Ehlers Average Error Filter [CC]The Average Error Filter was created by John Ehlers and this is a variation of a Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average that uses a Super Smoother to filter out the noise and then uses a second Super Smoother of the difference between the current price and the filtered data. This works well as a trendline and does give out a few false signals like all indicators inevitably do but most signals do a good job of keeping up with the trend and providing clear entries and exits when the trend changes. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so like always darker colors are strong signals and lighter colors are normal ones. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other scripts you would like to see me publish!
ממוצע נע אקספוננציאלי (EMA)
Scalping EMA ADX RSI with Buy/Sell AlertsThis is a study indicator that shows the entries in the strategy seen in one of the youtube channel so it does not belong to me. I can't tell who it is because it's against the House Rules to advertise but you can find out if you look for it on youtube. Default values of oscilators and ema adjusted as suggested. He says he got the best results in 5 min timeframe but i tried to make things as modifiable as possible so you can mess around with the settings and create your own strategy for different timeframes if you'd like. Suggested to use with normal candlestick charts. The blue line below indicates the ADX is above the selected threshold set in the settings named "Trend Ready Limit". You can set alerts for Buy, Sell or Buy/Sell signal together.
The entry strategy itself is pretty straight forward.
The rules for entry are as follows, the script will check all of this on auto and will give you buy or sell signal :
Recommended time frame: 5 min
For Long Entry:
- Check if price above the set EMA (Can disable this rule if you'd like in the settings)
- RSI is in Oversold
- ADX is above set "Trend Ready" threshold (Meaning there is a trend going on)
- Price must approve the trend of previous candles. This is bullish for buy entries and bearish for sell entries.
- Enter with stop loss below last swing low with 1:1 or 1.5:1 take profit ratio.
For Short Entry:
- Check if price below the set EMA (Can disable this rule if you'd like in the settings)
- RSI is in Overbought
- ADX is above set "Trend Ready" threshold (Meaning there is a trend going on)
- Price must approve the trend of previous candles. This is bullish for buy entries and bearish for sell entries.
- Enter with stop loss above last swing high with 1:1 or 1.5:1 take profit ratio.
This is my first indicator. Let me know if you want any updates. I am not sure if i can add everything but i'll try nonetheless.
Changed: Signals will check up to 2 candles before if the RSI is below or above the set value to show signal. This is because sometimes the entry signal is right but the response might be a bit late.
Forex Fractal EMA ScalperThis is a forex scalper designed for very short timeframes 1-5 min max.
At the same time due to the short timeframe, is recommend to re optimize it weekly .
Its components are
Triple EMA with different lengths
Rules for entry:
For long : we have an up fractal and all 3 ema are in ascending order
For short: we have a down fractal and all 3 ema are in descending order.
Rules for exit
We exit when we either get a reverse order or when we hit the take profit or stop loss calculated in fixed pips.
Price Movement Trend By Alireza Phoenix (Logarithmic)hi Traders
This logarithmic indicator shows the price movement trend, which is designed based on logarithmic functions and moving averages.
The Price Movement Trend Display Composed By :
A leading line consisting of the natural logarithm of Running Moving Average with length 60 and Offset 20 , and is displayed in red line.
A signal line consisting of a natural logarithm of an exponential moving average of length 90 , and is displayed in green line.
A price line consisting of the natural logarithm of a simple moving average along 1 whose source is price close , and is displayed in blue line.
A hidden price line consisting of the natural logarithm of a simple moving average along 1 and its source being the highest and lowest average prices , and is displayed in maroon line.
Learning how to get a signal from the price Movement trend indicator:
Moving the signal line and breaking the leading line upwards to form a green cloud is a buy signal.
Moving the signal line and breaking the leading line downwards that forms a red cloud is a sell signal.
Moving the price line and breaking the trend cloud upward , is a buy signal
Moving the price line and breaking the trend cloud downwards , is a sell signal
My instagram id : @pnxf6
ترجمه فارسی :
سلام تریدرها
این اندیکاتور لگاریتمی ، نمایش دهنده روند حرکتی قیمت است ، که بر اساس توابع لگاریتمی و میانگین های متحرک قیمت طراحی شده است
این اندیکاتور تشکیل شده از :
یک خط پیشرو متشکل از لگاریتم طبیعی متحرک وزنی نمایی مورد استفاده درآر اس آی به طول 60 و انحراف 20 است
یک خط سیگنال متشکل از لگاریتم طبیعی میانگین متحرک نمایی با طول 90
یک خط قیمت که متشکل از لگاریتم طبیعی میانگین متحرک ساده در طول 1 که منبع آن بسته شدن قیمت است.
