New York ZonesHello traders, here is a indicator which is based on a strategy I found on a forum. I hope you will find it useful.
Rules to Follow:
1) Wait for signal . Signal appears at 9:30. (New York time)
2) Wait for price to mitigate the zone
3) Sell anywhere in this range after or during zone mitigation.
4) Keep stop Wide to avoid getting stopped out.
5) Target the previous liquidity with minimum 3RR.
6) Look for opposite trade if zone fails to hold , with proper analysis
Note :
1) This Indicator is made specifically for US30 and US100 (Indices) but can be used with other pairs as well (need back testing)
2) I would not recommend to place the trade right away as soon as signal appears , wait for liquidity to be taken out and place a trade after confirmation.
3) Trades can be placed below the zone as well but the probability of entry may decrease ,while increasing the accuracy.
4) Use timeframe <= 5 min to take entries.
Trade scenarios
Perfect trade :
Price failed to hold, you got stopped out and market changes direction :
Price respect zone in future:
Encounters Pro - Free versionThe Encounters Pro indicator is a general-purpose tool to improve the capacity of forecasting future market price moves.
This free version has one engine active and a second engine partially active between 15h and 17h UTC.
This indicator does not provide buy, sell or hold signals ; instead, it helps to determine the future direction of prices .
How to read it:
The engines must be tracked from bottom to the top. Red color is bearish or descending and green color is bullish or ascending. The upper engine (line) is the one that represents the immediate price direction, take it into consideration.
When two or more consecutive engines change, sequentially, from bottom to top, and they have, after this process, the same color, it may indicate that price is about to move in that direction. However, that is not enough, the trend must be already present or you must have a sound technical reason to validate the idea provided by the Encounters Pro indicator.
There are four examples on the image above.
Case 1 is a valid signal because the three upper engines changed from red to green, from bottom to top: firstly the third one, then the second one and, finally, the first one on top.
Case 2 would not be a valid singnal considering that the third engine was red before the first one turned green. However, it was a valid bullish signal because the fourth level was green before the second and the first.
Case 3 is not a valid signal because the first engine is green and the rest are red.
Case 4 is not a valid signal because the sequence goes from top to bottom and it is mandatory that the sequence goes from the bottom or lower engines to the ones on top.
Two engines switching color at the same time are valid. This is the only exception to the bottom to top rule.
The engines
The first one (the top one) leads the rest from the temporal perspective, but it is the weaker one. The sencond and rest of lines, to the bottom, reflect an increasing directional strength, and may represent deeper effects on market prices. You will have to carefully examine the chart, with historical data, and observe how price reacts as you spot different patterns among the engines of the Encounter Pro indicator.
On the main image above, the green arrows show a clear bullish tendency upon London Markets open time, for instance.
The slope and the engine position
The lines should be considered in terms of their slope and position. An ascending line is a bullish strength signal, even if a red color temporarily appears, specially if above the middle level of the engine. When the lines are on top, it means the engine is gauging the maximum possible bullish pressure, but if the line were falling at the same time, above the middle level, the bullish implication of that engine would be significantly lower.
Conversely, when lines are either stalling or close to the bottom, it is a signal of bearish increasing power.
Sort array alphabetically - educational🔶 OVERVIEW
• This educational script will sort an array of tickers alphabetically and place these values in an table , together with the according current price value next to each ticker .
🔹 I. We make a User Defined Type (UDT) obj , with:
· ticker - the string name of the ticker
· price - the current price (close)
• From this UDT we make an object for each ticker
🔹 II. 2 array's are made:
• array of objects aObj , containing obj type for every ticker
• array of strings sort , the ticker part of each object
🔹 III. Now we make an object of each ticker with the createObject(sym ) function
object_1 = createObject("TICKER")
• the object object_1 consists off:
· ticker -> "TICKER"
· price -> current Daily close through"TICKER") (non-repainting)
• object_1 will be added to the aObj array
• "TICKER" ( string ticker part of object ) will be added to the sort array
🔹 IV. The latter array is sorted alphabetically by using array.sort_indices()
originalArray = array.from("B", "A", "C")
indicesArray = // sorted indices
array.get(originalArray, 1) -> "A"
array.get(originalArray, 0) -> "B"
array.get(originalArray, 2) -> "C"
Alphabetically sorting is case sensitive , just like Java compareTo(String anotherString) !
