Weighted Close [CC]The weighted close isn't an option for an input yet on TV so here is my contribution. It gives more weight to the close prices and I have included a signal line to look for buy and sell signals. Buy when the indicator goes over its signal line and sell when it falls below it.
This was a special request so let me know what other scripts you would like to see me publish or if you want something custom done!
Elder's Impulse System with weekly EMA Filter - ValenteThis indicator was based on the Elders Impulse System by astraloverflow.
The only difference is that I included the weekly EMA26 as a filter and you can plot it on the graph if you want (unchecking the Weekly EMA26 won't turn the filter off, will only stop plotting it).
The indicator works this way:
When the MACD Histogram is growing UP, the EMA13 is pointing UP AND the Weekly EMA26 is pointing UP, the bar is Green
When the opposite is true, the bar is Red.
When any condition from both green and red is not true, the bar is blue.
In my opinion, this particular indicator works better on the D1 time frame. I recommended using the original one, by astraloverflow for other time frames.
I hope it is useful!
Ehlers Fisher Transform Indicator [CC]The Fisher Transform Indicator was created by John Ehlers and the beauty of this indicator is that it provides sharp and clear turning points that are also very early. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red.
This was a special request so let me know if you would like me to publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
Ehlers Market State Indicator [CC]The Market State Indicator was created by John Ehlers (Stocks & Commodities V. 38:06 (8–15)) and this is technically part of three indicators in one so I'm splitting each one to a separate script. This particular indicator was designed for the market state which acts as a trend direction and tells you whether the trend is strong in either direction. Keep in mind that when the indicator rapidly switches then the market is choppy and when it is a steady line then it is a very strong trend. Essentially buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red.
Let me know if you would like me to publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
End Point Moving Average [CC]The End Point Moving Average was created by Patrick E. Lafferty (Stocks & Commodities V13 (413-417)) and it is essentially a variation of the weighted moving average but the weight system is different. Feel free to change the offset and length amounts to adjust to your needs but I'm using the default amounts in my script. This hugs the price very closely and I think you will enjoy this script as much as I had making it. As always buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red!
Let me know if you would like me to publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
Jsa Moving Average [CC]The Jsa Moving Average was created by George R. Arrington, Ph .D. (Stocks & Commodities V. 11:10 (427-431)) and it is an extremely simple formula but has very many great uses. For one thing it acts as support and resistance levels and it also acts like a trailing stop. It gives a wide enough berth during extended up or down trends to let you ride the wave up or down and when it gets close to the price it means that it is a choppy market. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like to see me publish other indicators or if you want something custom done!
Note: I'm republishing this because the original script couldn't be found in searches so this will fix that.
Rex Oscillator [CC]The Rex Oscillator measures market behavior based on the relationship of the close to the open, high and low values of the same bar. A big difference between the high and close on a bar indicates weakness, and wide disparity between the low and close indicates strength. The difference between open and close also indicates market performance. Buy when the indicator is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like me to publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
cATRpillerThis indicator is used to identify range breakouts using an ATR multiplier. My first script, Im sure there are indies out there like this, but this my favorite way to identify breakouts and trends.
Trend Trade ( in W, D, H, 15M )Condition:
Uptrend, EMA5 > EMA8 > EMA13
Downtrend, EMA5 < EMA8 < EMA13
EMA# input can be changed by user.
Trading Plan:
1. Long in Uptrend when Price croseover EMA5;
Buy EMA5 + 0.03 (Do not wait for close), initial stop EMA13-0.03
If it is a big Gap up, do not chase. Let it go;
2. Short in Downtrend when Price croseunder EMA5;
Short EMA5 - 0.03 (Do not wait for close), initial stop EMA13+0.03
If it is a big Gap Down, do not chase. Let it go;
3. No target strategy in this study;
Back test Weekly, daily, hourly, 15M chart for ES1!, CL1!, GC1!, SPY, QQQ, TLT, IWM, XLF, XLK, XOP, GS, IBM, APPL, AMD, MMM, WBA
When side way move, Entry could be stopped quickly with small loss;
When entry in trending move, the position could be hold for a good range, and keep adding to winner.
Using this study, Futures and ETFs are better than single stock. Big Gap can break the trend, and trigger big stop loss;
This study is designed to join an existing trend. Try not use this in the time frame below 15 min.
To catch the turning point of a swing, Price action (Demand/Supply Confirmation) and trendlineBreak could be more accurate than EMA/SMA lines.
MATP, Moving Average Trend predictorMATP prepared based on moving average lines to predict Short term, mid term and long term trends. B for Buy and S for Sell character printed to take position based on short term and long term trend lines .
Call: Take Long (B) or Short (S) position when respective Char printed.
Please do tune indicators values from setting based on your script to get accurate call.
Happy Trade
Cubed Weighted Moving AverageThis is another indicator that I have created that is my favorite script yet for a weighted moving average. This indicator is very similiar to a classic weighted moving average but in this version I'm cubing the weights. It hugs the price very closely as you can see and of course buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red.
Let me know if you would like me to publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
Ehlers Correlation Angle IndicatorThe Correlation Angle Indicator was created by John Ehlers (Stocks & Commodities V. 38:06 (8–15)) and this is technically three indicators in one so I'm splitting each one to a separate script. This particular indicator was designed for trend termination and simply buy when it is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like to see me publish other scripts or if you want something custom done!
TrenderTrender is a popular trailing stop indicator on the Bloomberg system and since I didn't have source code to work with, this is a close approximation of that indicator. Let me know if you spot any discrepancies and I will adjust accordingly.
