
this : Chart object
x : x value of sample data
y : y value of sample data
trigger : Samples are added to chart only if trigger is set to true. Default value is true
Returns: current chart object
addPriceSample(this, priceSampleData, config)
Add price sample data - special type of sample designed to measure price displacements of events
this : Chart object
priceSampleData : PriceSampleData object containing event driven displacement data of x and y
config : PriceSampleConfig object containing configurations for deriving x and y from priceSampleData
Returns: current chart object
Sample data for chart
xValue : x value of the sample data
yValue : y value of the sample data
Properties of plotting chart
title : Title of the chart
suffix : Suffix for values. It can be used to reference 10X or 4% etc. Used only if format is not format.percent
matrixSize : size of the matrix used for plotting
chartType : Can be either scatterplot or heatmap. Default is scatterplot
outliersStart : Indicates the percentile of data to filter out from the starting point to get rid of outliers
outliersEnd : Indicates the percentile of data to filter out from the ending point to get rid of outliers.
plotColor : color of plots on the chart. Default is color.yellow. Only used for scatterplot type
heatmapColor : color of heatmaps on the chart. Default is Only used for heatmap type
borderColor : border color of the chart table. Default is color.yellow.
plotSize : size of scatter plots. Default is size.large
format : data representation format in tooltips. Use mintick.percent if measuring any data in terms of percent. Else, use format.mintick
showCounters : display counters which shows totals on each quadrants. These are single cell tables at the corners displaying number of occurences on each quadrant.
showTitle : display title at the top center. Uses the title string set in the properties
counterBackground : background color of counter table cells. Default is color.teal
counterTextColor : text color of counter table cells. Default is color.white
counterTextSize : size of counter table cells. Default is size.large
titleBackground : background color of chart title. Default is color.maroon
titleTextColor : text color of the chart title. Default is color.white
titleTextSize : text size of the title cell. Default is size.large
addOutliersToBorder : If set, instead of removing the outliers, it will be added to the border cells.
useCommonScale : Use common scale for both x and y. If not selected, different scales are calculated based on range of x and y values from samples. Default is set to false.
plotchar : scatter plot character. Default is set to ascii bullet.
Chart drawing objects collection
properties : ChartProperties object which determines the type and characteristics of chart being plotted
titleTable : table containing title of the chart.
mainTable : table containing plots or heatmaps.
quadrantTables : Array of tables containing counters of all 4 quandrants
Chart type which contains all the information of chart being plotted
properties : ChartProperties object which determines the type and characteristics of chart being plotted
samples : Array of Sample objects collected over period of time for plotting on chart.
displacements : Array containing displacement values. Both x and y values
displacementX : Array containing only X displacement values.
displacementY : Array containing only Y displacement values.
drawing : ChartDrawing object which contains all the drawing elements
Configs used for adding specific type of samples called PriceSamples
duration : impact duration for which price displacement samples are calculated.
useAtrReference : Default is true. If set to true, price is measured in terms of Atr. Else is measured in terms of percentage of price.
atrLength : atrLength to be used for measuring the price based on ATR. Used only if useAtrReference is set to true.
Special type of sample called price sample. Can be used instead of basic Sample type
trigger : consider sample only if trigger is set to true. Default is true.
source : Price source. Default is close
highSource : High price source. Default is high
lowSource : Low price source. Default is low
tr : True range value. Default is
Markdown: The Pine Editor's Hidden Gem💬 Markdown, a markup language
Markdown is a portable, lightweight markup language that can be used for everything whether you're building a website, documentation, or even presentations.
Platforms like Discord, Reddit, and GitHub support Markdown and is the widely go-to option for text formatting due to its simplicity. Pine Script is a language that also utilizes Markdown, specifically in the Pine Editor where it can really be used to some extent.
Since the release of libraries, user-defined types, and methods, Pine Script is entering an age where developers will be highly dependent on libraries due to the capabilities Pine has inherited recently. It would be no surprise if a few people got together and took their time to thoroughly develop an entire project/library centered around improving Pine Script's built-in functions and providing developers with easier ways of achieving things than they thought they could.
As you're all aware, hovering over functions (and more) in the editor pops up a prompt that specifies the parameters, types, and what the function returns. Pine Script uses Markdown for that, so I figured we could go ahead and push that feature to its limits and see what we can do.
Today we'll go over how we can utilize Markdown in Pine Script, and how you can make your library's built-in functions stand out more than they did previously.
For more information, visit
📕 General Notes
Markdown syntax only works on functions and methods.
Using arrays as parameters as of 2/21/2023 breaks the Markdown system.
The prompt window holds a max of 166 characters on one line before overflowing.
There is no limit on how long the prompt window can be.
🔽 Getting Started 🔽
▶️ Headings
If you have experience in HTML, Markdown, or even Microsoft Word then you already have a grasp of how headings work and look.
To simplify it, headings make the given text either massive or tiny depending on how many number symbols are provided.
When defining headings, you must have a space between the number (#) symbol, and the text. This is typical syntax throughout the language.
Pine Script uses bold text by applying (**) for their titles on their built-ins (e.g. @returns) but you could also use heading level 4 (####) and have it look the same.
▶️ Paragraphs & Line Breaks
You may want to provide extensive details and examples relating to one function, in this case, you could create line breaks. Creating line breaks skips to the next line so you can keep things organized as a result.
To achieve a valid line break and create a new paragraph, you must end the line with two or more spaces.
If you want to have an empty line in between, apply a backslash (\).
Backslashes (\) are generally not recommended for every line break. In this case, I only recommend using them for empty lines.