• The comparison is based on the Unicode value of each character in the string, the lowest "Dec" values are sorted first in line.
• Comparing the "Dec" values at unicodelookup explains why default CAPITAL lettres will be sorted first,
• Default you would get this (A= 65, B= 66, a= 97, b= 98)
• Adding str.lower(string) in the toLowerCase() function will result to the following:
• (A= 65 is transformed to a= 97, ...)
• As a side note, should you write "AMZN" as "ÀMZN" this would be placed at the end, even after transforming to lower case the "Dec" values are higher (À= 192, à= 224).
• You can toggle "To Lower Case" to verify.
🔹 V. Values are placed in a table , using these sorted indices.
• With the usage of UDTs and objects , the current price has the same index in the aObj as their ticker ,
giving the advantage it is fairly easy to place every value correctly next to each other.
• The same can be done by make 2 separate arrays , 1 for the current price , the other for "TICKER" .
• Alternative technique for adding comment
Instead of
// this is a comment
You can also do this:
_=" this is a comment "
• Alternate colour
· During a loop , alternate colour when i is even or odd , using the modulo operation (%) .
· This is the remainder when dividing.
· 3 % 2 = 1 -> 3 / 2 -> 1 * 2, 1 left (remainder)
· 4 % 2 = 0 -> 4 / 2 -> 2 * 2, 0 left (remainder)
· 5 % 2 = 1 -> 5 / 2 -> 2 * 2, 1 left (remainder)
for i = 0 to 10
even = i % 2 == 0
col = even ? thisColor : otherColor
• Adjust colour in script by using colour picker
Fiat Currency and Gold Indices (FGXY) CandlesA modification of my previous indicator "Crypto Index (DXY) Candles". The idea was to create a similar currency basket to the standard DXY, but from the perspective of other currencies. Still using the standard DXY weights, this indicator allows you to create a tailored index for other currencies, provided that a currency pair exists for each of the 6 components. This means that even currencies that aren't included should work in theory; just find the 3 character currency prefix used by tradingview and give it a shot! This indicator is useful for gauging how well countries/currencies are holding up and when paired with the standard DXY may help see potential inflection points. For use on longer time frames (~1h-~3d) as some of the data being pulled seems to have issues on lower timeframes.
Background ZonesThis script provides up to 5 zones to apply background colors. This is especially useful for applying to indices such as USI:TICK , USI:ADD , and USI:VOLD , where certain levels provides significant meaning to market sentiment and directions. This script will give you the visual cue to help with your trading.
All levels and colors are fully customizable.
Deluxo Dow Kill ZonesCAPITALCOM:US30
Edit* under settings remove the plot line its not needed.
Deluxo Capital
Dow Kill Zone Indicator
About: This will help you find large moves that happen often on US30. This will work for gj and probably other indices but I've designed this to work for US30 day trades.
If I see a trade I will scalp within the blue zone, besides that the best trades are anywhere outside the colored zones and you will generally find good entry's/exits just as those zones end.
So you're just scalping between these zones. Stay with me tho.
How to use: You can trade the blue session or wait it out because that's a high risk area but with time you will enjoy trading it as you get to know how price reacts or how the order blocks/order flow looks.
This works for: Day trades mainly but can be for swing trades.
Time fame USE: 1-15min I like 5-15m
Red Zone = This zone I like to enter shorts or longs all the way to the blue zone depending how price action reacted to the Asian high or low. Was the Asian high taken out?/was the Asian low taken out? Trades are taken around when this zone ends down to the blue zone.
Blue Zone = Modified New York Session hours High vol window good scalps or enter trades after the blue zone to the next zone the
Gray zone = 30 min Pre-Spread Warning. This zone is always the best time to exit your trades its just grays out 30 min before spreads open up. Some of the best trades are after the blue zone to this gray zone.
EXTRA* I also use this indicator and I recommend you to use this aswell these two together work great I use them daily.
AsiaSessionHighLowMidLines by marekmajer
This is my personal system for scalping dow. I hope this helps you as much as it helps me and I'm sure as you see how price reacts you too can see the value in this. Please enjoy!
You can adjust the colors and remove the plot line over the candles I don't code well this is my first time I just tossed this together and I can't remove the plot line so just uncheck it.
