
Last support range: 0.830-1.528

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(NEARUSDT chart)

(1M charts)
The key is whether the price can be maintained by rising above 1.99.

(1W chart)
The key is whether it can receive support and rise in the 0.830-1.528 range.

(1D chart)
Since the volume profile section is formed around 1.4124, the key is whether it can rise beyond this point.

If the price cannot be maintained by rising above 1.031, there is a high possibility of a new low, so caution is required.

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** All explanations are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** Trading volume is displayed as a candle body based on 10EMA.
How to display (in order from darkest to darkest)
More than 3 times the trading volume of 10EMA > 2.5 times > 2.0 times > 1.25 times > Trading volume below 10EMA

** Even if you know other people’s know-how, it takes a considerable amount of time to make it your own.

** This chart was created using my know-how.


[Example of exchange chart setup]


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