▶️ Text Formatting
Markdown provides text formatting such as bold, italics, and strikethrough.
For bolding text, you can apply open and close (**) or (__).
For italicizing text, you can apply open and close (*) or (_).
For bolding and italicizing text, you can apply open and close (***) or (___).
For s̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶, you need to apply open and close (~~).
This was mentioned in the Headers section, but Pine Script's main titles (e.g. @returns or @syntax) use bold (**) by default.
▶️ Blockquotes
Blockquotes in Pine Script can be visualized as a built-in indentation system.
They are declared using greater than (>) and everything will be auto-aligned and indented until closed.
By convention you generally want to include the greater than (>) on every line that's included in the block quote. Even when not needed.
If you would like to indent even more (nested blockquotes), you can apply multiple greater than symbols (>). For example, (>>)
Blockquotes can be closed by ending the next line with only one greater than (>) symbol, or by using a horizontal rule.
▶️ Horizontal Rules
Horizontal rules in Pine Script are what you see at the very top of the prompt in built-ins.
When hovering, you can see the top of the prompt provides a line, and we can actually reproduce these lines.
These are extremely useful for separating information into their own parts and are accessed by applying 3 underscores (___), or 3 asterisks (***).
Horizontal rules were mentioned above, when we were discussing block quotes. These can also be used to close blockquotes as well.
Horizontal rules require a minimum of 3 underscores (___) or 3 asterisks (***).
▶️ Lists
Lists give us a way to structure data in a somewhat neat way. There are multiple ways to start a list, such as
1. First Item (number followed by a period)
- First Item (dash)
+ First Item (plus sign)
* First Item (asterisk)
Using number-based lists provide an ordered list, whereas using (-), (+), or (*) will provide an unordered list (bullet points).
If you want to begin an unordered list with a number that ends with a period, you must use an escape sequence (\) after the number.
Standard indentation (tab-width) list detection isn't supported, so to nest lists you have to use blockquotes (>) which may not look as appealing.
▶️ Code Blocks
Using code blocks allows you to write actual Pine Script code inside the prompt.
It's a game changer that can potentially help people understand how to execute functions quickly.
To use code blocks, apply three 3 open and close backquotes (```). Built-in's use (```pine) but there's no difference when we apply it.
Considering that tab-width indentation isn't detected properly, we can make use of the blockquotes mentioned above.
▶️ Denotation
Denoting can also be seen as highlighting a background layer behind text. They're basically code blocks, but without the "block".
Similar to how code blocks work, we apply one backquote open and close (`).
Make sure to only use this on important keywords. There really isn't a conventional way of applying this.
It's up to you to decide what people should have their eyes tracked onto when they hover over your functions.
If needed, look at how Pine Script's built-in variables and functions utilize this.
▶️ Tables
Tables are possible in Markdown, although they may look a bit different in the Pine Editor.
They are made by separating text with vertical bars (|).
The headers are detected when there is a minimum of one hyphen (-) below them.
You can align text by using a colon as I do in the photo. Hyphens must be connected to the colon in order to display correctly.
Tables aren't ideal to use in the editor but are there if anyone wants to give it a go.
▶️ Links & Images
Markdown supports images and hyperlinks, which means we can also do that here in the Pine Editor. Cool right?
If you want to create a hyperlink, surround the displayed text in open and close brackets .
If you want to load a photo into your prompt, it's the same syntax as the hyperlink, except it uses a (!)
See syntax list below.
Here are realistic usage examples. (Snippets from code below)
These follow the same syntax as the built-ins.
I'm not using horizontal rules here, but it's entirely up to you.
▶️ Syntax List
Level 1: #
Level 2: ##
Level 3: ###
Level 4: ####
Level 5: #####
Level 6: ######
Line Breaks
Text (two spaces)
Text\ (backslash)
Text Formatting
Bold (**)
Italic (**)
Strikethrough (~~)
Indent (>)
Double Indent (>>)
Triple Indent (>>>) and so on.
Horizontal Rules
(___) or (***)
Ordered List (1.)
Unordered List (-) or (+) or (*)
Code Blocks
(```) or (```pine)
(|) and (-) and (:)
! (URL)
Hope this helps. 👍
Now as library version :)
String-based transition-effects
Performance optimization. Reduced memory consumption up to >90% by kicking the output to the "stdout".
Use marquee- or loader-effect on any possible string location.
Example: UI Price-Ticker
Library "Motion"
_getStringMono(_len, _str, _sep)
marquee(this, _extern, _ws, _subLen, _subStart)
transition(this, _subLen, _subStart)
keyframe A keyframe object.
HSV and HSL gradient Tools ( Built-in Drop-in replacement )Library "hsvColor"
HSV and HSL Gradient Tool Alternatives and helpers. Demo'd is built-in in the middle with HSL/HSV gradients on top/bottom
TODO: Solve for #000000 issue
RGB Color to HSV Values
_col : Color input (#abc012 or or color.rgb(0,0,0,0))
Returns: values
rgbhsv(_r, _g, _b, _t)
RGB Color to HSV Values
_r : Red 0 - 255
_g : Green 0 - 255
_b : Blue 0 - 255
_t : Transp 0 - 100
Returns: values
hsv(_h, _s, _v, _a)
HSV colors, Auto fix if past boundaries
_h : Hue Input (-360 - 360) or further
_s : Saturation 0.- 1.
_v : Value 0.- 1.
_a : Alpha 0.- 1.
