BTC BRAWL NINJA TRADERThe NINJA TRADER was devloped for trading competition higher leverage scalp trading. It is a modified from my Trade Trend Indicator (indicator) has been the brain child of 23 years of trading experience rolled into a simple to understand all market setup alert system based solely on 5 high probability trade set ups with a 6th high risk. The hope is to provide something that is can assist traders in building confidence in their trades with a little assistance from the indicator.
This like any and all indicators is not a be all and end to trading, yes while back tested the indicator has produced fantastic profitable results; past performance is not a guarantee of future but which with human intervention can increase the return result exponentially.
You need to be able to chart simple candle sticks and you need to have an understanding of support and resistance areas to make sense of what you are doing in trading otherwise even this indicator won't help you.
While this may alert buy or sell / long or short entrance these are to be taken as educational points of reference and if you wish to trade you are understanding that you enter and exit at your own risk. Not many indicators will alert you to the possibility of a rogue wave spike / dump or both, this will but everything is perspective of the time frame you are on.
The indicator is designed for the 4hour time frame with trade entry on the 15min and managed on the 30min time frame. Alot can happen within these time frame but as we know not every trader can sit in front of a screen for hours at a time and this let's one trade for swings. Once you have your entry you place your exits and you set your stops. If you wait for the alert to exit you are in a draw down this should never reach that point pay yourself for being right.
The set ups are simple:
1. Trend change from bearish to bullish buys are dip interim support entries.
2. Trend change from bullish to bearish sells are top interim resistance exits.
3. Blue buy is an entry position for a trade.
4. Blue long is an add position for a trade.
5. Red short is just that a short trade idea. (this is advanced and requires a manual cover target),
6. Green buy is a break out over the next candle to print above (highest risk)
All trades are based on a 5% to 10% of capital entry with no more than 40% ever in 1 trade goal is many consistent trade wins while limiting the losses and size.
Certain set ups such as longs over the Moving Averages but below the cloud can lead to strong rally returns as well as short in a bearish trend just above the Moving Averages can give prolonged selling pressure.
Pay attention to the golden dump line as it rises the closer to the candle it gets the higher the risk of the trade lacking continuation.
Made the golden dump line easier to bringing it forward.
Changed the trade trend reversal to stand out more as a marker of a trade even when alerts stacked
Added a calculation for the alert to recalculate based on the time frame chosen
Added a check balance verse the break out buy as to not false alert during the BTC BRAWL CHALLENGE in high risk trade setups
Added notification of bullvsbear action to avoid being caught in the BTC BRAWL CHALLENGE
Added a take profit reminder based on time frame volume
None of this is to be taken as investment advice but rather Edutainment and infotainment
Total Trend Follow Study with Alerts, Pyramid and DCA
This is the study version of my trend following strategy. It is designed to be a “drop in” replacement for its twin strategy. I have replicated the analysis logic and entry and exit procedures to produce a nearly identical result set to the strategy. Other than the properties tab, the inputs dialog is exactly the same. Backtest the strategy to determine the best inputs to trade. Then apply the same inputs to this study to forward test. Alerts are available for trade entry, take profit close, stop-loss exit and pyramid level. Please see the strategy version for a complete description of the trading behavior of this script.
In brief, this script is intended to benefit from long duration trending markets. The trading behavior is to buy on strength and sell on weakness. As such the trade orders maintain its directional bias according to price pressure. What you will see on the chart is long positions on the left side of the mountain and short on the right. Long and short positions are not intermingled as long as there exists a detectable trend. My trend following script uses the same pivot point calculations used by my range trader but this time rising pivots are long and falling pivots are short. I refer to pivots as a vertex in the inputs dialog box. The cone based measurement adds a peak, sides and a base to the calculation elements. This allows the inputs to focus on adjusting the location of trades and not just trend lines. The pivot points can be plotted on the backtest. You can use the vertex input values to move the pivots where you want trades to be. This script can be traded in four different modes: Long, Short, BiDir, and Flip Flop.
This script replicates the TradingView pyramid feature by adding a field to the inputs tab. Pyramiding works the same way in this script as its twin strategy. Each pyramid level increases the order size as a multiple of its level. This makes it easy to comply with NFA FIFO Rule 2-43(b) if the trades are executed here in America. The current pyramid level is reported in the summary label when reports are enabled. You can use this value to manually adjust the position size in your forward testing. I also expose an alert when the pyramid threshold is breached. Use the TradingView alert window to send yourself a message when the level increases.
In addition to pyramiding this script employs a DCA feature which can increase the order size in response to stopped out or winning streak trades. The number of losing trades is tracked through the “Debt Sequence” value displayed in the summary report. When the debt is recovered the sequence number resets to zero. You can use the “Debt Sequence” number to manually manage DCA on your forward test. The main difference between DCA and pyramids is that this implementation of DCA applies to new trades while pyramids affect open positions. If DCA is enabled be sure to set the limiter to prevent your account from depleting capital during runaway markets.
I also have a range trading version of this script for those not interested in trend following.
This script is approximately 1800 lines of Pine 4 code and implements nine indicators on two time frames. The chart (primary) interval and one higher time frame which is based on the primary. The higher time frame identifies the trend for which the primary will trade. The original trading algorithms are a port from a much larger program on another trading platform. I've converted some of the statistical functions to use standard indicators available on TradingView. The setups make heavy use of the Hull Moving Average in conjunction with EMAs that form the Bill Williams Alligator as described in his book “New Trading Dimensions” Chapter 3. Lag between the Hull and the EMAs form the basis of the entry and exit points. The alligator itself is used to identify the trend main body.
Indicator Repainting
Indicator repainting is an industry wide problem which mainly occurs when you mix backtest data with real-time data. It doesn't matter which platform you use some form of this condition will manifest itself on your chart over time. The TradingView wiki has an in depth article on this subject in regard to the elements of the Pine language which contribute or are susceptible to this effect. In dealing with this problem from a prevention aspect in Pine, you have to accept some repaint to occur.