Thank you
Deluxo Capital
ICT KillZone [Index futures edition] Guided by new ICT Mentorship I create this versatile timezone or strikezone indicator to identify this without changing timezone (is based on America/New_York timezone, not your current timezone or GMT)
Sessions & Days Of The WeekTraders tend to focus their energy on specific sessions or time periods. This indicator will plot the days of the week, and also highlight the following sessions: Frankfurt (2:00am - 11:00am EST), London (3:00am - 12:00pm EST), New York (8:00am - 5:00pm EST), Sydney (5:00pm - 2:00am EST), Tokyo (7:00pm - 4:00am EST).
It’s important to be aware that Session Open and Close times will vary based on the time of year, as countries shift over to daylight savings time.
BANK NIFTY Constituents Technical Rating [tanayroy]Banknifty comprises 12 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE). Movement of Banknifty depends on these stocks. The script depicts Technical rating and price change stats of Banknifty constituents.
I have calculated the weight factor using annual floating stock stats available in Tradingview. So, it may differ considerably from the actual weight. It is just for reference.
I have found this useful in my trading.
Please like, share, and comment.
Correlation IndexShows how often and how much the underlying security deviates from the base stock.
Indices that help in the selection of securities:
Lst10 - last 10(long factor parameter) periods average
Aver - fulltime averaged
pwr - total deviation area from base
ust - unstability (drawdown index)
cor - percent of positive bars
cross - fulltime averaged deviation
Alert(), alertcondition() or strategy alerts?Variety of possibilities offered by PineScript, especially thanks to recent additions, created some confusion. Especially one question repeats quite often - which method to use to trigger alerts?
I'm posting this to clarify and give some syntax examples. I'll discuss these 3 methods in chronological order, meaning - in the order they were introduced to PineScript.
ALERTCONDITION() - it is a function call, which can be used only in study-type script. Since years ago, you could create 2 types of a script: strategy and study. First one enables creating a backtest of a strategy. Second was to develop scripts which didn't require backtesting and could trigger alerts. alertcondition() calls in strategy-type scripts were rejected by Pine compiler. On the other hand compiling study-type scripts rejected all strategy...() calls. That created difficulties, because once you had a nice and backtested strategy, you had to rip it off from all strategy...() function calls to convert your script to study-type so you could produce alerts. Maintenance of two versions of each script was necessary and it was painful.
"STRATEGY ALERTS" were introduced because of alertcondition() pains. To create strategy alert, you need to click "Add alert" button inside Strategy Tester (backtester) and only there. Alerts set-up this way are bound with the backtester - whenever backtester triggers an order, which is visible on the chart, alert is also fired. And you can customize alert message using some placeholders like {{strategy.order.contracts}} or {{ticker}}.
ALERT() was added last. This is an alerts-triggering function call, which can be run from strategy-type script. Finally it is doable! You can connect it to any event coded in PineScript and generate any alert message you want, thanks to concatenation of strings and wrapping variables into tostring() function.
Out of these three alertcondition() is obviously archaic and probably will be discontinued. There is a chance this makes strategy/study distinction not making sense anymore, so I wouldn't be surprised if "studies" are deprecated at some point.
But what are the differences between "Strategy alerts" and alert()? "Strategy alerts" seem easier to set-up with just a few clicks and probably easier to understand and verify, because they go in sync with the backtester and on-chart trade markers. It is especially important to understand how they work if you're building strategy based on pending orders (stop and limit) - events in your code might trigger placing pending order, but alert will be triggered only (and when) such order is executed.
But "Strategy Alerts" have some limitations - not every variable you'd like to include in alert message is available from PineScript. And maybe you don't need the alert fired when the trade hit a stop-loss or take-profit, because you have already forwarded info about closing conditions in entry alert to your broker/exchange.
Alert() was added to PineScript to fill all these gaps. Is allows concatenating any alert message you want, with any variable you want inside it and you can attach alert() function at any event in your PineScript code. For example - when placing orders, crossing variables, exiting trades, but not explicitly at pending orders execution.