یک خط قیمت مخفی که متشکل از لگاریتم طبیعی میانگین متحرک ساده در طول 1 و منبع آن میانگین بالاترین و پایین ترین قیمت است
یک فضای ابری مابین خط پیشرو و خط سیگنال که که با "نمایش روند حرکت قیمت" مشخص شده و در رنگ های سبز و قرمز قابل مشاهده میباشد.
آموزش گرفتن سیگنال ازاندیکاتور نمایش روند قیمت :
حرکت خط سیگنال و شکستن خط پیشرو رو به بالا که تشکیل ابر سبز رنگ میدهد یک سیگنال خرید میباشد .
حرکت خط سیگنال و شکستن خط پیشرو رو به پایین که تشکیل ابر قرمز رنگ میدهد یک سیگنال فروش میباشد .
حرکت خط قیمت و شکستن ابر روند حرکت قیمت رو به بالا سیگنال خرید میباشد
حرکت خط قیمت و شکستن ابر روند حرکت قیمت رو به پایین سیگنال فروش میباشد.
Ehlers Error Correcting Exponential Moving Average [CC]The Error Correcting Exponential Moving Average was created by John Ehlers and Ric Way (Stocks & Commodities V. 28:11 (30-35)) and this is an excellent moving average that accurately identifies the trend and sticks with the price during trends or choppy periods pretty well. It looks back to find the best gain setting for each day that returns the smallest difference between the current price and the ema based on the gain setting and uses that day's info in it's total calculations and if there is a zero gain for the day then it is just a classic ema. I have included strong buy and sell signals in addition to normal ones so lighter colors are normal and darker colors are strong. Buy when the line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are any other indicators you would like to see me publish!
[DS]Bitcoin BTC ETH and others cryptos==DESCRIPTION - English version
The purpose of this script is to show information on graph that can help your decision to buy and sell cryptos.
The script is indicated for Position Trade (Long Term - Holder) and Swing Trade (Medium term).
Position Trade it is recommended to use the Weekly (W) and Daily (D) charts, Swing trade to use the 4H and 2H charts.
It is not advisable to use this indicator with graphic time frame less than 2 hours because the noise levels of information are very high.
An alert function has been inserted in the indicator and to activate this function you will need configure it in the Tradingview.
This alert will indicate the likely points of entry and exit of the asset.
**DESCRIÇÃO - Versão em Português
A proposta deste script é mostrar no gráfico informações que possam auxiliar a sua decisão de compra e venda de cryptos.
Este script é indicado para negociação Position Trade (Longo Prazo - Holders) e Swing Trade (Médio prazo).
Para Position Trade (Holders) é indicado utilizar os gráficos Semanal (W) e Diário (D), para Swing trade utilizar os gráficos 4H e 2H.
Não é aconselhável utilizar este indicador com tempos gráficos menores que 2hs pois os níveis de ruídos nas informação são muito altos.
Foi inserido no indicador uma função de alerta e para ativar esta função, você precisará configurá-la no seu Tradingview.
Este alerta irá indicar os provaveis pontos de entrada e saída do ativo.
** English Version
█ SETUP applied to Indicator
The setup is based on the average 8, 21 and 56 of the weekly chart (taught on youtube channel: Augusto Backes)
Price above the average 8 on the weekly, indicates that the market is UP trend, below the average 8 on the weekly that the market is DOWN trend
RSI greater than 60% the market is UP trend
RSI greater than 40% and lower 60% the market is in ACCUMULATION
RSI less than 40% the market DOWN trend
The weekly average 8 is represented in GREEN (Upward Trend) and RED (Downward Trend).