The goal of my repaint prevention in the study script is simply to ensure that my signal trading bias remains consistent between the strategy, study and broker. This actually turned out to be kind of a job since it interfered with another project goal to synchronize the entry and exits between the strategy and study scripts. The script execution engines are different between the Pine strategy and study. While the primary chart interval is quite manageable the higher time frame requires the security() function. TradingViewʼs higher time frame implementation, which interleaves the chart interval, combined with the critical “lookahead” parameter makes the solution necessarily complex. According the wiki regarding this issue, best practice comes down to the following two methods:
1. a = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', close , lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_on)
2. indexHighTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 1 : 0
indexCurrTF = barstate.isrealtime ? 0 : 1
a0 = security(syminfo.tickerid, 'D', close ,lookahead=barmerge.lookahead_off)
a = a0
This script employs method 2 with the only problem being the Pine sar() function which does not expose its internal bar series. The best work around would require hand coding the parabolic but the script is at the maximum local scopes and run-time duration so that option is not viable. So far, this hasn't proven to be much of a problem. I'm currently running several symbols, forex and crypto, the strategy and study remain highly correlated with no instances of completely opposite real-time signals. However, I have received some alerts with no corresponding plot on the chart but so far it only occurred on one symbol. I will continue to monitor this problem.
The Bottom Line. Does this script repaint. Yes, it will repaint about as much as every other multi-interval script which employs the best practice solutions available in the Pine Language.
Please be aware that the purpose of the study script is to perform forward testing of the configuration established in the backtest process. Therefore, the usage here in the study begins with the backtest configuration parameters. The following steps provide instructions to get this study script connected to the TradingView alert notification system. For a detailed description of how to create a trend following system using this script please see the strategy version.
Step 1. Create a chart with the trading instrument and interval used in the backtest.
Step 2. Find this script in the “Invite Only” section of the Indicators Dialog and apply it to the current chart.
Step 3. Copy the values from the backtest input dialog to the study.
Step 4. Open the TradingView Alert window.
Step 5. In the “Condition” drop down field find and select the name of the script.
Step 6. A new drop down field will appear with the alerts available in the script. This script exposes the following eight signals:
-- Long Entry Signal
-- Long Profit Signal
-- Long Stop-loss Signal
-- Long Pyramid
-- Short Entry Signal
-- Short Profit Signal
-- Short Stop-loss Signal
-- Short Pyramid
Select the signal for which you want notification.
Step 7. In the “Options” field select the frequency of the alert. Typically, "Once Per Bar" or "Once Per Bar Close" will be sufficient.
Step 8. Set the expiration date and time.
Step 9. Select the action of the alert. Currently TradingView offers six different actions:
-- Notify on App
-- Show Popup
-- Send Email
-- Webhook URL
-- Play Sound
-- Send Email to SMS
Step 10. Create a message to to transmitted with the alert. The script provides a default message which can be overridden with any custom description. The price, time and other reserved chart elements can be included in the message
Step 11. Click the “Create” button to generate this single alert.
Step 12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for every signal you wish to receive.
This script is open for beta testing. After successful beta test it will become a commercial application available by subscription only. I’ve invested quite a lot of time and effort into making this the best possible signal generator for all of the instruments I intend to trade. I certainly welcome any suggestions for improvements. Thank you all in advance.
JARVISJARVIS is a technical indicator primarily designed for Nifty Bank. But, it also works on other instruments like stocks for example. You may apply it on other instruments if you find it useful.
Once the indicator is plotted, it will have bars with 3 colours
1) Blue - It's watching
2) Green - It's bullish
3) Red - It's bearish
So, it's that easy to interpret.
Following are few examples on NSE:BANKNIFTY
September 20, 2019 - Indicator turned green and remained so till end of the day. If you would have followed this, you would have made more than 2000 points.
September 25, 2019 - Indicator turned red and remained so till end of the day. If you would have followed this, you would have made more than 100 points.
September 26, 2019 and September 27, 2019 - Indicator remained blue and you see that the market was just consolidating.
Above are just a few examples of what this is capable of. Apart from Nifty Bank, it also works well on popular stocks like Reliance, TCS, SBIN etc
Recommended time frame for this is 15 mins, but, you may experiment with other time frames as well. It's all about finding the right time frame for that particular instrument, for example it works best on 2H when applied on Nifty.
Should you have any doubts, feel free to DM me.
New Improved Support Resistance / Pivot Points (NO REPAINT)This indicator plots local pivot points / support resistance levels in real time (No Repaint). I created this indicator based on my own research and testing (i.e. it is not just a a Pinescript adaptation of some other indicator available online).
The Problem with Similar Indicators Which Are Currently Available On TradingView:
Inaccurate placement of swing/pivot/SR points (making your screen cluttered with meaningless levels).
Repainting (meaning the historical values change as new data becomes available; this is misleading and not very useful when trading in real time).
Have a long delay before confirming/plotting the new pivot points (20/20 hindsight...).
Require you to specify a lookback period and simply looks for the highest or lowest value over that time frame (which isn't very useful since it disregards all of the swings in between).
Do not show all of the historical swing levels, only the most recent ones.
My Solution:
Accurately places swing/pivot/SR points on local highs and lows once a short term trend is over (allowing you to easily identify reversal points).
Does not repaint (the historic values shown are exactly what would have been seen upon the close of the given candles in live trading; this means you can use this indicator for live trading).
Has minimal lag. New swing lows/highs are typically identified by this indicator on the candle which immediately following the swing point (this allows for better entries/exits rather than waiting for the price to run too far in the wrong direction before confirmation).
No lookback period required. The indicator will automatically identify new swings regardless how long the run lasts.
Allows you to adjust for more/less sensitivity.
P.S.: Future developments will be using these levels to create an automatic plot of fibonacci retracement levels.
Full Range Trading Study with Alerts and DCA
This is the study version of my range trading strategy. It is designed to be a “drop in” replacement for its twin strategy. I have replicated the analysis logic and entry and exit procedures to produce a nearly identical result set to the strategy. Other than the properties tab, the inputs dialog is exactly the same. Backtest the strategy to determine the best inputs to trade. Then apply the same inputs to this study to forward test. Alerts are available for trade entry, take profit close and stop-loss exit. Please see the strategy version for a complete description of the trading behavior of this script.