Returns: Color output
returns 0-359 hue on color wheel
_col :
Returns: 360 degree hue value
hsv_gradient(signal, _startVal, _endVal, _startCol, _endCol)
Color Gradient Replacement Function for HSV calculated Gradents
signal : Control signal
_startVal : start color limit
_endVal : end color limit
_startCol : start color
_endCol : end color
Returns: HSV calculated gradient
hsl_gradient(signal, _startVal, _endVal, _startCol, _endCol)
Color Gradient Replacement Function for HSV calculated Gradents
signal : Control signal
_startVal : start color limit
_endVal : end color limit
_startCol : start color
_endCol : end color
Returns: HSV calculated gradient
VisibleChart█ OVERVIEW
This library is a Pine programmer’s tool containing functions that return values calculated from the range of visible bars on the chart.
This is now possible in Pine Script™ thanks to the recently-released chart.left_visible_bar_time and chart.right_visible_bar_time built-ins, which return the opening time of the leftmost and rightmost bars on the chart. These values update as traders scroll or zoom their charts, which gives way to a class of indicators that can dynamically recalculate and draw visuals on visible bars only, as users scroll or zoom their charts. We hope this library's functions help you make the most of the world of possibilities these new built-ins provide for Pine scripts.
For an example of a script using this library, have a look at the Chart VWAP indicator.
Chart properties
The new chart.left_visible_bar_time and chart.right_visible_bar_time variables return the opening time of the leftmost and rightmost bars on the chart. They are only two of many new built-ins in the `chart.*` namespace. See this blog post for more information, or look them up by typing "chart." in the Pine Script™ Reference Manual .
Dynamic recalculation of scripts on visible bars
Any script using chart.left_visible_bar_time or chart.right_visible_bar_time acquires a unique property, which triggers its recalculation when traders scroll or zoom their charts in such a way that the range of visible bars on the chart changes. This library's functions use the two recent built-ins to derive various values from the range of visible bars.
Designing your scripts for dynamic recalculation
For the library's functions to work correctly, they must be called on every bar. For reliable results, assign their results to global variables and then use the variables locally where needed — not the raw function calls.
Some functions like `barIsVisible()` or `open()` will return a value starting on the leftmost visible bar. Others such as `high()` or `low()` will also return a value starting on the leftmost visible bar, but their correct value can only be known on the rightmost visible bar, after all visible bars have been analyzed by the script.
You can plot values as the script executes on visible bars, but efficient code will, when possible, create resource-intensive labels, lines or tables only once in the global scope using var , and then use the setter functions to modify their properties on the last bar only. The example code included in this library uses this method.
Keep in mind that when your script uses chart.left_visible_bar_time or chart.right_visible_bar_time , your script will recalculate on all bars each time the user scrolls or zooms their chart. To provide script users with the best experience you should strive to keep calculations to a minimum and use efficient code so that traders are not always waiting for your script to recalculate every time they scroll or zoom their chart.
Another aspect to consider is the fact that the rightmost visible bar will not always be the last bar in the dataset. When script users scroll back in time, a large portion of the time series the script calculates on may be situated after the rightmost visible bar. We can never assume the rightmost visible bar is also the last bar of the time series. Use `barIsVisible()` to restrict calculations to visible bars, but also consider that your script can continue to execute past them.
Look first. Then leap.
The library contains the following functions:
Condition to determine if a given bar is within the users visible time range.
Returns: (bool) True if the the calling bar is between the `chart.left_visible_bar_time` and the `chart.right_visible_bar_time`.
Determines the value of the highest `high` in visible bars.
Returns: (float) The maximum high value of visible chart bars.
Determines the `bar_index` of the highest `high` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `bar_index` of the `high()`.
Determines the bar time of the highest `high` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `time` of the `high()`.
Determines the value of the lowest `low` in visible bars.
Returns: (float) The minimum low value of visible chart bars.
Determines the `bar_index` of the lowest `low` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `bar_index` of the `low()`.
Determines the bar time of the lowest `low` in visible bars.
Returns: (int) The `time` of the `low()`.
Determines the value of the opening price in the visible chart time range.
Returns: (float) The `open` of the leftmost visible chart bar.
Determines the value of the closing price in the visible chart time range.
Returns: (float) The `close` of the rightmost visible chart bar.
Determines the `bar_index` of the leftmost visible chart bar.
Returns: (int) A `bar_index`.
Determines the `bar_index` of the rightmost visible chart bar.
Returns: (int) A `bar_index`
Determines the number of visible chart bars.
Returns: (int) The number of bars.
Determines the sum of volume of all visible chart bars.
Returns: (float) The cumulative sum of volume.
Determines the open, high, low, close, and volume sum of the visible bar time range.
Returns: ( ) A tuple of the OHLCV values for the visible chart bars. Example: open is chart left, high is the highest visible high, etc.
Determines a price level as a percentage of the visible bar price range, which depends on the chart's top/bottom margins in "Settings/Appearance".
pct : (series float) Percentage of the visible price range (50 is 50%). Negative values are allowed.
Returns: (float) A price level equal to the `pct` of the price range between the high and low of visible chart bars. Example: 50 is halfway between the visible high and low.
Determines a time as a percentage of the visible bar time range.
pct : (series float) Percentage of the visible time range (50 is 50%). Negative values are allowed.
Returns: (float) A time in UNIX format equal to the `pct` of the time range from the `chart.left_visible_bar_time` to the `chart.right_visible_bar_time`. Example: 50 is halfway from the leftmost visible bar to the rightmost.
Determines a `bar_index` as a percentage of the visible bar time range.
pct : (series float) Percentage of the visible time range (50 is 50%). Negative values are allowed.
