Aligned Moving Average Index

Moving averages are considered as aligned when either all faster moving averages are placed above their next slower moving averages or all faster moving averages are placed below their next slower moving averages. In this script, we are considering moving averages of 5, 10, 20, 30, 50, 100 and 200. User can select different moving average types from input : sma, ema, hma, rma, vwma, wma.

Moving average is considered as positively aligned when close > ma5 > ma10 > ma20 > ma30 > ma50 > ma100 > ma200
Moving average is considered as negatively aligned when close < ma5 < ma10 < ma20 < ma30 < ma50 < ma100 < ma200

Whenever there is positively aligned moving average, alignment value is considered as +1 and whenever there is negatively aligned moving average, alignment value is considered as -1. Aligned moving average index is sum of n periods of alignment value.

We can optionally apply another moving average on this index to see the overall direction.

הערות שחרור
Added option include partial alignment.
Exponential Moving Average (EMA)Hull Moving Average (HMA)Simple Moving Average (SMA)

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