In brief, this script is intended to benefit from a range bound market. The trading behavior is to buy on weakness and sell on strength. As such trade orders are placed in a counter direction to price pressure. What you will see on the chart is a short position on peaks and a long position on valleys. This is accomplished by calculating pivot points from the price stream. Rising pivots are shorts and falling pivots are longs. I refer to pivots as a vertex in the inputs dialog box. The cone based measurement adds a peak, sides and a base to the calculation elements. This allows the inputs to focus on adjusting the location of trades and not just trend lines. The pivot points can be plotted on the backtest. You can use the vertex input values to move the pivots where you want trades to be. This script can be traded in four different modes: Long, Short, BiDir, and Ping Pong. When trading in “Ping Pong” mode long and short positions are intermingled continuously as long as there exists a detectable vertex. I also have a trend following version of this script for those not interested in trading the range.
This script employs a DCA feature which enables users to experiment with loss recovery techniques in the backtest. Here in the study the summary report displays the “Debt Sequence” number which can be used to manually increase the order size on subsequent trades at the broker. The script keeps track of debt incurred from losing trades. When the debt is recovered the “Debt Sequence” resets to zero so orders can return to the base size. Be sure to set the limiter to prevent your account from depleting capital during runaway markets.
Consecutive loss limit can be set to report a breach of the threshold value. Every stop hit beyond this limit will be reported on a version 4 label above the bar where the stop is hit. Use the consecutive loss limit to manually halt live trading on the broker side.
This script uses twelve indicators on a single time frame and is approximately 1800 lines of Pine 4 code. The original trading algorithms are a port from a much larger program on another trading platform. I’ve converted some of the statistical functions to use standard indicators available on TradingView. The setups make heavy use of the Hull Moving Average in conjunction with EMAs that form the Bill Williams Alligator as described in his book “New Trading Dimensions” Chapter 3. Lag between the Hull and the EMAs form the basis of the entry and exit points. The vertices are calculated using one of five featured indicators: Volume, Histogram, Fractal, Candle and Macro. The backtest is used to determine the best fit for your desired trading instrument. The incorporation of five distinct pivot point calculations broadens the scope of the markets where this tool can be beneficial.
Example configurations for various instruments along with a detailed PDF user manual is available.
Indicator Repainting
Please see the strategy script for a more detailed description of the repaint problem. The goal of my repaint prevention in the study script is simply to ensure that my signal trading bias remains consistent between the strategy, study and broker. This script employs the following conventions in effort to avoid indicator repainting:
1. This script uses only 1 time frame. The chart interval.
2. Every entry and exit condition is evaluated on closed bars only.
3. Entry and exit plots are not triggered off trend line crossovers.
4. No security functions are called to avoid a look-ahead possibility.
5. Every contributing factor specified in the TradingView wiki regarding this issue has been addressed. Except the use of the exponential moving average which is essential to my strategy.
6. I’ve run a 10 minute chart live for a week and compared it to the same chart periodically reloaded. The two charts were highly correlated with no instances of completely opposite real-time signals
This script does indeed bring up the TradingView warning dialog. The only reason for this is due to “peculiarities of the algorithm” regarding the EMA as stated in the wiki article.
The Bottom Line. Does this script repaint. Yes, it will repaint about as much as every other trading platform which combines backtest data with real time prices in a live trading scenario.
Please be aware that the purpose of the study script is to perform forward testing of the configuration established in the backtest process. Therefore, the usage here in the study begins with the backtest configuration parameters. The following steps provide instructions to get this study script connected to the TradingView alert notification system. For a detailed description of how to create a range trading system using this script please see the strategy version.
Step 1. Create a chart with the trading instrument and interval used in the backtest.
Step 2. Find this script in the “Invite Only” section of the Indicators Dialog and apply it to the current chart.
Step 3. Copy the values from the backtest input dialog to the study.
Step 4. Open the TradingView Alert window.
Step 5. In the “Condition” drop down field find and select the name of the script.
Step 6. A new drop down field will appear with the alerts available in the script. This script exposes the following six signals:
Long Entry Signal
Long Profit Signal
Long Stop-loss Signal
Short Entry Signal
Short Profit Signal
Short Stop-loss Signal
Select the signal for which you want notification.
Step 7. In the “Options” field select the frequency of the alert. Typically, "Once Per Bar" or "Once Per Bar Close" will be sufficient.
Step 8. Set the expiration date and time.
Step 9. Select the action of the alert. Currently TradingView offers six different actions:
Notify on App
Show Popup
Send Email
Webhook URL
Play Sound
Send Email to SMS
Step 10. Create a message to to transmitted with the alert. The script provides a default message which can be overridden with any custom description. The price, time and other reserved chart elements can be included in the message
Step 11. Click the “Create” button to generate this single alert.
Step 12. Repeat steps 1 through 11 for every signal you wish to receive.
This script is open for beta testing. After successful beta test it will become a commercial application available by subscription only. I’ve invested quite a lot of time and effort into making this the best possible signal generator for all of the instruments I intend to trade. I certainly welcome any suggestions for improvements. Thank you all in advance.
Full Range Trading Strategy with DCA - Crypto, Forex, Stocks
This is a Pine 4 range trading strategy. It has a twin study with several alerts. The design intent is to produce a commercial grade signal generator that can be adapted to any symbol and interval. Ideally, the script is reliable enough to be the basis of an automated trading system web-hooked to a server with API access to crypto, forex and stock brokerages. The strategy can be run in three different modes: long, short and bidirectional.