Returns: (float) A time in UNIX format equal to the `pct` of the time range from the `chart.left_visible_bar_time` to the `chart.right_visible_bar_time`. Example: 50 is halfway from the leftmost visible bar to the rightmost.
whenVisible(src, whenCond, length)
Creates an array containing the `length` last `src` values where `whenCond` is true for visible chart bars.
src : (series int/float) The source of the values to be included.
whenCond : (series bool) The condition determining which values are included. Optional. The default is `true`.
length : (simple int) The number of last values to return. Optional. The default is all values.
Returns: (float ) The array ID of the accumulated `src` values.
Gathers values of the source over visible chart bars and averages them.
src : (series int/float) The source of the values to be averaged. Optional. Default is `close`.
Returns: (float) A cumulative average of values for the visible time range.
Calculates the median of a source over visible chart bars.
src : (series int/float) The source of the values. Optional. Default is `close`.
Returns: (float) The median of the `src` for the visible time range.
Calculates a volume-weighted average for visible chart bars.
src : (series int/float) Source used for the VWAP calculation. Optional. Default is `hlc3`.
Returns: (float) The VWAP for the visible time range.
This library is a Pine Script™ programmer’s tool containing a variety of time related functions to calculate or measure time, or format time into string variables.
`formattedTime()`, `formattedDate()` and `formattedDay()`
Pine Script™, like many other programming languages, uses timestamps in UNIX format, expressed as the number of milliseconds elapsed since 00:00:00 UTC, 1 January 1970. These three functions convert a UNIX timestamp to a formatted string for human consumption.
These are examples of ways you can call the functions, and the ensuing results:
formattedTime(timenow) >>> "00:40:35"
formattedTime(timenow, "short") >>> "12:40 AM"
formattedTime(timenow, "full") >>> "12:40:35 AM UTC"
formattedTime(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3.5, "HH:mm") >>> "03:30"
formattedDate(timenow, "short") >>> "4/30/22"
formattedDate(timenow, "medium") >>> "Apr 30, 2022"
formattedDate(timenow, "full") >>> "Saturday, April 30, 2022"
formattedDay(timenow, "E") >>> "Sat"
formattedDay(timenow, "dd.MM.yy") >>> "30.04.22"
formattedDay(timenow, "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' hh:mm:ss z") >>> "2022.04.30 AD at 12:40:35 UTC"
These functions use str.format() and some of the special formatting codes it allows for. Pine Script™ documentation does not yet contain complete specifications on these codes, but in the meantime you can find some information in the The Java™ Tutorials and in Java documentation of its MessageFormat class . Note that str.format() implements only a subset of the MessageFormat features in Java.
The introduction of varip variables in Pine Script™ has made it possible to track the time for which a condition is true when a script is executing on a realtime bar. One obvious use case that comes to mind is to enable trades to exit only when the exit condition has been true for a period of time, whether that period is shorter that the chart's timeframe, or spans across multiple realtime bars.
For more information on this function and varip please see our Using `varip` variables publication.
`timeFrom( )`
When plotting lines , boxes , and labels one often needs to calculate an offset for past or future end points relative to the time a condition or point occurs in history. Using xloc.bar_index is often the easiest solution, but some situations require the use of xloc.bar_time . We introduce `timeFrom()` to assist in calculating time-based offsets. The function calculates a timestamp using a negative (into the past) or positive (into the future) offset from the current bar's starting or closing time, or from the current time of day. The offset can be expressed in units of chart timeframe, or in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years. This function was ported from our Time Offset Calculation Framework .
`formattedNoOfPeriods()` and `secondsToTfString()`
Our final two offerings aim to confront two remaining issues:
How much time is represented in a given timestamp?
How can I produce a "simple string" timeframe usable with from a timeframe expressed in seconds?
`formattedNoOfPeriods()` converts a time value in ms to a quantity of time units. This is useful for calculating a difference in time between 2 points and converting to a desired number of units of time. If no unit is supplied, the function automatically chooses a unit based on a predetermined time step.
`secondsToTfString()` converts an input time in seconds to a target timeframe string in timeframe.period string format. This is useful for implementing stepped timeframes relative to the chart time, or calculating multiples of a given chart timeframe. Results from this function are in simple form, which means they are useable as `timeframe` arguments in functions like .
Although the example code is commented in detail, the size of the library justifies some further explanation as many concepts are demonstrated. Key points are as follows:
• Pivot points are used to draw lines from. `timeFrom( )` calculates the length of the lines in the specified unit of time.
By default the script uses 20 units of the charts timeframe. Example: a 1hr chart has arrows 20 hours in length.
• At the point of the arrows `formattedNoOfPeriods()` calculates the line length in the specified unit of time from the input menu.
If “Use Input Time” is disabled, a unit of time is automatically assigned.
• At each pivot point a label with a formatted date or time is placed with one of the three formatting helper functions to display the time or date the pivot occurred.
• A label on the last bar showcases `secondsSince()` . The label goes through three stages of detection for a timed alert.
If the difference between the high and the open in ticks exceeds the input value, a timer starts and will turn the label red once the input time is exceeded to simulate a time-delayed alert.
• In the bottom right of the screen `secondsToTfString()` posts the chart timeframe in a table. This can be multiplied from the input menu.
Look first. Then leap.
formattedTime(timeInMs, format)
Converts a UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) to a formatted time string.
timeInMs : (series float) Timestamp to be formatted.
format : (series string) Format for the time. Optional. The default value is "HH:mm:ss".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted time.
formattedDate(timeInMs, format)
Converts a UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) to a formatted date string.
timeInMs : (series float) Timestamp to be formatted.
format : (series string) Format for the date. Optional. The default value is "yyyy-MM-dd".