The Verdict
"Strategy Alerts" might seem a better fit - easier to set-up and verify, flexible and they fire only when a trade really happens, not producing unnecessary mess when each pending order is placed. But these advantages are illusionary, because they don't give you the full-control which is needed when trading with real money. Especially when using pending orders. If an alert is fired when price actually hit a stop-order or limit-order level, and even if you are executing such alert within 1 second thanks to a tool like TradingConnector, you might already be late and you are making entry at a market price. Slippage will play a great role here. You need to send ordering alert when logical conditions are met - then it will be executed at the price you want. Even if you need to cancel all the pending orders which were not executed. Because of that I strongly recommend sticking to ALERT() when building your alerts system.
Below is an example strategy, showing syntax to manage placing the orders and cancelling them. Yes, this is another spin-off from my TradingView Alerts to MT4 MT5 . As usual, please don't pay attention to backtest results, as this is educational script only.
P.S. For the last time - farewell alertcondition(). You served us well.
test Xbr Super Volume 3.0A new update that can be used in liquid markets using graphical analysis.
The logic of this indicator is to automatically carry out the analysis of points where there is volume absorption, indicating on the graph through an arrow and lines from which defenses and fights can be generated.
Using this methodology we can find good moments to negotiate.
INDICES against BTC & ETHThe idea is the following; you can easily chart the FTX perp indices against (currently) two baselines, ETH & BTC.
I always choose ETH since it is way harder to outperform ETH at the moment. Doing this helps me see certain trends and/or fractal that might happen again in the future.
Since I already made D.A.M (Defi against Majors / Pricing Defi categories against BTC & ETH: ) I came across the idea of doing the same thing but with the perp indices that FTX offer. At first, I wanted to add this to D.A.M but it has no place in this indicator since this will not only look at Defi but the macro market as a whole.
The indicator currently only looks at the following indexes (weighting can be found here: https:// help. ftx. com/hc/en-us/articles/360027668812-Index-Calculation) :
TradingView Alerts to MT4 MT5 - Forex, indices, commoditiesHowdy Algo-Traders! This example script has been created for educational purposes - to present how to use and automatically execute TradingView Alerts on real markets.
I'm posting this script today for a reason. TradingView has just released a new feature of the PineScript language - ALERT() function. Why is it important? It is finally possible to set alerts inside PineScript strategy-type script, without the need to convert the script into study-type. You may say triggering alerts straight from strategies was possible in PineScript before (since June 2020), but it had its limitations. Starting today you can attach alert to any custom event you might want to include in your PineScript code.
With the new feature, it is easier not only to execute strategies, but to maintain codebase - having to update 2 versions of the code with each single modification was... ahem... inconvenient. Moreover, the need to convert strategy into study also meant it was required to rip the code from all strategy...() calls, which carried a lot of useful information, like entry price, position size, and more, definitely influencing results calculated by strategy backtest. So the strategy without these features very likely produced different results than with them. While it was possible to convert these features into study with some advanced "coding gymnastics", it was also quite difficult to test whether those gymnastics didn't introduce serious, bankrupting bugs.
How does this new feature work? It is really simple. On your custom events in the code like "GoLong" or "GoShort", create a string variable containing all the values you need inside your alert and this string variable will be your alert's message. Then, invoke brand new alert() function and that's it (see lines 67 onwards in the script). Set it up in CreateAlert popup and enjoy. Alerts will trigger on candle close as freq= parameter specifies. Detailed specification of the new alert() function can be found in TradingView's PineScript Reference (, but there's nothing more than message= and freq= parameters. Nothing else is needed, it is very simple. Yet powerful :)
Alert syntax in this script is prepared to work with TradingConnector. Strategy here is not too complex, but also not the most basic one: it includes full exits, partial exits, stop-losses and it also utilizes dynamic variables calculated by the code (such as stop-loss price). This is only an example use case, because you could handle variety of other functionalities as well: conditional entries, pending entries, pyramiding, hedging, moving stop-loss to break-even, delivering alerts to multiple brokers and more.
This script is a spin-off from my previous work, posted over a year ago here: Some comments on strategy parameters have been discussed there, but let me copy-paste most important points:
* Commission is taken into consideration.
* Slippage is intentionally left at 0. Due to shorter than 1 second delivery time of TradingConnector, slippage is practically non-existing.
* This strategy is NON-REPAINTING and uses NO TRAILING-STOP or any other feature known to be causing problems.
* The strategy was backtested on EURUSD 6h timeframe, will perform differently on other markets and timeframes.