The weekly average 21 is represented in LIGHT ORANGE
The weekly average 56 is represented in LIGHT PURPLE
The crossing of weekly averages 8 and 21 is represented with a GREEN (HIGH trend) and RED (LOW trend) cross - this signal is disabled on the graph but you can enable it by clicking on the graph setup
(1) Average 8, 21 and 56 on Weekly - show the average 8, 21, 56 weekly on graphic (Average 8 in color red and green, 21 - light orange, 56 light purple)
(2) Crossing of averages 8 and 21 Weekly - is not active but you can activate
(3) Calculation of RSI
(4) barcolor() - mark the candles with the green color (High market) and red color (Dow market)
(5) alertcondition() - you can active this alert on Tadingview
█ BUY AND SELL POINTS - likely points
The indication of the BUY position is shown by a green arrow pointing upwards and the sell position by a red arrow pointing downwards. Buy and sell indications are obtained from the divergence in the market trend.
PineCoders for everything they do, all the tools and help they provide, and their involvement in making a better community. All PineCoders, Pine Pros and Pine Wizards, people who share their work and knowledge because of it and helping others, I am so happy and so grateful.
This indicator is not a buy and sell recommendation, it indicates the most likely buy and sell points. Every purchase and sale decision is your responsibility
** Versão em Português
█ SETUP aplicado no Indicador
O setup está baseado na média 8, 21, e 56 do gráfico semanal
Preço acima da média 8 no semanal indica que o mercado esta em tendência de ALTA, abaixo da média 8 no semanal que o mercado está em tendência de BAIXA
RSI maior que 60% o mercado está em ALTA
RSI maior que 40% e menor 60% o mercado está em ACUMULAÇÃO
RSI menor que 40% o mercado está em BAIXA
A média 8 semanal está representadas nas cores VERDE (Tendência de Alta) e VERMELHA (Tendência de Baixa).
A média 21 semanal está representada na cor laranja claro
A média 56 semanal está representada na cor roxa claro
O cruzamento das médias 8 e 21 semanal esta representado com uma cruz VERDE (Tendência de ALTA) e VERMELHA (Tendência de BAIXA) - este sinal esta desativado no gráfico mas você pode ativá-lo clicando no setup do gráfico
(1) Média 8, 21 e 56 no Semanal - mostra a média 8, 21, e 56 no gráfico
(2) Cruzamento das médias 8 e 21 Semanal - não está ativo mas você pode ativá-lo
(3) Cálculo do RSI
(4) barcolor() - marca a vela (Candle) com a cor verde (Mercado em Alta) e a cor vermelha (Mercado em Baixa)
(5) alertcondition () - você pode ativar o alerta no Tradingview
█ PONTOS DE COMPRA E VENDA - prováveis pontos
A indicação da posição de COMPRA é apresentada por uma seta na cor verde apontada para cima e a posição de VENDA por uma seta na cor vermelha apontada para baixo. As indicações de compra e venda são obtidas a partir da divergência na tendência do mercado.
PineCoders por tudo o que fazem, todas as ferramentas e ajuda que fornecem, e seu envolvimento em fazer uma comunidade melhor. Todos os PineCoders, Pine Pros e Pine Wizards, pessoas que compartilham seu trabalho e conhecimento por causa dele e ajudando os outros, estou muito feliz e muito grato.
Este indicador não é uma recomendação de compra e venda ele indica os pontos mais prováveis de compra e venda. Toda decisão de compra e venda é de sua responsabilidade
Arch1tect's New ToyDescription:
Arch1tect's New Toy tries to predict market trends by simply utilising 2 moving averages crossovers.
How it works:
Buy signals are triggered when the faster MA crosses over the slower MA from the downside to the upside.
Sell signals are triggered when the faster MA crosses under the slower MA from the upside to the downside.
How to use:
Take buys when buy signal is triggered AND close existing sell position
Take sells when sell signal is triggered AND close existing buy position
Settings are optimised for XAUUSD on the M1 chart.
Alerts are included.
You can toggle between EMA , WMA and SMA to your liking.
Strategy Tester version:
AI Crypto Signals BTCUSD 15m Ultimate ScriptBYBIT:BTCUSD
Hello everyone! Sky First Capital in partnership with AI Crypto Signals is proud to introduce the AI Crypto Signals 15M BTCUSD Ultimate Script . This script works well on the 15M, 30M, 45M and 1HR chart using traditional candles. This means no false data or inaccurate entry/exit points such as with the ones using HA candles.