As a range trading strategy, the behavior of the script is to buy on weakness and sell on strength. As such trade orders are placed in a counter direction to price pressure. What you will see on the chart is a short position on peaks and a long position on valleys. Just to be clear, the range as well as trends are merely illusions as the chart only receives prices. However, this script attempts to calculate pivot points from the price stream. Rising pivots are shorts and falling pivots are longs. I refer to pivots as a vertex in this script which adds structural components to the chart formation. When trading in “Ping Pong” mode long and short positions are intermingled continuously as long as there exists a detectable vertex. Unfortunately, this can work against your backtest profitability on long duration trends where prices continue in a single direction without pullback. I have designed various features in the script to compensate for this event. A well configured script should perform in a range bound market and minimize losses in a trend. I also have a trend following version of this script for those not interested in trading the range. Please be aware these are two types of traders. You should know who you are.
This script employs a DCA feature which enables users to experiment with loss recovery techniques. This is an advanced feature which can increase the order size on new trades in response to stopped out or winning streak trades. The script keeps track of debt incurred from losing trades. When the debt is recovered the order size returns to the base amount specified in the TV properties tab. The inputs for this feature include a limiter to prevent your account from depleting capital during runaway markets. This implementation of DCA does not use pyramid levels. Only the order size on subsequent new trades are affected. Pyramids on the other hand increase the size of open positions. If you are interested in seeing pyramids in action please see the trend version of this script which features both DCA and pyramids. While DCA is a popular feature in crypto trading, it can make you a “bag” holder if your not careful. In other markets, especially margin trading, you’ll need a well funded account and much trading experience to manage this feature safely.
Consecutive loss limit can be set to report a breach of the threshold value. Every stop hit beyond this limit will be reported on a version 4 label above the bar where the stop is hit. Use the location of the labels along with the summary report tally to improve the adaptability of system. Don’t simply fit the chart. A good trading system should adapt to ever changing market conditions. On the study version the consecutive loss limit can be used to halt live trading on the broker side (managed manually).
This script uses twelve indicators on a single time frame. The original trading algorithms are a port from a much larger program on another trading platform. I’ve converted some of the statistical functions to use standard indicators available on TradingView. The setups make heavy use of the Hull Moving Average in conjunction with EMAs that form the Bill Williams Alligator as described in his book “New Trading Dimensions” Chapter 3. Lag between the Hull and the EMAs form the basis of the entry and exit points. The vertices are calculated using one of five featured indicators. Each indicator is actually a composite of calculations which produce a distinct mean. This mathematical distinction enables the script to be useful on various instruments which belong to entirely different markets. In other words, at least one of these indicators should be able generate pivots on an arbitrarily selected instrument. Try each one to find the best fit.
The entire script is around 1800 lines of Pine code which is the maximum incidental size given the TradingView limits: local scopes, run-time duration and compile time. I’ve been working on this script for nearly two years and have tested it on various instruments stocks, forex and crypto. It performs well on higher liquidity markets that have at least a year of historical data. Although the script can be implemented on any interval, it has been optimized for small time frames down to 5 minutes. The 10 minute BTC/USD produces around 500 trades in 2 ½ months. The 1 hour BTC/USD produces around 1300 trades in 1 ½ years. Originally, this script contained both range trading and trend following logic but had to be broken into separate scripts due to the aforementioned limitations.
Inputs to the script use cone centric measurements in effort to avoid exposing adjustments to the various internal indicators. The goal was to keep the inputs relevant to the actual trade entry and exit locations as opposed to a series of MA input values and the like. As a result the strategy exposes over 50 inputs grouped into long or short sections. Inputs are available for the usual minimum profit and stop-loss as well as safeguards, trade frequency, DCA, modes, presets, reports and lots of calibrations. The inputs are numerous, I’m aware. Unfortunately, at this time, TradingView does not offer any other method to get data in the script. The usual initialization files such as cnf, cfg, ini, json and xml files are currently unsupported.
Example configurations for various instruments along with a detailed PDF user manual is available.
Indicator Repainting And Anomalies
Indicator repainting is an industry wide problem which mainly occurs when you mix backtest data with real-time data. It doesn't matter which platform you use some form of this condition will manifest itself on your chart over time. The critical aspect being whether live trades on your broker’s account continue to match your TradingView study.
Tackling this repainting issue has been a major project goal of this script. Based on my experience with Pine, most of the problems stem from TradingView’s implementation of multiple interval access. Whereas most platform provide a separate bar series for each interval requested, the Pine language interleaves higher time frames with the primary chart interval. The problem is exacerbated by allowing a look-ahead parameter to the Security function. The goal of my repaint prevention is simply to ensure that my signal trading bias remains consistent between the strategy, study and broker. That being said this is what I’ve done address this issue in this script:
1. This script uses only 1 time frame. The chart interval.
2. Every entry and exit condition is evaluated on closed bars only.
3. No security functions are called to avoid a look-ahead possibility.
4. Every contributing factor specified in the TradingView wiki regarding this issue has been addressed.
5. I’ve run a 10 minute chart live for a week and compared it to the same chart periodically reloaded. The two charts were highly correlated with no instances of completely opposite real-time signals.
The study does indeed bring up the TV warning dialog. The only reason for this is because the script uses an EMA indicator which according to TradingView is due to “peculiarities of the algorithm”.
One issue that comes up when comparing the strategy with the study is that the strategy trades show on the chart one bar later than the study. This problem is due to the fact that “strategy.entry()” and “strategy_exit()” do not execute on the same bar called. The study, on the other hand, has no such limitation since there are no position routines.
Please be aware that the data source matters. Cryptocurrency has no central tick repository so each exchange supplies TradingView its feed. Even though it is the same symbol the quality of the data and subsequently the bars that are supplied to the chart varies with the exchange. This script will absolutely produce different results on different data feeds of the same symbol. Be sure to backtest this script on the same data you intend to receive alerts for. Any example settings I share with you will always have the exchange name used to generate the test results.
The following steps provide a very brief set of instructions that will get you started but will most certainly not produce the best backtest. A trading system that you are willing to risk your hard earned capital will require a well crafted configuration that involves time, expertise and clearly defined goals. As previously mentioned, I have several example configs that I use for my own trading that I can share with you along with a PDF which describes each input in detail. To get hands on experience in setting up your own symbol from scratch please follow the steps below.