Returns: (string) A string containing the formatted date.
formattedDay(timeInMs, format)
Converts a UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) to the name of the day of the week.
timeInMs : (series float) Timestamp to be formatted.
format : (series string) Format for the day of the week. Optional. The default value is "EEEE" (complete day name).
Returns: (string) A string containing the day of the week.
secondsSince(cond, resetCond)
The duration in milliseconds that a condition has been true.
cond : (series bool) Condition to time.
resetCond : (series bool) When `true`, the duration resets.
Returns: The duration in seconds for which `cond` is continuously true.
timeFrom(from, qty, units)
Calculates a +/- time offset in variable units from the current bar's time or from the current time.
from : (series string) Starting time from where the offset is calculated: "bar" to start from the bar's starting time, "close" to start from the bar's closing time, "now" to start from the current time.
qty : (series int) The +/- qty of units of offset required. A "series float" can be used but it will be cast to a "series int".
units : (series string) String containing one of the seven allowed time units: "chart" (chart's timeframe), "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "months", "years".
Returns: (int) The resultant time offset `from` the `qty` of time in the specified `units`.
formattedNoOfPeriods(ms, unit)
Converts a time value in ms to a quantity of time units.
ms : (series int) Value of time to be formatted.
unit : (series string) The target unit of time measurement. Options are "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months". If not used one will be automatically assigned.
Returns: (string) A formatted string from the number of `ms` in the specified `unit` of time measurement
secondsToTfString(tfInSeconds, mult)
Convert an input time in seconds to target string TF in `timeframe.period` string format.
tfInSeconds : (simple int) a timeframe in seconds to convert to a string.
mult : (simple float) Multiple of `tfInSeconds` to be calculated. Optional. 1 (no multiplier) is default.
Returns: (string) The `tfInSeconds` in `timeframe.period` format usable with ``.
[e2] Drawing Library :: Horizontal Ray█ OVERVIEW
Library "e2hray"
A drawing library that contains the hray() function, which draws a horizontal ray/s with an initial point determined by a specified condition. It plots a ray until it reached the price. The function let you control the visibility of historical levels and setup the alerts.
hray(condition, level, color, extend, hist_lines, alert_message, alert_delay, style, hist_style, width, hist_width)
condition : Boolean condition that defines the initial point of a ray
level : Ray price level.
color : Ray color.
extend : (optional) Default value true, current ray levels extend to the right, if false - up to the current bar.
hist_lines : (optional) Default value true, shows historical ray levels that were revisited, default is dashed lines. To avoid alert problems set to 'false' before creating alerts.
alert_message : (optional) Default value string(na), if declared, enables alerts that fire when price revisits a line, using the text specified
alert_delay : (optional) Default value int(0), number of bars to validate the level. Alerts won't trigger if the ray is broken during the 'delay'.
style : (optional) Default value 'line.style_solid'. Ray line style.
hist_style : (optional) Default value 'line.style_dashed'. Historical ray line style.
width : (optional) Default value int(1), ray width in pixels.
hist_width : (optional) Default value int(1), historical ray width in pixels.
Returns: void
• Example 1. Single horizontal ray from the dynamic input.
indicator("hray() example :: Dynamic input ray", overlay = true)
import e2e4mfck/e2hray/1 as e2draw
inputTime = input.time(timestamp("20 Jul 2021 00:00 +0300"), "Date", confirm = true)
inputPrice = input.price(54, 'Price Level', confirm = true)
e2draw.hray(time == inputTime, inputPrice,, alert_message = 'Ray level re-test!')
var label mark =, inputPrice, 'Selected point to start the ray', xloc.bar_time)
• Example 2. Multiple horizontal rays on the moving averages cross.
indicator("hray() example :: MA Cross", overlay = true)
import e2e4mfck/e2hray/1 as e2draw
float sma1 = ta.sma(close, 20)
float sma2 = ta.sma(close, 50)
bullishCross = ta.crossover( sma1, sma2)
bearishCross = ta.crossunder(sma1, sma2)
plot(sma1, 'sma1', color.purple)
plot(sma2, 'sma2',
// 1a. We can use 2 function calls to distinguish long and short sides.
e2draw.hray(bullishCross, sma1,, alert_message = 'Bullish Cross Level Broken!', alert_delay = 10)
e2draw.hray(bearishCross, sma2,, alert_message = 'Bearish Cross Level Broken!', alert_delay = 10)
// 1b. Or a single call for both.
// e2draw.hray(bullishCross or bearishCross, sma1, bullishCross ? :
• Example 3. Horizontal ray at the all time highs with an alert.
indicator("hray() example :: ATH", overlay = true)
import e2e4mfck/e2hray/1 as e2draw
var float ath = 0, ath := math.max(high, ath)
bool newAth = ta.change(ath)
e2draw.hray(nz(newAth ), high ,, alert_message = 'All Time Highs Tested!', alert_delay = 10)
DebugConsoleLibrary "DebugConsole"
Methods for debuging/output into a table, console like style.
init(size) initiate property variables.
size : int, console line size.
Returns: tuple, table and string array.
queue(console_id, new_line) Regular Queue, will be called once every bar its called.
console_id : string array, console configuration array.
new_line : string, with contents for new line.
Returns: void.
queue_one(console_id, new_line) Queue only one time, will not repeat itself.
console_id : string array, console configuration array.
new_line : string, with contents for new line.
Returns: void.
update(table_id, console_id) Update method for the console screen.
table_id : table, table to update console text.
console_id : string array, console configuration array.