The script is based upon an initial strategy developed by user Bunghole here on TradingView, but we have optimized it, back-tested it with ideal settings, and added alerts that you can use to connect with your trading bot such as Alertatron, Cornix, etc. This script uses BB (Bollinger Bands) and RSI (Relative Strength Index) as indicators for signals.
Back-testing data for the 15M chart from 7/1/2021 to 10/15/2021 showed a 51.19% profit.
Back-testing data for the 1HR chart from 7/1/2021 to 10/15/2021 showed a 191% profit.
This script does not repaint.
Ideal use is to enter and exit at the close of the candle and take-profit/stop-loss once per candle.
This script has Entry/Exit/Take-Profit/Stop-Loss alerts.
We offer consulting and training services if you need help on using this script or getting it configured with an automated trading system.
We offer a 24 hour free trial of the script, send us a message to request access.
RVC_DecisionPoints By RishabhThe script is a combination of moving averages and previous day low and previous day high.
It can be used for intraday trading and as well as swing trades.
For using intraday I prefer 8 ema and 20 ema to take trades and trail stop losses with 50ema and 200 ema for confirmation.
For swing trades you can always use 50 ema as support to buy on the dip.
The entry is made on the basis of the stock breaks the previous day high or previous day low.
Indicator: SMA/EMA (Multi timeframes)This moving average indicator will plot the SMA or EMA sourced from a different timeframe on the current chart.
Say you are viewing an hourly chart but you also want to know the ema20 sourced from a higher timeframe (i.e daily) of the same security. The problem with using most built-in indicators is that the MA values are usually calculated from the current chart, so to do that, you will have to toggle between 1h/1D. This script will eliminate this hassle by plotting out the desired alternative timeframe on the same chart.
Dynamic settings
By default the alternative timeframe is 1D, but this can be customized further:
- 1 week chart -> plots out 1 month MA
- 1 day chart -> plots out 1 week MA
- 1 hour chart -> plots out 1 day MA
Williams Fractals BUY/SELL signals indicatorThis indicator made with using Williams Fractals, 20 50 100 Moving Averages and Relative Strength Index. You can easily find entry points by using Long (L), Short (S) signals.
This is a 15min scalping strategy for BTC:USDT Perpetual pair. For use different pairs or TFs you may need to change settings.
How to use
When flashing Long (L) or Short (S) signal you should wait until the candle closing for the confirmation.
After that candle closed with the signal, you can enter a trade in next candle opening.
Your SL should be 3.1% from etnry and TP should be 0.5% from entry for best results. (You can use Long Position / Short Position tool in Prediction and Measurement Tools in drawing pannel to calculate this. This settings only for BTC:USDT Perp 15 min TF. For other TFs or Pairs settings may vary. You can easily change these settings and backtest your own.)
After entering a trade you can be ignored next signals until close the trade.
To learn more about this strategy, please try the "Williams Fractals Strategy" I coded. Thank you!
EMA PredictionThis script predicts future EMA values assuming that the price remains as configured (-50% to +50%).
Rolling EMAVWAP with Standard Deviation BandsThis is experimental code trying to implement exponentially decreasing weights over time in a simple VWAP.
Also i applied EMA rules when calculating the Standard Deviation Bands.
The script produces results from 1 candle.
There is an "log space" option to neutralize bands shifts when charting in log space - this gives the correct geometrically equal distances on both sides of the emaVWAP.
MA + VolumeAreaMade a stripped-down version of the script.
Later it will be supplemented with other functions.
In assembly:
-4 EMA
-The bull / bear area from the volume candlestick data.
In the settings, you can change the size of the array and the amount of sampled data in it.
p.s I cut all my scripts for convenient work for you. Stay tuned! Good luck.
Buy On Dip StrategyStrategy:
Finding entry using pullback or Buy On Dip method.
This indicator using EMA line and ATR strategy to find best entry.
EMA line consist of :
EMA 20, EMA 50 and EMA 100.
Entry signal when candle rebound on EMA line and rocket signal appeared.
Exit when "SL" signal appeared.
1. Add Extreme Candle signal
- cross signal above candle
- Appeared if candle close outside Bollinger Band.