Despite the fact this strategy seems to be still profitable, it is not guaranteed it will continue to perform well in the future. Remember the no.1 rule of backtesting - no matter how profitable and good looking a script is, it only tells about the past. There is zero guarantee the same strategy will get similar results in the future.
Full specs of TradingView alerts and how to set them up can be found here:
Indices Sector SigmaSpikes█ OVERVIEW
“The benchmark Dow Jones Industrial Average is off nearly 300 points as of midday today...”
“So what? Is that a lot or a little? Should we care?”
-Adam H Grimes-
This screener aims to provide Bird-Eye view across sector indices, to find which sector is having significant or 'out-of-norm' move in either direction.
The significance of the move is measured based on Sigma Spikes, a method proposed by Adam H. Grimes, where Standard Deviation of returns used as a baseline.
*You can google his blog or read his book, got some gold in there, especially on how he use indicators for trading
█ Understanding Sigma Spikes
As described by Grimes, moves in markets are only meaningful when we consider what “normal” is for that market.
Without that baseline, the daily change number, and even the percent change on the day doesn’t really mean much.
To overcome that problem, Sigma Spikes, as a measure of volatility, attempt to put todays change in price (aka return) in context of the standard deviation of 20 days daily's return.
Refer chart below:
1. The blue bars refer to each days return
2. The orange line is 1 time standard deviation of past 20days daily's return (today not included)
3. The red line is 2 time standard deviation of past 20days daily's return (today not included)
Using the ratio of today's return over the Std Deviation, determining your threshold (1,2,3,etc) will be the key that tells if today's move is significant or not.
*Threshold referring to times standard deviation, and different market may require different threshold.
*20 Days period are based on the Lookback Period, adjustable from user input window.
█ Features
- Scan up to 13 symbols at a time (Bursa (MYX) indices are defaulted, but you may change to any symbols/index from the user input setting)
█ Limitation
- Due to multiple use of security() function required to call other symbols, expect the screener to be slow at certain times
- Custom Timeframe currently accept only Daily and Weekly. I'll try to include lower timeframe in the next update
█ Disclaimer
Past performance is not an indicator of future results.
My opinions and research are my own and do not constitute financial advice in any way whatsoever.
Nothing published by me constitutes an investment recommendation, nor should any data or Content published by me be relied upon for any investment/trading activities.
I strongly recommends that you perform your own independent research and/or speak with a qualified investment professional before making any financial decisions.
Any ideas to further improve this indicator are welcome :)
PpSIgnal Quantile Band 4.0Quantile band: In statistics and the theory of probability, quantiles are cutpoints dividing the range of a probability distribution into contiguous intervals with equal probabilities, or dividing the observations in a sample in the same way.
Quantitative Qualitative Estimation is based on a rather complex calculation of the smoothed RSI indicators.
The QQE indicator consists of a smoothed Relative Strength Index ( RSI ) indicator and two volatility-based trailing levels (fast and slow). The Fast Trailing Level (TL) and Slow TL are constructed by calculating the ATR of the smoothed RSI over n-periods and then further smoothing the ATR using an additional n-periods Wilders smoothing function. This smoothed ATR of RSI is then multiplied by the Fast and Slow ATR Multipliers to calculate the final Fast and Slow Trailing Levels.
Buy when the Quantile band is green.
Sell when the Quantile band is red.
when the quantile band is gray hold
PpSignal Algorithmic trading system this strategy uses
1) trend
2) volatility
3) volume
Also, you can find in additional tools, rsi wilders on the chart and its standard deviation.
CFB composite fractal behavior and smoothed atr.
Candle converter MTF.
The strategy uses these four indicators to generate inputs and outputs.
Basically buy when cfb, rsi and atr go in the same direction upwards and the movement is accompanied by a rising volume (cfb green color and rsi Aqua ATR).
Idem in reverse for sell, when cfb, atra and rsi are giving a sell signal (Red color) and the volume is descending.
It is important that you also use other trading systems that you consider convenient. Support and resistance and also fibonacci levels all help to better trading.