This indicator is a trailing stop system along with a trend confirmation. When the blue line falls below the black line, that is a confirmation of a down trend and when it rises above the black line, it is a confirmation of an up trend. When the trender line is above the price, then that means the stock is in a general down trend and vice versa. I have color coded the trender line to show you when to buy or sell that stock to keep it easy.
This was a special request so let me know if you want to see more scripts from me or if you want something custom!
Mass Thrust OscillatorThis is a custom indicator that turns my Mass Thrust Indicator into an oscillator which is loosely based on Tushar S. Chande's Market Thrust Oscillator (Stocks & Commodities V. 10:8 (347-350))
Let me know if you would like a custom script or if you want to see me publish any other indicators!
Mass Thrust IndicatorThis is a custom indicator of mine that I based loosely on Tushar S. Chande's Market Thrust Indicator (Stocks & Commodities V. 10:8 (347-350)). Buy the stock if the indicator is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like to see more scripts or if you have custom requests!
Vortex MTFUnderstanding Vortex Indicator (VI)
The vortex indicator was first developed by Etienne Botes and Douglas Siepman who introduced the concept in the January 2010 edition of “Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities.” The vortex indicator is based on two trendlines: VI+ and VI-.
What is the Vortex Indicator (VI)?
A vortex indicator (VI) is an indicator composed of two lines - an uptrend line (VI+) and a downtrend line (VI-). These lines are typically colored green and red respectively. A vortex indicator is used to spot trend reversals and confirm current trends.
Vortex Indicator Calculations
The calculation for the indicator is divided into four parts.
1. True range (TR) is the greatest of:
Current high minus current low
Current high minus previous close
Current low minus previous close
2. Uptrend and downtrend movement:
VM+ = Absolute value of current high minus prior low
VM- = Absolute value of current low minus prior high
3. Parameter length (n)
Decide on a parameter length (between 14 and 30 days is common)
Sum the last n period’s true range, VM+ and VM-:
Sum of the last n periods’ true range = SUM TRn
Sum of the last n periods’ VM+ = SUM VMn+
Sum of the last n periods’ VM- = SUM VMn−
4. Create the trendlines VI+ and VI-
Repeating this process daily forms the VI+ and VI- trendlines.
The traditional application of using VI- and VI+ crossovers can result in a number of false trade signals when price action is choppy. Increase the number of periods used in the indicator to reduce this, for example, using 25 periods instead of 14.
What is MTF?
Multiple Time Frame Analysis is the technique of analyzing several time frames of the same asset before entering a trade. This type of analysis is best done using a top-down approach, i.e. starting at a higher time frame and working your way down, via several lower time frames, until the execution time frame is reached where a trade could be entered. Traders who use this technique usually look at 3 or 4 different time frames to identify the general trend and find the best entries. They minimize their risk and improve the odds of success simply by taking the bigger picture into account. It can easily be combined with any trading strategy.
Time frames are usually several times apart. For example a day trader who trades hourly charts, could analyse the weekly (high time frame), the daily (7 times smaller), the 4 hour (6 times smaller) and finally the hourly time frame (execution time frame, 4 times smaller). TradingView has a chart layout feature with multiple charts per layout, so you can analyse an asset on multiple time frames under one tab in your browser.
With MTF, you can see the Vortex indicator values for a specific time period without changing the graph time period.
Guppy Count Back LineThe Guppy Count Back Line was created by Daryl Guppy and is essentially a trailing stop indicator. I have color coded the indicator to tell you if you should go long or short.
This was a special request so let me know if you would like me to write more scripts for other indicators!
Trend Analysis IndicatorThe Trend Analysis Indicator was created by Adam White (Stocks & Commodities V. 10:8 (358-360)) and this is not to be confused with the Trend Analysis Index which was also created by Adam White. The stock is trending when it is above the signal and loses steam when it falls below the signal. Generally you should buy when it is above it's signal and sell when it goes below the signal.
Let me know if you would like me to write more scripts!
unRekt - KISS AddieKISS Addie is the ADX and DI+- indicator and is part of the 'keeping it simple' series. ADX is your Average Directional Index and DI is you Directional Movement Indicator.
ADX - Will show the strength of the trend regardless of direction.
00 - 10 : No trend
10 - 20 : Transitioning trend
20 - 40 : Trending
40 - 99 : Exhausted (Can also be considered a stronger trend the higher it goes, but look to exit position once it begins to downward slope and pay attention to DI spread)
DI - Will show the direction of movement. This indicator includes two views of the DI. the DI+ and DI- crossover and a histogram of the spread between the two.
Bullish : Green crosses over red.
Bearish : Red crosses over green.
Midpoint OscillatorThe Midpoint Oscillator was created by Tushar Chande Ph.D. (Stocks & Commodities V. 9:11 (431-434)) and it does a great job of tracking extreme changes in the price. Buy when the line is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if you would like me to write more scripts!
Trend Direction Force IndexThis is my own version of the famous Trend Direction Force Index and I modified the original to make my version react quickly to any trend. I have color coded the indicator to make it extremely easy to read so if it is green then buy and red then sell.
This was a custom request so if you would like more then just send me a message!
Double Smoothed MomentaDouble Smoothed Momenta was created by William Blau (Stocks & Commodities V. 9:5 (202-205)). His original indicator didn't use a signal period so I added one to notify you when to buy or sell. Buy when the indicator goes over the signal line and sell when it is falls below the signal line.
Let me know what other indicators you would like me to write scripts for!
NSDT Horizontal MA LinesDisplays up to 5 moving averages as horizontal lines based on the most recent candle. It is important to remember that the line is drawn from right to left.
This gives the chart a nice clean look.
Moving average lengths can be adjusted. Line lengths can be adjusted.