Returns: void.
BjCandlePatternsLibrary "BjCandlePatterns"
Patterns is a Japanese candlestick pattern recognition Library for developers. Functions here within detect viable setups in a variety of popular patterns. Please note some patterns are without filters such as comparisons to average candle sizing, or trend detection to allow the author more freedom.
doji(dojiSize, dojiWickSize) Detects "Doji" candle patterns
dojiSize : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 5% of total candle size). Default is 5.0 (5%)
dojiWickSize : (float) Maximum wick size comparative to the opposite wick. (eg. 2 = bottom wick must be less than or equal to 2x the top wick). Default is 2
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bullEngulf(maxRejectWick, mustEngulfWick) Detects "Bullish Engulfing" candle patterns
maxRejectWick : (float) Maximum rejection wick size.
The maximum wick size as a percentge of body size allowable for a top wick on the resolution candle of the pattern. 0.0 disables the filter.
eg. 50 allows a top wick half the size of the body. Default is 0% (Disables wick detection).
mustEngulfWick : (bool) input to only detect setups that close above the high prior effectively engulfing the candle in its entirety. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bewLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Engulfing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bearEngulf(maxRejectWick, mustEngulfWick) Detects "Bearish Engulfing" candle patterns
maxRejectWick : (float) Maximum rejection wick size.
The maximum wick size as a percentge of body size allowable for a bottom wick on the resolution candle of the pattern. 0.0 disables the filter.
eg. 50 allows a botom wick half the size of the body. Default is 0% (Disables wick detection).
mustEngulfWick : (bool) Input to only detect setups that close below the low prior effectively engulfing the candle in its entirety. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bebLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Engulfing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
hammer(ratio, shadowPercent) Detects "Hammer" candle patterns
ratio : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 33% of total candle size). Default is 33%.
shadowPercent : (float) The maximum allowable top wick size as a percentage of body size. Default is 5%.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Hammer" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
star(ratio, shadowPercent) Detects "Star" candle patterns
ratio : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 33% of total candle size). Default is 33%.
shadowPercent : (float) The maximum allowable bottom wick size as a percentage of body size. Default is 5%.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ssLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
dragonflyDoji() Detects "Dragonfly Doji" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ddLab(showLabel, labelColor) Produces "Dragonfly Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
gravestoneDoji() Detects "Gravestone Doji" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
gdLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Gravestone Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tweezerBottom(closeUpperHalf) Detects "Tweezer Bottom" candle patterns
closeUpperHalf : (bool) input to only detect setups that close above the mid-point of the candle prior increasing its bullish tendancy. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Tweezer Bottom" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tweezerTop(closeLowerHalf) Detects "TweezerTop" candle patterns
closeLowerHalf : (bool) input to only detect setups that close below the mid-point of the candle prior increasing its bearish tendancy. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ttLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "TweezerTop" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTopBull(wickSize) Detects "Bullish Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTopBear(wickSize) Detects "Bearish Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTop(wickSize) Detects "Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
morningStar() Detects "Bullish Morning Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
msLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Morning Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
eveningStar() Detects "Bearish Evening Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
esLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Evening Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBull() Detects "Bullish Harami" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Harami" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBear() Detects "Bearish Harami" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Harami" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBullCross() Detects "Bullish Harami Cross" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hcwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Harami Cross" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBearCross() Detects "Bearish Harami Cross" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hcbLab(showLabel, labelColor) Produces "Bearish Harami Cross" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
marubullzu() Detects "Bullish Marubozu" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
mwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Marubozu" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
marubearzu() Detects "Bearish Marubozu" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
mbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Marubozu" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
abandonedBull() Detects "Bullish Abandoned Baby" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
abwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Abandoned Baby" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
abandonedBear() Detects "Bearish Abandoned Baby" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
abbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Abandoned Baby" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
piercing() Detects "Piercing" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
pLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Piercing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
darkCloudCover() Detects "Dark Cloud Cover" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dccLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Dark Cloud Cover" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tasukiBull() Detects "Upside Tasuki Gap" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
utgLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Upside Tasuki Gap" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tasukiBear() Detects "Downside Tasuki Gap" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dtgLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Downside Tasuki Gap" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
risingThree() Detects "Rising Three Methods" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
rtmLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Rising Three Methods" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
fallingThree() Detects "Falling Three Methods" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ftmLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Falling Three Methods" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
risingWindow() Detects "Rising Window" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
rwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Rising Window" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
fallingWindow() Detects "Falling Window" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
fwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Falling Window" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
kickingBull() Detects "Bullish Kicking" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
kwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Kicking" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
kickingBear() Detects "Bearish Kicking" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
kbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Kicking" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
lls(ratio) Detects "Long Lower Shadow" candle patterns
ratio : (float) A relationship of the lower wick to the overall candle size expressed as a percent. Default is 75%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
llsLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Long Lower Shadow" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
lus(ratio) Detects "Long Upper Shadow" candle patterns
ratio : (float) A relationship of the upper wick to the overall candle size expressed as a percent. Default is 75%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
lusLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Long Upper Shadow" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bullNeck() Detects "Bullish On Neck" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
nwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish On Neck" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bearNeck() Detects "Bearish On Neck" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
nbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish On Neck" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
soldiers(wickSize) Detects "Three White Soldiers" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) Maximum allowable top wick size throughout pattern expressed as a percent of total candle height. Default is 5%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
wsLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Three White Soldiers" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
crows(wickSize) Detects "Three Black Crows" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) Maximum allowable bottom wick size throughout pattern expressed as a percent of total candle height. Default is 5%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bcLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Three Black Crows" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
triStarBull() Detects "Bullish Tri-Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tswLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Tri-Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
triStarBear() Detects "Bearish Tri-Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tsbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Tri-Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
wrap(cond, barsBack, borderColor, bgcolor) Produces a box wrapping the highs and lows over the look back.
cond : (series bool) Condition under which to draw the box.
barsBack : (series int) the number of bars back to begin drawing the box.
borderColor : (series color) Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is color.gray.
bgcolor : (series color) Background color of the box. Optional. The default is color.gray.