The input dialog box contains over 50 inputs separated into five sections. Each section is identified as such with a makeshift separator input. There are three main areas that must to be configured: long side, short side and settings that apply to both. The rest of the inputs apply to DCA, reporting and calibrations. The following steps address these three main areas only. You will need to get your backtest in the black before moving on to the more advanced features.
Step 1. Setup the Base currency and order size in the properties tab.
Step 2. Select the calculation presets in the Instrument Type field.
Step 3. Select “No Trade” in the Trading Mode field.
Step 4. Select the Histogram indicator from Section 2. You will be experimenting with different ones so it doesn’t matter which one you try first.
Step 5. Turn on Show Markers in Section 2.
Step 6. Go to the chart and checkout where the markers show up. Blue is up and red is down. Long trades show up along the red markers and short trades on the blue.
Step 7. Make adjustments to “Base To Vertex” and “Vertex To Base” net change and roc in Section 3. Use these fields to move the markers to where you want trades to be.
Step 8. Try a different indicator from Section 2 and repeat Step 7 until you find the best match for this instrument on this interval. This step is complete when the Vertex settings and indicator combination produce the most favorable results.
Step 9. Go to Section 3 and enable “Apply Red Base To Base Margin”.
Step 10. Go to Section 4 and enable “Apply Blue Base To Base Margin”.
Step 11. Go to Section 2 and adjust “Minimum Base To Base Blue” and “Minimum Base To Base Red”. Observe the chart and note where the markers move relative to each other. Markers further apart will produce less trades but will reduce cutoffs in “Ping Pong” mode.
Step 12. Return to Section 3 and 4 and turn off “Base To Base Margin” which was enabled in steps 9 and 10.
Step 13. Turn off Show Markers in Section 2.
Step 14. Put in your Minimum Profit and Stop Loss in the first section. This is in pips or currency basis points (chart right side scale). Percentage is not currently supported. This is a fixed value minimum profit and stop loss. Also note that the profit is taken as a conditional exit on a market order not a fixed limit. The actual profit taken will almost always be greater than the amount specified. The stop loss, on the other hand, is indeed a hard number which is executed by the TradingView broker simulator when the threshold is breached. On the study version, the stop is executed at the close of the bar.
Step 15. Return to step 3 and select a Trading Mode (Long, Short, BiDir, Ping Pong). If you are planning to trade bidirectionally its best to configure long first then short. Combine them with “BiDir” or “Ping Pong” after setting up both sides of the trade individually. The difference between “BiDir” and “Ping Pong” is that “Ping Pong” uses position reversal and can cut off opposing trades less than the specified minimum profit. As a result “Ping Pong” mode produces the greatest number of trades.
Step 16. Take a look at the chart. Trades should be showing along the markers plotted earlier.
Step 17. Make adjustments to the Vertex fields in Section 2 until the TradingView performance report is showing a profit. This includes the “Minimum Base To Base” fields. If a profit cannot be achieved move on to Step 18.
Step 18. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Long Entry Net Change” and “Long Entry ROC” in Section 3.
Step 19. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Short Entry Net Change” and “Short Entry ROC” in Section 4.
Step 20. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Sparse Long Delta” in Section 3.
Step 21. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Chase Long Delta” in Section 3.
Step 22. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Long Adherence Delta” in Section 3. This field requires the “Adhere to Rising Trend” checkbox to be enabled.
Step 23. Try each checkbox in Section 3 and see if it improves the backtest profitability. The “Caution Lackluster Longs” checkbox only works when “Long Caution Mode” is enabled.
Step 24. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Sparse Short Delta” in Section 4.
Step 25. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Chase Short Delta” in Section 4.
Step 26. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Short Adherence Delta” in Section 4. This field requires the “Adhere to Falling Trend” checkbox to be enabled.
Step 27. Try each checkbox in Section 4 and see if it improves the backtest profitability. The “Caution Lackluster Shorts” checkbox only works when “Short Caution Mode” is enabled.
Step 28. Enable the reporting conditions in Section 5. Look for long runs of consecutive losses or high debt sequences. These are indications that your trading system cannot withstand sudden changes in market sentiment.
Step 29. Examine the chart and see that trades are being placed in accordance with your desired trading goals. This is an important step. If your desired model requires multiple trades per day then you should be seeing hundreds of trades on the chart. Alternatively, you may be looking to trade fewer steep peaks and deep valleys in which case you should see trades at major turning points. Don’t simply settle for what the backtest serves you. Work your configuration until the system aligns with your desired model. Try changing indicators and even intervals if you cannot reach your simulation goals. Generally speaking, the histogram and Candle indicators produce the most trades. The Macro indicator captures the tallest peaks and valleys.
Step 30. Apply the backtest settings to the study version and perform forward testing.
This script is open for beta testing. After successful beta test it will become a commercial application available by subscription only. I’ve invested quite a lot of time and effort into making this the best possible signal generator for all of the instruments I intend to trade. I certainly welcome any suggestions for improvements. Thank you all in advance.
Algorithm Builder UNIVERSAL (m30)Hello traders 👋
1. Every 3 weeks trial request access has to be done through my website .
2. My website URL is in this script signature at the very bottom (you'll have to scroll down a bit and going past the long description) and in my profile status available here : Daveatt
3. Many video tutorials explaining clearly how all our indicators work are available on your website > guides section.
4. You may also contact me directly for more information regarding the trading method included in the indicator or how to access it
2.1 Forewords
This indicator/trading framework is available only to our PREMIUM users.
We decided to call it "UNIVERSAL" because the tool gives very decent signals for STOCKS/PENNY STOCKS/FOREX/CRYPTO (USD & BTC pairing)/INDICES/COMMODITIES trading
(the asset classes that I'm not listing are not tested yet; though we should cover a wide range of tradable assets here)
This is a by-product of defining an algorithmic trading method... we were surprised ourselves those past few weeks while trading with it.
The entries displayed are most of the time amazing, and the invalidations allow to reduce the losses considerably (more wins and less losses => delighted trader)
A few examples below showing why it's "universal"
CRYPTO (BTC pairing)
The tool works in m30 timeframe but won't work with any other timeframe . Even if applied on a 30-minutes chart; we included higher timeframe indicators to enter more securely.