- Be cautious and do not try to make entry unless you are an expert.
2. Add EMA 200
- Can be turned on or off
Arch1tect's New Toy (Strategy Tester Version)Description:
The version of Arch1tect's New Toy indicator with Strategy Tester added.
This indicator tries to predict market trends by simply utilising 2 moving averages crossovers.
How it works:
Buy signals are triggered when the faster MA crosses over the slower MA from the downside to the upside.
Sell signals are triggered when the faster MA crosses under the slower MA from the upside to the downside.
How to use:
Take buys when buy signal is triggered AND close existing sell position
Take sells when sell signal is triggered AND close existing buy position
Settings are optimised for XAUUSD on the M1 chart.
Alerts are included.
You can toggle between EMA, WMA and SMA to your liking.
Indicator version:
GEMA-Estrategia por neil-------------------
GEMA-STRATEGY is a strategy generator based on SMA, EMA, WMA, RMA that considers elements such as ADX, DMI, RSI, stochastic, Stoploss, Takeprofit, angles and values at present point.
The component works as an assistant to which you configure the previous elements and you see the performance that it offers you, in such a way that you pass that configuration to GEMA-INDICATOR so that you can receive alerts and do visual trading with notifications or automated trading by sending messages to platforms like 3Commas.
The resource operates with one of the most important strategies in the market, which is the price tracking line, which means that if prices go up, we follow it, if prices go down, we follow it; in this way you do not need to make large investments as is often the case with pure BOTs, which require large reserves for security orders.
Press the "Indicators" option, go to the "Public Library" segment, write the name "GEMA-Estategia por Neil", double click on the record in question and you will have it added in your work panel, now, it only remains to use it and configure its parameters.
GEMA-ESTRATEGIA en un generador de estrategias basado en SMA, EMA, WMA, RMA que considera elementos como ADX, DMI, RSI, Estocastico, Stoploss, Takeprofit, ángulos y valores a punto presente.
El componente funciona como un asistente al que vas configurando lo elementos anteriores y vas viendo el rendimiento que te ofrece, de manera tal, que pases esa configuración a GEMA-INDICADOR para que puedas recibir alertas y hagas trading visual con notificaciones o trading automatizado enviando mensajes a plataformas como 3Commas.
El recurso opera con una de las estrategias mas importantes del mercado, que es la linea de seguimiento de precio, lo que significa que si los precios suben, lo seguimos, si los precios bajan, lo seguimos; de esta manera no necesita realizar grandes inversiones como suele ocurrir con los BOT puros, que exigen grandes reservas para las ordenes de seguridad.
Presione la opción "Indicadores", ubíquese en el segmento "Libreria Publica", escriba el nombre "GEMA-Estrategia por Neil", haga doble clic sobre el registro en cuestión y lo tendrá agregado en su panel de trabajo, ahora, solo resta usarlo y configurar sus paramertos.
strategy.convert_to_symbol() demoA strategy demonstrating the new strategy.convert_to_symbol() and strategy.convert_to_account() functions introduced in Pine v5.
Try selecting a custom "Base Currency" under Properties to see how the conversion works.
Note: The conversion functions seem to work as expected on BTCUSD, but not on BTCUSDT. This is likely because USDT is not recognized as a currency.
Crypto Scannner for Traffic Lights StrategyI allways try to make trading easier. Developing Scripts for a quick backtest and improvement of a strategy, getting alerts for entry and exit a position. Loading data to a spreadsheet is also important and takes time.
In this case finding good parameters in different markets or assets to enter in a position, is a bit exhausting. It is something you have to do everyday, and sometimes in different moments of the day.
So I manage to develop a Screener, to take a quick look at specific hours, and tell if I have a buy or sell condition in an specific asset. Obviously this is not an alert to make a trade instantaneusly, but this help you filter a lot of information in matters of seconds. Then open those specific charts and make a better analisys.
A few weeks ago, I published a scrpipt called "Traffic Lights Strategy", that uses 4 emas to get a buy or a sell condition.
It is easy to understand and use, but if you don´t want to missed some opportunities, and don't want to be look at the screen in all the time looking for them, I have here a simple solution.