Not all assets have or use the same configuration, for this, you must find the appropriate parameters with the variables, long length, short length, source, and period.
for example for btcusd the optimal parameters for me are:
long length = 2
short length = 2
signal length = 2
source = ohlc4
period = 9
It also has a take profit and stops loss tool in percentage.
remember to use parameters according to your tolerance as a trader or investor.
enjoy it
PD: you can write to me privately I have many optimizations and settings already done
este estrategia usa
1) trend
Tambien usted podrá encontrar en herramientas adicionales, rsi wilder on the chart y su desviación estándar.
CFB composite fractal behavior y atr suavizado.
Candle converter MTF.
La estrategia usa estos cuatro indicadores para generar entradas y salidas.
Básicamente buy cuándo cfb, rsi y atr van en la misma dirección hacia arriba y el movimiento está acompañado por un volumen ascendente (color verde cfb y rsi Aqua ATR).
Idem a la inversa para el sell, cuando cfb, atra y rsi están dando señal de venta (color Rojo) y el volumen es descendente.
Es importante que también use otros sistemas de trading que usted crea conveniente. Soporte y resistencia y también niveles fibonacci todo ayuda a un mejor trading.
No todos los activos tienen o usan la misma configuración para esto usted deberá encontrar los parámetros adecuado con las variables, long length, short length, source y period.
por ejemplo para btcusd los parámetros óptimos para mi son:
long length = 2
short length = 2
signal length = 2
source = ohlc4
period = 9
También posee una herramienta de take profit y stop lose en porcentaje.
recuerde usar parámetros acorde a su tolerancia como trader o inversor.
Relative Strength Auto ComparisonRelative Strength Comparison with automatic selection of relevant index
Added support for most european and north american exchanges.
Terminal : Important U.S Indices Change (%) DataHello.
This script is a simple U.S Indices Data Terminal.
You can also set the period to look back manually in the menu.
In this way, an idea can be obtained about Major U.S Indices.
Value changes on a percentage basis (%)
Recently, due to increasing interest, the NQNACE index has been added.
Index descriptions are printed on the information panel.
Sentiment NYSE ARCA and AMEX indices added.
SP1! : S&P 500 Futures Index
DJI : Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
NDX : Nasdaq 100 Index
RUT : Russell 2000 Index
NYA : NYSE Composite Index
OSX : PHLX Oil Service Sector Index
HGX : PHLX Housing Sector Index
UTY : PHLX Utility Sector Index
SOX : PHLX Semiconductor Sector Index
SPSIBI : S&P Biotechnology Select Industry Index
XNG : NYSE ARCA Natural Gas Index
SPGSCI : S&P Goldman Sachs Commodity Index
XAU : PHLX Gold and Silver Sector Index
SPSIOP : S&P Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Select Industry Index
GDM : NYSE ARCA Gold Miners Index
DRG : NYSE ARCA Pharmaceutical Index
TOB : NYSE ARCA Tobacco Index
DFI : NYSE ARCA Defense Index
NWX : NYSE ARCA Networking Index
XCI : NYSE ARCA Computer Technology
XOI : AMEX Oil Index
XAL : AMEX Airline Index
NQNACE : Nasdaq Yewno North America Cannabis Economy Index
Terminal : USD Based Stock Markets Change (%)Hello.
This script is a simple USD Based Stock Markets Change (%) Data Terminal.
You can also set the period to look back manually in the menu.
In this way, an idea can be obtained about Countries' Stock Markets.
And you can observe the stock exchanges of relatively positive and negative countries from others.
Value changes on a percentage basis (%)
Stock exchange values are calculated in dollar terms.
Due to the advantage of movement, future data were chosen instead of spot values on the required instruments.
Stock Markets
Usa : S&P 500 Futures
Japan: Nikkei 225 Futures
England: United Kingdom ( FTSE ) 100
Australia: Australia 200
Canada: S&P / TSX Composite
Switzerland: Swiss Market Index
New Zealand: NZX 50 Index
China: SSE Composite (000001)
Denmark: OMX Copenhagen 25 Index
Hong-Kong: Hang Seng Index Futures
India: Nifty 50
Norway: Oslo Bors All Share Index
Russia: MOEX Russia Index
Sweden: OMX Stockholm Index
Singapore: Singapore 30
Turkey: BIST 100
South Africa: South Africa Top 40 Index
Spain: IBEX 35
France: CAC 40
Italy: FTSE MIB Index
Netherlands: Netherlands 25
Germany : DAX
Theft Indicator - BUY/SELL AlertsWhat is our indicator?