Returns: (series box) A box who's top and bottom are above and below the highest and lowest points over the lookback
topWick() returns the top wick size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance from the top of the candle body to its high
bottomWick() returns the bottom wick size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance from the bottom of the candle body to its low
body() returns the body size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance between the top and the bottom of the candle body
highestBody() returns the highest body of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the highest body, whether it is the open or the close
lowestBody() returns the lowest body of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the highest body, whether it is the open or the close
barRange() returns the height of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance between the high and the low of the candle
bodyPct() returns the body size as a percent
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the percentage of body size to the overall candle size
midBody() returns the price of the mid-point of the candle body
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the center point of the distance bewteen the body low and the body high
bodyupGap() returns true if there is a gap up between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap up and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
bodydwnGap() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
gapUp() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
gapDwn() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
dojiBody() returns true if the candle body is a doji
Returns: (series bool) true if the candle body is a doji. Defined by a body that is 5% of total candle size
FunctionLinearRegressionLibrary "FunctionLinearRegression"
Method for Linear Regression using array sample points.
linreg(sample_x, sample_y) Performs Linear Regression over the provided sample points.
sample_x : float array, sample points X value.
sample_y : float array, sample points Y value.
Returns: tuple with:
_predictions: Array with adjusted Y values.
_max_dev: Max deviation from the mean.
_min_dev: Min deviation from the mean.
_stdev/_sizeX: Average deviation from the mean.
draw(sample_x, sample_y, extend, mid_color, mid_style, mid_width, std_color, std_style, std_width, max_color, max_style, max_width) Method for drawing the Linear Regression into chart.
sample_x : float array, sample point X value.
sample_y : float array, sample point Y value.
extend : string, default=extend.none, extend lines.
mid_color : color,, middle line color.
mid_style : string, default=line.style_solid, middle line style.
mid_width : int, default=2, middle line width.
std_color : color, default=color.aqua, standard deviation line color.
std_style : string, default=line.style_dashed, standard deviation line style.
std_width : int, default=1, standard deviation line width.
max_color : color, default=color.purple, max range line color.
max_style : string, default=line.style_dotted, max line style.
max_width : int, default=1, max line width.
Returns: line array.
pandas_taLibrary "pandas_ta"
Level: 3
Today is the first day of 2022 and happy new year every tradingviewers! May health and wealth go along with you all the time. I use this chance to publish my 1st PINE v5 lib : pandas_ta
This is not a piece of cake like thing, which cost me a lot of time and efforts to build this lib. Beyond 300 versions of this script was iterated in draft.
Library "pandas_ta"
PINE v5 Counterpart of Pandas TA - A Technical Analysis Library in Python 3 at
The Original Pandas Technical Analysis (Pandas TA) is an easy to use library that leverages the Pandas package with more than 130 Indicators and Utility functions and more than 60 TA Lib Candlestick Patterns.
I realized most of indicators except Candlestick Patterns because tradingview built-in Candlestick Patterns are even more powerful!
I use this to verify pandas_ta python version indicators for myself, but I realize that maybe many may need similar lib for pine v5 as well.
Function Brief Descriptions (Pls find details in script comments)
bton --> Binary to number
wcp --> Weighted Closing Price (WCP)
counter --> Condition counter
xbt --> Between
ebsw --> Even Better SineWave (EBSW)
ao --> Awesome Oscillator (AO)
apo --> Absolute Price Oscillator (APO)
xrf --> Dynamic shifted values
bias --> Bias (BIAS)
bop --> Balance of Power (BOP)
brar --> BRAR (BRAR)
cci --> Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
cfo --> Chande Forcast Oscillator (CFO)
cg --> Center of Gravity (CG)
cmo --> Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO)
coppock --> Coppock Curve (COPC)
cti --> Correlation Trend Indicator (CTI)
dmi --> Directional Movement Index(DMI)
er --> Efficiency Ratio (ER)
eri --> Elder Ray Index (ERI)
fisher --> Fisher Transform (FISHT)
inertia --> Inertia (INERTIA)
kdj --> KDJ (KDJ)
kst --> 'Know Sure Thing' (KST)
macd --> Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
mom --> Momentum (MOM)
pgo --> Pretty Good Oscillator (PGO)
ppo --> Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO)
psl --> Psychological Line (PSL)
pvo --> Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO)
qqe --> Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)
roc --> Rate of Change (ROC)
rsi --> Relative Strength Index (RSI)
rsx --> Relative Strength Xtra (rsx)
rvgi --> Relative Vigor Index (RVGI)
slope --> Slope
smi --> SMI Ergodic Indicator (SMI)
sqz* --> Squeeze (SQZ) * NOTE: code sufferred from very strange error, code was commented.