It includes :
- our proprietary method with fixed entries
- a hard exit system (built-in stop-loss)
- 🔔 Compatible with dynamic alerts 🔔
Dynamic alerts are bringing automated trading to a whole new level. The third-party solutions capturing TradingView alerts are able to use them.
- (optional) we let the users decide to use or not our built-in Trade Manager.
Regardless of the Trade Manager is used or not, one must mandatory exit, once a vertical hard exit bar appears.
- the Algorithmic Supports and Resistances used as safeguards and take profit zones.
Final words
We made it as simple as we could (to be honest it's a very simple system for the end-user) - even with several hundreds of calculations in the indicator.
Please hit me up for any question/feedback/comment
Become the BEST trader that you can be
[HTM] Hiubris Trend MeterHOW IT WORKS
This indicator consists of 4 Different Trend Indicators: Gann HILO Activator , Trend Wave Oscillator and 2 Parabolic SAR’s
1. When the majority of the meters turn green, it is a sign the market is heading up.
2. When the majority of the meters turn red, it is a sign the market is going down.
- The user has the option to select how many meters must allign for a signal to show
- The indicator also has the ability to setup Alerts when the selected number of meters turn green or red. This feature is also signaled by the red or green vertical lines.
This is script is meant to be used as an auxiliary Indicator to confirm your entries, but it is as good on it's own, as you can see in the Backtesting Results
We used the best combination of indicators so you can be sure that, no matter what ticker you're trading (Forex, Stocks or Crypto) - when you get a full green, or full red meter, the price is 100% trending in that direction!
* This indicator does NOT Repaint! None of our published indicators repaint!
Total Trend Follow Strategy with Pyramid and DCA
This is a Pine 4 trend following strategy. It has a twin study with several alerts. The design intent is to produce a commercial grade signal generator that can be adapted to any symbol and interval. Ideally, the script is reliable enough to be the basis of an automated trading system web-hooked to a server with API access to crypto, forex and stock brokerages. The strategy can be run in three different modes: long, short and bidirectional.
As a trend following strategy, the behavior of the script is to buy on strength and sell on weakness. As such the trade orders maintain its directional bias according to price pressure. What you will see on the chart is long positions on the left side of the mountain and short on the right. Long and short positions are not intermingled as long as there exists a detectable trend. This is extremely beneficial feature in long running bull or bear markets. The script uses multiple setups to avoid the situation where you got in on the trend, took a small profit but couldn’t get back in because the logic is waiting for a pullback or some other intricate condition.
Deep draw-downs are a characteristic of trend following systems and this system is no different. However, this script makes use of the TradingView pyramid feature accessible from the properties tab. Additional trades can be placed in the draw-down space increasing the position size and thereby increasing the profit or loss when the position finally closes. Each individual add on trade increases its order size as a multiple of its pyramid level. This makes it easy to comply with NFA FIFO Rule 2-43(b) if the trades are executed here in America. The inputs dialog box contains various settings to adjust where the add on trades show up, under what circumstances and how frequent if at all. Please be advised that pyramiding is an advanced feature and can wipe out your account capital if your not careful. During the backtest use modest setting with realistic capital until you discover what you think you can handle.
In addition to pyramiding this script employs DCA which enables users to experiment with loss recovery techniques. This is another advanced feature which can increase the order size on new trades in response to stopped out or winning streak trades. The script keeps track of debt incurred from losing trades. When the debt is recovered the order size returns to the base amount specified in the TV properties tab. The inputs for this feature include a limiter to prevent your account from depleting capital during runaway markets. The main difference between DCA and pyramids is that this implementation of DCA applies to new trades while pyramids affect open positions. DCA is a popular feature in crypto trading but can leave you with large “bags” if your not careful. In other markets, especially margin trading, you’ll need a well funded account and much experience.
Consecutive loss limit can be set to report a breach of the threshold value. Every stop hit beyond this limit will be reported on a version 4 label above the bar where the stop is hit. Use the location of the labels along with the summary report tally to improve the adaptability of system. Don’t simply fit the chart. A good trading system should adapt to ever changing market conditions. On the study version the consecutive loss limit can be used to halt live trading on the broker side (Managed manually).
This script uses nine indicators on two time frames. The chart (primary) interval and one higher time frame which is based on the primary. The higher time frame identifies the trend for which the primary will trade. I’ve tried to keep the higher time frame around five times greater than the primary. The original trading algorithms are a port from a much larger program on another trading platform. I’ve converted some of the statistical functions to use standard indicators available on TradingView. The setups make heavy use of the Hull Moving Average in conjunction with EMAs that form the Bill Williams Alligator as described in his book “New Trading Dimensions” Chapter 3. Lag between the Hull and the EMAs form the basis of the entry and exit points. The alligator itself is used to identify the trend main body.
The entire script is around 1700 lines of Pine code which is the maximum incidental size given the TradingView limits: local scopes, run-time duration and compile time. I’ve been working on this script for over a year and have tested it on various instruments stocks, forex and crypto. It performs well on higher liquidity markets that have at least a year of historical data. Though it can be configured to work on any interval between 5 minutes and 1 day, trend trading is generally a longer term paradigm. For day trading the 10 to 15 minute interval will allow you to catch momentum breakouts. For intraweek trades 30 minutes to 1 hour should give you a trade every other a day. Four hours and above are for seasoned deep pocket traders. Originally, this script contained both range trading and trend following logic but had to be broken into separate scripts due to the aforementioned limitations.
Inputs to the script use cone centric measurements in effort to avoid exposing adjustments to the various internal indicators. The goal was to keep the inputs relevant to the actual trade entry and exit locations as opposed to a series of MA input values and the like. As a result the strategy exposes over 50 inputs grouped into long or short sections. Inputs are available for the usual minimum profit and stop-loss as well as safeguards, trade frequency, DCA, modes, presets, reports and lots of calibrations. The inputs are numerous, I’m aware. Unfortunately, at this time, TradingView does not offer any other method to get data in the script. The usual initialization files such as cnf, cfg, ini, json and xml files are currently unsupported.