This script works plotting 2 labels. The first one plots all the assets in which the condition is true (fastema > medema > slowema > filterema or fastema < medema < slowema < filterema)
The second one plots the assets were the condition is true only if happened up to 5 candles back, so you can be in time to enter a trade.
You can take the script and customize it for a different strategy or assets. I coded like this because I backtested this strategy in this specific assets, and statistics suggest that it might be profitable.
I hope this works for you. In other time I'll try to code a script for the others strategies I published.
$SPY Indicator- This Indicator is used for finding market trends by using the 21, 50 & 100 EMAs
- Short signals are given around RSI 75 when the market is overbought by the RSI Indicator
- Lime = 21 EMA , Show market trend and casual pullbacks
- Green = 50 EMA , Bigger pullbacks
- Gold = 100 EMA , Correction Major pullback Demand Zone
- This indicator is only used on $SPY
- This is not financial advice and all trades are your responsibilities
AMRS_LongOnly_PartTimerThis Script is created to back-test the data starting 01/01/2000 based on AMRS strategy.
AMRS is long only strategy. It is based on unique calculation around moving averages and 2 year high price.
There are few strategies for moving average crossovers but AMRS strategy is unique compared to other moving averages strategies as it has very specific below mentioned calculations evolving around moving average and stock price.
AMRS strategy is unique one to generate buying signals when stock price creates new 2 year high and retraces back to 13 day EMA value.
AMRS strategy is unique one having specific calculation for entry signal and exit signal as mentioned below. This strategy gives back testing results to help build conviction on entry/exits if trades were taken in past as per the AMRS rules.
As per AMRS strategy this script generates green arrow on each time when new 2 year high is made and also generates long signal indicated by white arrow when stock price retraces back to 13 day EMA value and price is within 10% range from 2 year high.
This strategy will generate white arrow on the chart for each buy signal when stock price reaches 13 day EMA after first Long signal is generated. These subsequent buy signals can be used for pyramiding.
Entry Signal Logic : 1. Stock should be trading near 2 year high.
2. Stock price should be within 10% range from 2 year high
3. Stock price should be less than or equal to 13 day EMA and grater than equal to 21 day EMA
This AMRS strategy also generates exit signal for already generated buy signal (open position).
Exit signal generated when stock price closes 5% below 21 day EMA or when stock price closes below 20% from most recent 2 year high price.
Exit Signal Logic : 1. Stock price closes 5% below 21 day EMA or stock price closes below 20% from most recent 2 year high price.
2. Since exit logic is based on closing price it is plotted on the chart next day.
3. So when exit signal is plotted on the chart, previous days stock price is either closed below 5% of 21 day EMA or corrected 20% from recent 2 year high.
Note : To Calculate last entry positions % return, by default all positions are getting closed on mentioned end date.
Script parameters :
start date as 01/01/2000 - Constructed from Start Year - 2000, Start Month - 1 Start Date - 1
End date (mostly current date) Constructed from Values in End Year, End Month, End Date.
Initial Capital - Defaulted to 100000
Order Size - 5% of Equity
Pyramiding - 3 orders
Commission - 0.2%
Slippage - 1 tick (Since this strategy exit is on close basis mostly there wont be any slippages)
Williams Fractals StrategyThis indicator made with using Williams Fractals, 20 50 100 Moving Averages and Relative Strength Index. You can easily find entry points by using Long (L), Short (S) signals.
Note : Settings are optimized for BTC:USDT Perpetual 15min TF. For use different pairs or TFs you may need to change settings.
Dagger V1 indicator & alerterThe "Dagger V1 strategy" strategy is used for the backtest of the "Dagger V1 indicator & alerter" indicator. Their algorithm is identical. Further, all descriptions of the settings are the same for the strategy and the indicator.
Dagger is used for trading on the cryptocurrency spot market, but it can also be used for any other fairly volatile pairs.
Dagger shows the best results on the H1 timeframe, but you can experiment with other timeframes.
The logic of Dagger's work is based on the search for the optimal entry point into the market and the best moment to close a deal. Stochastic oscillator and exponential moving EMA are used for this. Also, the exit from the transaction can be optimized using several parameters.
The strategy can use trailing up to one or more red bars in order not to miss the sharp growth of the currency.