sqz_pro --> Squeeze PRO(SQZPRO)
xfl --> Condition filter
stc --> Schaff Trend Cycle (STC)
stoch --> Stochastic (STOCH)
stochrsi --> Stochastic RSI (STOCH RSI)
trix --> Trix (TRIX)
tsi --> True Strength Index (TSI)
uo --> Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
willr --> William's Percent R (WILLR)
alma --> Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
xll --> Dynamic rolling lowest values
dema --> Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
ema --> Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
fwma --> Fibonacci's Weighted Moving Average (FWMA)
hilo --> Gann HiLo Activator(HiLo)
hma --> Hull Moving Average (HMA)
hwma --> HWMA (Holt-Winter Moving Average)
ichimoku --> Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō (ichimoku)
jma --> Jurik Moving Average Average (JMA)
kama --> Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
linreg --> Linear Regression Moving Average (linreg)
mgcd --> McGinley Dynamic Indicator
rma --> wildeR's Moving Average (RMA)
sinwma --> Sine Weighted Moving Average (SWMA)
ssf --> Ehler's Super Smoother Filter (SSF) © 2013
supertrend --> Supertrend (supertrend)
xsa --> X simple moving average
swma --> Symmetric Weighted Moving Average (SWMA)
t3 --> Tim Tillson's T3 Moving Average (T3)
tema --> Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
trima --> Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA)
vidya --> Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
vwap --> Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
vwma --> Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
wma --> Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
zlma --> Zero Lag Moving Average (ZLMA)
entropy --> Entropy (ENTP)
kurtosis --> Rolling Kurtosis
skew --> Rolling Skew
xev --> Condition all
zscore --> Rolling Z Score
adx --> Average Directional Movement (ADX)
aroon --> Aroon & Aroon Oscillator (AROON)
chop --> Choppiness Index (CHOP)
xex --> Condition any
cksp --> Chande Kroll Stop (CKSP)
dpo --> Detrend Price Oscillator (DPO)
long_run --> Long Run
psar --> Parabolic Stop and Reverse (psar)
short_run --> Short Run
vhf --> Vertical Horizontal Filter (VHF)
vortex --> Vortex
accbands --> Acceleration Bands (ACCBANDS)
atr --> Average True Range (ATR)
bbands --> Bollinger Bands (BBANDS)
donchian --> Donchian Channels (DC)
kc --> Keltner Channels (KC)
massi --> Mass Index (MASSI)
natr --> Normalized Average True Range (NATR)
pdist --> Price Distance (PDIST)
rvi --> Relative Volatility Index (RVI)
thermo --> Elders Thermometer (THERMO)
ui --> Ulcer Index (UI)
ad --> Accumulation/Distribution (AD)
cmf --> Chaikin Money Flow (CMF)
efi --> Elder's Force Index (EFI)
ecm --> Ease of Movement (EOM)
kvo --> Klinger Volume Oscillator (KVO)
mfi --> Money Flow Index (MFI)
nvi --> Negative Volume Index (NVI)
obv --> On Balance Volume (OBV)
pvi --> Positive Volume Index (PVI)
dvdi --> Dual Volume Divergence Index (DVDI)
xhh --> Dynamic rolling highest values
pvt --> Price-Volume Trend (PVT)
I also incorporated func descriptions and func test script in commented mode, you can test the functino with the embedded test script and modify them as you wish.
This is a Level 3 free and open source indicator library.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
This is not the end of pandas_ta lib publication, but it is start point with pine v5 lib function and I will add more and more funcs into this lib for my own indicators.
Function Name List:
HarmonicPatternLibrary "HarmonicPattern"
Functions to detect/check harmonic patterns from provided values.
line_price_rate(point_c, point_b, point_a) Compute the price rate of the line AB divided by the the line BC
point_c : float, the price at point C.
point_b : float, the price at point B.
point_a : float, the price at point A.
Returns: float
line_time_rate(_c, _b, _a) Compute the time rate of the line AB divided by the the line BC
_c : float, the time or bar_index at point C.
_b : float, the time or bar_index at point B.
_a : float, the time or bar_index at point A.
Returns: float
is_inrange(value, min, max) Check if value is within min/max range of tolerance.
value : float, value to check tolerance.
min : float, minimum value in range of tolerance.
max : float, maximum value in range of tolerance.
Returns: bool
isHarmonicTriangle(rate_cba, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Harmonic Triangle").
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
is2Tap(rate_cba, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("2Tap", 'Double Top / Bottom').
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
is3Tap(rate_edc, rate_cba, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("3Tap", "Triple Top / Bottom").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
is4Tap(rate_gfe, rate_edc, rate_cba, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("4Tap", "Quadruple Top / Bottom").
rate_gfe : float, percent rate of the triangle GFE. expects a negative rate.
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isABCD(rate_cba, rate_dcb, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("AB=CD").
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isBat(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Bat").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isButterfly(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Butterfly").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isGartley(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Gartley").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isCrab(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Crab").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isShark(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Shark").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
is5o(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("5o").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isWolfe(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Wolfe").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
is3Driver(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("3 Driver").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isConTria(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Contracting Triangle").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isExpTria(rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Expanding Triangle").
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool
isHnS(rate_fed, rate_feb, rate_edc, rate_dcb, rate_cba, rate_eda, margin_of_error) Check if the rate(s) correspond to pattern ("Head and Shoulders").
rate_fed : float, percent rate of the triangle FED. expects a negative rate.
rate_feb : float, percent rate of the triangle FEB. expects a negative rate.
rate_edc : float, percent rate of the triangle EDC. expects a negative rate.
rate_dcb : float, percent rate of the triangle DCB. expects a negative rate.
rate_cba : float, percent rate of the triangle CBA. expects a negative rate.
rate_eda : float, percent rate of the triangle EDA. expects a negative rate.
margin_of_error : float, percent rate of expected error margin, default 0.05(5%).
Returns: bool