Example configurations for various instruments along with a detailed PDF user manual is available.
Indicator Repainting And Anomalies
Indicator repainting is an industry wide problem which mainly occurs when you mix backtest data with real-time data. It doesn't matter which platform you use some form of this condition will manifest itself on your chart over time. The critical aspect being whether live trades on your broker’s account continue to match your TradingView study. Since this trading system is featured as two separate scripts, indicator repainting is addressed in the study version. The strategy (this script) is intended to be used on historical data to determine the appropriate trading inputs to apply in the study. As such, the higher time frame of this strategy will indeed repaint. Please do not attempt to trade from the strategy. Please see the study version for more information.
One issue that comes up when comparing the strategy with the study is that the strategy trades show on the chart one bar later than the study. This problem is due to the fact that “strategy.entry()” and “strategy_exit()” do not execute on the same bar called. The study, on the other hand, has no such limitation since there are no position routines. However, alerts that are subsequently fired off when triggered in the study are dispatched from the TradingView servers one bar later from the study plot. Therefore the alert you actually receive on your cell phone matches the strategy plot but is one bar later than the study plot. A lot can happen in four hours if you are trading off a 240 bar.
Please be aware that the data source matters. Cryptocurrency has no central tick repository so each exchange supplies TradingView its feed. Even though it is the same symbol the quality of the data and subsequently the bars that are supplied to the chart varies with the exchange. This script will absolutely produce different results on different data feeds of the same symbol. Be sure to backtest this script on the same data you intend to receive alerts for. Any example settings I share with you will always have the exchange name used to generate the test results.
The following steps provide a very brief set of instructions that will get you started but will most certainly not produce the best backtest. A trading system that you are willing to risk your hard earned capital will require a well crafted configuration that involves time, expertise and clearly defined goals. As previously mentioned, I have several example configs that I use for my own trading that I can share with you along with a PDF which describes each input in detail. To get hands on experience in setting up your own symbol from scratch please follow the steps below.
The input dialog box contains over 50 inputs separated into seven sections. Each section is identified as such with a makeshift separator input. There are three main areas that must to be configured: long side, short side and settings that apply to both. The rest of the inputs apply to pyramids, DCA, reporting and calibrations. The following steps address these three main areas only. You will need to get your backtest in the black before moving on to the more advanced features
Step 1. Setup the Base currency and order size in the properties tab.
Step 2. Select the calculation presets in the Instrument Type field.
Step 3. Select “No Trade” in the Trading Mode field.
Step 4. Select the Histogram indicator from section 3. You will be experimenting with different ones so it doesn’t matter which one you try first.
Step 5. Turn on Show Markers in Section 3.
Step 6. Go to the chart and checkout where the markers show up. Blue is up and red is down. Long trades show up along the blue markers and short trades on the red.
Step 7. Make adjustments to Base To Vertex and Vertex To Base net change and roc in section 3. Use these fields to move the markers to where you want trades to be. Blue is long and red is short.
Step 8. Try a different indicator from section 3 and repeat Step 7 until you find the best match for this instrument on this interval. This step is complete when the Vertex settings and indicator combination produce the most favorable results.
Step 9. Turn off Show Markers in Section 3.
Step 10. Enable the Symmetrical and Deviation calculation models at the top of section 5 and 6 (Symmetrical, Deviation).
Step 11. Put in your Minimum Profit and Stop Loss in the first section. This is in pips or currency basis points (chart right side scale)
Step 12. Return to step 3 and select a Trading Mode (Long, Short, BiDir, Flip Flop). If you are planning to trade bidirectionally its best to configure long first then short. Combine them with BiDir or Flip Flop after setting up both sides of the trade individually.
Step 13. Trades should be showing on the chart.
Step 14. Make adjustments to the Vertex fields in section 3 until the TradingView performance report is showing a profit.
Step 15. Change indicators and repeat step 14. Pick the best indicator.
Step 16. Use the check boxes in sections 5 and 6 to improve the performance of each side.
Step 17. Try adding the Correlation calculation model to either side. This model can sometimes produce a negative result but can be improved by enabling “Adhere To Markers” or “Narrow Correlation Scope” in the sections 5 and 6.
Step 18. Enable the reporting conditions in section 7. Look for long runs of consecutive losses or high debt sequences. These are indications that your trading system cannot withstand sudden changes in market sentiment.
Step 19. Examine the chart and see that trades are being placed in accordance with your desired trading model.
Step 20. Apply the backtest settings to the study version and perform forward testing.
This script is open for beta testing. After successful beta test it will become a commercial application available by subscription only. I’ve invested quite a lot of time and effort into making this the best possible signal generator for all of the instruments I intend to trade. I certainly welcome any suggestions for improvements. Thank you all in advance.
Rolling Moving Average, SMA/EMA, for IPO stocksThe script replicates the standard EMA/SMA used by tradingview, but also adds an estimate for the first X periods, where X is the length of the moving average. This allows for an estimate of support resistance in IPO stocks, when fewer date is available
Multi-EMA | 5 EMAs in 1 ScriptAdd up to 5 EMAs to your charts with this script.
Fully Customizable.
Wanna try my other scripts?
Histogram with Divergence Finder:
Willams %R with 13 EMA and Divergence Finder:
More scripts here:
Dynamic Weekly Price Envelope
This is a indicator that I have been developing and personally using for over a year. The basic concept is a dynamic range that is derived from the previous weeks range. The main philosophy followed when designing this indicator was that it should be applicable to all asset classes, and it should provide objective price levels of support and resistance that do not change when price approaches them. This indicator is most useful in range bound price action, but gives a lot of useful information on any market condition at a glance. The indicator also generates a custom vwap that reflects the volume weighted price since the price broke significant levels.
Indicator Description
The indicators most important price levels are the top 3 lines and the bottom 3 lines. These lines are distinguished by their wider line thickness with default settings. These levels act as support and resistance, and the price entering these regions indicates that the asset is overbought or oversold. A setting is available to highlight in red or green when price is overbought or oversold. Here is an example:
This example also demonstrates one of my personal favorite signals, which is when the price reenters the central channel, then retests the overbought/oversold region, as it does in the example, shown by the second set of red arrows.