Theft Indicator - Buy & Sell Alert System is our first published script that shows price action on a certain period of time (We Use ATR indicator). We take pride in enabling trading to become easier for the experienced and the non-experienced traders around the globe. Buy & Sell alerts will be fired once a conditions in our algo is met.
Does it Repaint?
Our indicator does NOT re-paint. Although while setting an alert it may pop up the repaint alert, please take into consideration that once a signal is fired on a "CLOSED BAR", our signal will never disappear, they do not repaint.
What Markets is it usable with?
You can use it in any market, Forex, Stocks, Crypto, Indices. We recommend high time frames but you can also use it on the 1 minute chart if you are a scalper and a risk taker. All time frames are profitable, not all trades. But the Majority is profitable. We will soon add a backtest strategy for it, there is no ETA on it tho.
How to use:
Simple plug and play it to your chart, in addition to a few other indicators we will recommend to you (we still have not published them yet), and this will confirm your trades. You can also connect TV alerts with a bot and let it run. Please be aware that SLIPPAGE time is important, If you run a bot on this indicator you HAVE to know that the buy/sell price will be on the bar AFTER the Candle close (For example: the BUY/SELL alert is on a candle, the buy/sell your bot or you will execute WILL be in the following candle depending on your trading system. Theft Indicator - Buy/Sell Alerts work best with higher time frames, however it works on smaller time frames, we recommend 15 mins, 30 mins, 1hr, 4hr. It just depends on your trading style. Please contact us if you do not understand how to use it.
How are the Buy/Sell Alerts fired?
We use the simple ATR (Average True Range) indicator. However we have modified the indicator to fit our trading system. Check below for a definition of what ATR is:
What is Average True Range - ATR?
The average true range (ATR) is a technical analysis indicator that measures market volatility by decomposing the entire range of an asset price for that period. Specifically, ATR is a measure of volatility introduced by market technician J. Welles Wilder Jr. The true range indicator is taken as the greatest of the following: current high less the current low; the absolute value of the current high less the previous close; and the absolute value of the current low less the previous close. The average true range is then a moving average, generally using 14 days, of the true ranges.
Why is our indicator special and different from the normal ATR indicators?
We have modified the mathematical equation and changed it slightly to give more accurate signals, we do not promise all trades are profitable, the use of this indicator is up to your own judgement and liability. We believe that we have an indicator like no other ATR because of our algo that is different from the normal ATR calculation.
P.S: This is not financial advice, we are just sharing our indicator that we know has good results, and it will take time for people in -ve profiles to recover losses and for the profiting to be more profitable.
You can contact me for more information about the indicator, Goodluck :)
PowerBot Binary Backtest FrameworkHello Traders,
This is the backtest framework for testing the Powerbot algorithm before activating alerts which can be used for precise Trading.
Powerbot can be used across any timeframe and across any expiration based on the performance
This backtest comes with some features to help traders make a decision on the following:
When using the indicator itself.
1. We use our proprietary algorithm - "Powerbot binary algorithm script", which is Public but can only be accessed based on request. If you would like to use the algorithm please ensure you have tested different assets and varying expiration for your trades through the backtest - if you don't know how to do that please contact us by sending a message.
2. You can choose any expiration time by changing the expiration time period from the 'settings' button, this will display new results. example; on a 5 minutes chart timeframe, 6 bars would be 30 minutes, which means 5 minutes times 6, which is 30 and minutes because your timeframe is set to minutes. Another example is that on a 1-hour timeframe, 12 bars would be 12 hours, given 1 * 12 is 12hours, because your timeframe is set to hours.
3. You can choose the trading session you want, please note that we have included the three most active sessions - ASIAN, EU/UK, & US Session, by default, the scripts checks for performance on 24/7, which means it does not omit trades outside of the trading session. The Tradingview time is in UTC (or GMT -4). The best times to trade are during sessions most active times.
This backtesting indicator is free to add to the chart if you would like to use the algorithm during your trading session you need to contact us. After which you can use the algorithm for as long as you want.
Please note that no signal can work in all timeframe across all markets that is why backtesting to search for algorithms with at least 50% performance ratio is excellent for trading. All you need is to diversify alerts across to assets or more to rake in profits.
