S&P 500 Daily Chart Analysis For Week of November 11, 2022

Technical Analysis and Outlook
Chart Analysis For the Week of November 4) has been completed, along with two additional rebound stages Mean Res 3900 and Mean Res 3965. Currently, designated upside targets are Outer Index Rally 4060 and 4140, respectively. The downside selected target to Mean Sup 3915 is very high, with the possibility of extension to Mean Sup 3745 and beyond - in the foreseeable future.
Correction: The first sentence should read:
Outer Index Rally 3975's upside target (As shown on Chart Analysis For the Week of November 4) has been completed, along with two additional rebound stages, Mean Res 3900 and Mean Res 3955.
Beyond Technical AnalysiseconomyIndicesinflationhedgeinvestingpriceanalysisS&P 500 (SPX500)StockstradingTrend Analysiswallstreet

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