This indicator reacts dynamically, so the levels will look different on different timeframes. The hourly chart works best from my experience in forex and crypto with default settings, but in general lower timeframes will give a more accurate picture during extreme price action. Note: assets that have shorter sessions generally should use a smaller timeframe. I like to use 15min on stocks, this is similar to the hour chart in crypto or forex. Take this GBPUSD chart for example:
As you can see the price has a very extreme impulse, and all resistances are passed. You can see that the lines still act as support when price falls back into the range, but the indicator is not very useful when price exits the range. The solution for this is to drop down to a lower timeframe that will adjust faster to the extreme price movement.
Here you can see that the range shifts with the price movement, indicating support levels throughout the entire price impulse.
I will also drop down to lower timeframes if I want to utilize the price levels within the channel as support and resistance levels for intraday trading. Here is an example with price level interactions indicated by red and green arrows.
THe most significant levels are still the centerline and the top and bottom three levels, but the inner lines also are nice for intraday support and resistance.
Larger time frames like the daily chart also are useful. Let's take the daily Bitcoin chart as an example:
On larger timeframes,
If price is below the central red line price is trending down, and if price is above central red line, the trend is up
The asset trading outside of the entire range indicates that the trend is very strong, reentry into the channel indicates that price is likely to consolidate.
The outer lines still serve as significant support and resistance.
I have configured the default settings to perform well for most assets, but I allow the user to change settings as they desire.
Line Color - this setting changes the color of the lines.
Fill Color - this setting changes the fill color used for the indicator
Line Transparency - The transparency of the lines, set to 100 to completely hide all lines
Base Fill Transparency - This setting changes the base transparency for the channel, this transparency will be used for the outermost bands
Transparency Gradient Step - each band will become this amount more transparent as they come closer to the centerline
Adjustment Lag - this adjusts how quickly the channel adjusts when the top and bottom levels are breached. I have always used 100, but using much higher or lower values gives interesting results.
Show Signals - This enables basic swing signals to be shown by red and green triangles. Note that this is only one signal, and the system actually has many signals outside of these triangles. They only indicate optimal entries for a swing trading technique based on the indicator.
Show Oversold/Overbought Price - ticking this box results in the fill color changing to green when price is oversold, and red when the price is overbought.
That about covers all the basics for using this indicator, please reach out with comments or messages if you would like to know anything more. Thanks for reading, and I hope you can use this tool to help your analysis. A monthly version and a refined strategy are in the works and will be published soon.
InfoPanel - SeasonalityThis panel will show which is the best month to buy a stock, index or ETF or even a cryptocurrency in the past 5 years.
Script to use only with MONTHLY timeframe.
Thanks to: RicardoSantos for his hard work.
Please use comment section for any feedback.
PpSignal WILD MA V1.19Wilder's Moving Average. Also called Wilder's Smoothed Moving Average, this indicator is similar to the Exponential Moving Average. Compared to other moving averages, Wilders MA responds more slowly to price changes, where an n-period Wilder MA gives similar values to a 2n- period EMA.
We added a standard deviation average.
buy when wilder is in blue color and standard average in aqua color.
Se ll when all is red
Beta Adjusted Volatility BandsBeat Adjusted Volatility Bands
Input Vix and Beat of the asset Sector.
Looking to sell options, Sell options beyond the bands.
Bullish Uptrend
To determine bullish uptrend there must beat least 2 green squares on all three trend meters. This is a great predictor that a uptrend is imminent. You can set alerts for top two meters being green as well as all 3 meters being green
Bearish Downtrend
To determine bearish downtrend there must beat least 2 red squares on all three trend meters. This is a great predictor that a downtrend is imminent. You can set alerts for top two meters being red as well as all 3 meters being red.
Purchase Here:
CS Buy/Sell Strategy (read the description)Get Buy/Sell signals and check their profitability in the Strategy Tester.
This script has been tested for the crypto space (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) but works for other assets, as well.
I recommend to apply strategy tests on different time-frames (usually daily and 4hr work best) and go with the most profitable ones.
In the settings you have the ability to test the strategy using from - to dates to narrow down best profitable trade periods.
In order to add this strategy to your chart, click on "Add to favorite scripts" and in then, in your chart, go to Indicator and add it from your favorites.
If you have questions, please send me a message.
There is also a Long/Short focused script available with the ability to set alerts (requires an invite). If you want to add it. Just send me a message to get an invite:
Life In Stocks20 moving average with buy and sell signal, Bullish engulfing, bersish engulfing and you will get the SR in all interval of time.
CoinStudio Signals Full (read the description)CoinStudio Signals Full displays long and short, as well as reasonable targets and allows to set custom alerts based on them.
Possible targets are flagged as "C" for the most previously occurred signal. These targets indicate chances to sell before an expected reversal.
If the signals switch from let's say Short to Long and there are no targets between them, it either means the signal failed or the target is falling together with a new signal.
CoinstudioSignals work for any asset (crypto, stocks, gold , silver , etc.) and work for every time-frame.
However, daily and 4hr usually give the best results.
To add this script, please send me a message and ask for an invite!
Gap Up Stats - Gap Strategie für Aktien! Was passiert eigentlich nach einem X% Gap? Diese Frage lässt sich nun einfach beantworten! Ändere die % und die Anzahl der Jahre, welche Du testen möchtest mit nur einem Klick. Die unterschiedlichen Werte zeigen Dir dann direkt, ob sich Deine Handelsthese mit den Statistiken der Aktie deckt.
In diesem Fall sehen wir, dass die Aktie über das letzte Jahr in allen Fällen unter dem Eröffnungspreis geschlossen hat. Der durchschnittliche Spike lag bei 16%. Damit ist ein Short die richtige Wahl und die potentiellen Level der Aktie können mit der Statistik vereint werden.
Bei Interesse ist dieses Skript bei uns erhältlich.
Viele Grüße