If you require assistance in understanding what session would work best, you can send us a message to work through the process together.
Thank you for you support. This script is free to use to see potential of the indicator itself.
We are NOT allowed to advertise any script on sale based on tradingview house rules.
Wishing you all the best.
Blue FX Trend StrategyHi, welcome to the Blue FX Trend Strategy Script.
What does it do?
Our strategy will help you identify the current trend in the markets and highlight when this is changing. The strategy itself is based upon 4 indicators lining up in total confluence to increase the probability of the trade being a success, this is specifically an EMA, MACD settings, Supertrend criteria and also Momentum.
Absolutely no technical analysis is needed to trade this successfully - this can be used on all time frames and all pairs - obviously with varying profitability as all pairs work differently - this can be reviewed quickly in 'Strategy Tester' to hone in on your own desired settings.
When all criteria is in alignment the strategy will convert all candles to the relevant colour - Green for an uptrend and Red for a downtrend; a candle that is printed normally simply shows that no current trend is in place to warrant a colour change. A normal coloured candle could possibly indicate a change in current market direction or the market consolidating before a further move in the initial direction. When a new signal is valid 'Blue FX Buy'' or 'Blue FX Sell' will be displayed and the small arrow shown on candle open for entry.
How do I use it?
Our strategy is invite only - upon joining our group we will allow you access to the script. This will then simply display on your device ready for you to start trading from. There is substantial functionality within the strategy, you can;
See the success of the default settings in the past using the 'Strategy Tester' Function for numerous settings
1. Following the settings 'Trail'
2. Changing your TP function with the other criteria listed
3. Using a Fixed TP or SL function
Upon changing the Script to 'Fixed' you will see numerous trades on the chart displayed differently.
Scaling into a profitable position is also possible - this is ideally done when the candle colour confirms the trend is continuing after rejection/support from the EMA; we show this below;
You could also enter here if you missed the initial sell signal, we have MA rejection and a red printed candle indicating all confluences are in play and we have high probability for the move to continue.
How do I know its profitable?
We have built numerous customisable settings into the strategy for you to see that this is profitable - you can visually see this too. The settings are also customisable to find the right criteria for the right pair on the right time-frame. Ultimately, with the strategy confluences in place, you are putting probability in your favour and can quickly determine the trend in place if there is one. Within the customisable settings there is a compound function too, so if you were to compound your profit the results can be exceptional.
We have also added an H4 confluence, so you can ensure if trading on a lower time-frame you are in the overall direction of the H4 trend too, a useful setting for more confluence again.
Where do I set my Stop loss or Take Profit?
There is no right or wrong to this and we have attempted to build numerous ways of doing this into the strategy for reference.
For setting a SL you could;
1. Use a fixed SL.
2. Place the SL below the last high or low in the trend.
3. Use an ATR function.
4. Place the SL 5 pips below the last 3 candles.
5. Or, trail the price if you are on screen until the next signal is given and a new trend starts - although unless a big trend, you may miss out on some profit by the time price has pulled back.
For placing a Take Profit, you could;
1. Use a fixed TP.
2. Look for the next supply/demand area on the chart (if it breaks and candle colour supports direction - you could enter again).
3. Use an ATR function.
5. Or, trail the price if you are on screen until the next signal is given and a new trend starts - although unless a big trend, you may miss out on some profit by the time price has pulled back.
6. Secure multiple TPs - 20/50/100 pips with Stop loss to entry after the first target is hit.
Here are some examples of the Buy and Sell signals in action;
Will also work on Commodities and Indices as shown below too;
Our recommended visual settings are below;
1. Set to'Trail' Strategy
2. Under 'Style' tab, select Trades on Chart, but un-select both Signal Labels and Quantity to clean up the chart - these settings are useful when testing to see where the trades are opened and closed.
3. We like the candles changing colour to the trend and criteria set however, these can be turned off to display normal bullish and bearish candles.
When reviewing profitability you can do this by selecting 'Overview' 'Performance Summary' and 'List of Trades'.
Please consider that the settings based into the strategy could differ to your own money management rules and your management of your SL and TP as outlined above - we have tried to cover as many bases as possible here.
We look forward to you using this strategy to profit from the market, please share your feedback and results with us.
Kind regards
Blue FX Team